Uncle Bob Ch. 08

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Making it All Alright


Note to readers: OK, guys, I’ve been away a long time. Loads of you wrote comments to say that you wished I would finish the story, so here – at last – is the next installment. And if anyone is interested in editing further Uncle Bob chapters or any of the other work, please let me know.


I staggered down to the kitchen around eight. I’d had perhaps four hours’ sleep all night. I’d fucked Dolores twice more. The last time I just couldn’t cum, despite her managing it again, so we moved to a noisy bout of sixty-nine (she came again) before she finally succeeded in sucking my brains out through my cock, in the form of a few last dribbles of milky fluid. It total, I came four times, and she’d had at least six orgasms that I’d counted.

At around seven thirty, I got up, leaving Dolores asleep, took my clothes from the closet, and headed for the guest room to shower and dress. I don’t know why I felt that it was important to try to maintain the fiction that I’d slept there. Perhaps it was more to help avoid embarrassing Dolores. After I’d dressed, I headed down to breakfast.

Stacey took one look at me and laughed. “Oh, Uncle Bob, you so look totally fucked-out! How many times did you fuck mom last night? I guess it must’ve been at least, like, four, ‘cuz, like, I so heard her come three times before I fell asleep. It was so horny, I had to get all my toys out.” She leaned closer. “Sure missed your dick in my ass!” she said in my ear, with a slightly pained look, before kissing me and smiling. “Did mom get any of that?”

“Stacey, that’s not a topic for breakfast time conversation. Don’t you have school to go to?”

“Sure. But I have about a half hour before I have to leave, and I’m, like, totally excited by the thought of you fucking my mom!”

She poured me a coffee, and I sat at the table, slowly coming back to life. I was still surprised that Stacey seemed so genuinely delighted that Dolores and I had fucked, and wanted all the details. “So did you, like, get her ass? Did she swallow your cum? What positions did you fuck her in?”

I tried to fend off her questions. “Look, Stacey, I don’t think I should be giving you the details of what your mom and I do in bed. Do you think it would have been appropriate to have asked your dad or mom about what they did?”

“Sure, but it’s like, you and me, we have so fucked, and I know what it all feels like, and I just want to know if it’s different with my mom. Is she, like, better than me at some stuff, and can you teach me to do the things she does that are awesome?”

“Stacey, please!” I glanced nervously up, as I heard Dolores coming downstairs. “For fuck’s sake,” I hissed, “change the subject or we’ll both be toast!”

Dolores entered the kitchen, wearing a knee-length silk robe and with her hair still damp from the shower. Without her slinky dress and makeup from last night she looked slightly less horny, slightly more motherly — but still pretty attractive. And her cleavage was also still impressive under the wrap-over robe.

“Morning, sweetie. Morning, Bob. Did you sleep well?”

Stacey burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny, baby?”

“Oh, Mom!” She went across and kissed her mother. “I know you and Uncle Bob so fucked last night. I could totally hear you from my room, and I think it’s so cool! My two favorite people in the whole world are, like, having great sex, and it’s awesome. Leastways, I guess it was great sex. When I heard you yelling out ‘OH YES! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD!’, I sorta guessed it was like you were enjoying it.” She giggled. “And Uncle Bob?” She turned a mischievous smile on me. “Did ya? Did ya fuck Mom hard?”

“Stacey!” Dolores had blushed bright red. For once she seemed completely speechless. I tried not to laugh.

“Hey Mom, it’s way cool! You so need to have great sex. I totally knew that you two would so be hot together. And I, like, heard it all, and it was awesome. Well, like, I heard every time you were, like coming, Mom. And you so look pretty and happy this morning. It’s like Uncle Bob has woken up my real mom, and that grouchy, tired-looking woman who, like, used to hang out here shouting at me has totally gone away.”

I gave up the struggle and laughed loudly. Dolores gave me a strange look — a mixture of annoyance, embarrassment and resignation — and then started laughing too. Stacey joined in, and I eventually got up from the table and went and hugged her. A moment or two later, Dolores joined us.

“Stacey, baby, you are priceless — totally priceless! This is an amazing, surreal conversation, and one that I would never have dreamed of having. I think your mom and me, we’re pretty happy about this new development in our relationship, but you seem to be even more excited than we are. However, just because you know we’re having sex now, that doesn’t mean you can take advantage of it. You shouldn’t tell anyone — most of all not your dad or Chelsea, understand? I think this should remain our secret.”

“Sure Uncle Bob. bursa escort I like secrets.” She winked at me outrageously. Fortunately, Dolores didn’t see it.

“And no more teasing your mom over being vocal when she’s enjoying sex?”

“Oh, but it’s so much fun!” Stacey giggled. “Hey, I gotta go to school now. I’ll get my things from my room, and then Uncle Bob, could you, like, carry my art portfolio out to the car for me? I have all of this stuff to carry, and it’s, like, totally huge.”

So Stacey ran upstairs, and Dolores and I looked at each other and began to laugh again. I went across and kissed her, and she responded, at first affectionately, then more hungrily. I slipped my hand under her robe and began caressing one of her impressive tits.

“Wait until I’ve gone to school, Uncle Bob. Mom doesn’t have to be in the office until noon, so I’m sure she has time to give you a blow job.” We hadn’t heard Stacey come back in. I laughed again, but Dolores blushed once more.

So, as an embarrassed and, for once, silent Dolores prepared herself some breakfast, I carried the large art folder out to Stacey’s car and placed it carefully in the back seat. She dropped her other bags in the trunk, then opened up the portfolio and pulled out two pictures.

“Do you like this one?” she said, showing a rather nice self-portrait of herself in her school outfit. She was a talented painter, and had captured her own likeness very well. “It’s for today’s lesson.”

“Hey, that’s great, Stacey. When you’ve finished with it, can I have that to keep? I’ll get it framed and hang it in my bedroom to remind me of you.”

“Like, I thought you might prefer this one for your bedroom, Uncle Bob.” She slid the second, slightly smaller picture out from behind the first. It was an anatomically accurate watercolor sketch of Stacey’s pussy — I recognized it at once. “I drew it last night, while I was listening to you fucking mom. I sorta fucked myself with a vibrator, which is why it looks so wet, and I, like, added the splashes of cum from memory. I hope you get to remind me of that soon, ‘cuz I got sooo horny. Like, can I come over tonight or tomorrow night, maybe, so we can fuck some more?”

“I’ll see what sort of lies I can make up for your mom. But I warned you, baby, that from now on your mom and me are gonna be fuck-buddies too, and life will get very complicated. Even more complicated than before — if that wasn’t bad enough!”

“That’s cool. I think Josh wants to take me out on Friday, and I guess he’ll want to fuck me again, so if you and mom are fucking at your place, I can get him back here. Then we can compare notes. I can tell you if he’s getting any better, and you can, like, tell me if me or my mom is the most, like, awesome fuck.” She smiled sweetly, like she would have done ten years earlier if she’d been suggesting we compare Barbie doll costumes to decide which was the prettiest.

“Stacey, you’re a fucking nightmare! I’ll see what I can do, but between you and your mom, plus Barbie at the weekend, there’s gonna be nothing left of my poor, overused dick in a couple of weeks.”

“Oh, I’m sure there’s still plenty for all of us. And we all love it.” She kissed me sweetly, and started to get into her car, giving me a dick-hardening flash of long skinny legs and sweet white panties. At least she was wearing some today.

“Oh, and Uncle Bob?” she said, leaning out of the window. “You never answered my question. Did you?”

“Did I what, Stacey?”

“Fuck my mom hard, like she was so begging you? And — and did she give you her ass?” Again, the impish smile.

I leaned in close, glancing around to ensure that we couldn’t be overheard. “Stacey, my love, since you’re apparently not going to stop asking, I have to say that yes, I did fuck her hard, but no, not in her ass. Your mother is a very demanding woman, and she knows what she wants and she doesn’t beg for it — she just insists on it. Just like her daughter, she is an amazing fuck. So you see, my slutty little princess, your poor old Uncle Bob will have had no ass for a few days, so yes, let’s have a plan to meet later in the week so I can ream that tight little butt-hole of yours. And if you must fuck Josh, please keep his dick away from that asshole. It’s my property, understand? I’ve staked my claim there. With the biggest stake I have.”

“Certainly, sir!” she said with a mock salute. “It’s totally yours, but I’ve gotta get it filled this week or I’ll scream.”

She drove off, and I went back inside. Dolores was drinking coffee and nibbling at a croissant.

“That girl is totally amazing,” I said.

“Yes, but rather embarrassing. I don’t know how my relationship with my daughter is ever going to be the same.”

“Look at it like this; if she can talk openly about your relationship with me, then you can ask her about her relationship with boys. I guess you’ll learn a lot more about what she’s up to than you would have done before.”

“I guess so. What’s that you’re holding?”

Shit. I realized bursa otele gelen escort I still had Stacey’s painting of her cum-covered pussy in my hand. Fortunately, I had rolled it up into a tube. “Oh — oh, it’s just a — a handbill for a new pizza place. A kid just came up to the house and handed it to me. I think he would have been hitting on Stacey if I hadn’t been there. Which reminds me. Should I have a word with Josh — as if I was Stacey’s dad? It might make him realize he has to treat her right?” I was impressed with how easily I’d been able to extemporize.

“That might be a good idea. But don’t scare him off.” She gave me a strange look. “What time do you have to be at work today, Robert?”

“Oh, no rush. I’m just working on some new features for a game that some guys have asked me to look at. They believe they can sell a lot more if it has another level. But I can work late tonight. Why, what do you have in mind?”

Dolores sipped her coffee, and then stood up. She cleared the breakfast things off the table, unfastened her robe and let if fall to the floor. Then she sat on the table, arms behind her, legs open, facing me. Her pussy lips were a luscious pink and seemed to be wet, and her tits looked amazing.

“Well, I’d guessed you might enjoy a hot, wet pussy breakfast, then a nice comfortable fuck, and maybe, just maybe, you can cum in my mouth again. Interested?”


On Thursday evening, I took Stacey to a gig. This time we actually went to the venue, a slightly sleazy club downtown, and stayed for most of the first set. At a darkened table at the rear of the hall, Stacey sat with my hand up her skirt while I finger-fucked her and teased her pussy into an orgasm. As she came, she kissed me hard and her screams went into my throat. Then she dragged me out into the parking lot, and insisted I fuck her ass (as usual, lubed and plugged in advance, with malice aforethought as they say).

Like the club, it was dirty and sleazy, up against the wall, between some parked cars. Her skirt was around her waist, my pants were around my ankles and my cock was deep in her sweet little bony ass. I took it slow, teasing her clit as I pulled all the way back, then right out, before burying my dick to the hilt again in long, continuous, merciless strokes. I know she loves the feel of it stretching and pulling at that very sensitive ring, so I took my time. I used the head of my cock to stimulate her to the max, as I slowly slipped it in and tantalizingly pulled it out. I slid my fingers into her beautifully wet cunt to double-penetrate her, then pulled them out and made her wriggle and gasp as my fingers focused on her love button. I had my other hand over her mouth, stifling her squeals and screams as she came three, maybe four times, before I shot my jizz deep into her ass — once again. That has become one of my favorite sensations in the world, and the sheer sleaziness of what we were doing made it even stronger than usual.

On the drive home, she told me about Josh. “We kinda kissed and stuff after school on Monday. Then we drove down to the beach again in his SUV, and made out in the back. He like, licked me and made me come, and then I, like, blew him. It was pretty cool, ‘cuz, like, he has this awesome body. And then, like, he took some pictures of me with his cock down my throat. We looked at them afterwards. They looked real cool!”

I looked at her with alarm. “Josh took pictures of you? Why the fuck did you let him do that?”

“Don’t get mad with me Uncle Bob. It was way cool and sexy. And you and me, we’ve so made loads and loads of porno.”

“Stacey, baby, the difference is that I’m never gonna show anyone else our videos.” Especially if I wanted to avoid the slammer. “Can you guarantee that Josh will be the same?”

“Oh, he’s such a cool guy. I’m sure he’d never do that.”

“Mmmm. I wouldn’t be so sure. Perhaps I need to meet up with him and find out.”


Dolores was waiting for us when we got in. She was standing at the top of the stairs in a short wrap-over dress. She was holding a half-full glass. Some soft jazz was playing in the background.

“Hi Stacey, Hi Bob. Was it a good gig?”

“”Hi mom. It was OK, but way too loud. We didn’t stay right until the end, ‘cuz, like, I have school in the morning and we guessed you so needed to spend some time with Uncle Bob.” Stacey giggled, and we started heading upstairs together.

Dolores gave Stacey a tight little smile. “Thank you Stacey. But I don’t think that what your Uncle Bob and I do should really be any business of yours.”

“Sure, mom, whatever you say.” Stacey kissed her mom and headed towards her bedroom. “G’night Uncle Bob, and thanks for a cool evening. G’night mom, and, like, you have a really pretty pussy, but I think you should save the ‘Basic Instinct’ stuff until you’re in your room with Uncle Bob.” She’d clearly noticed as she was walking upstairs — as had I — that Dolores had dispensed bursa türbanlı escort with panties. “And, like, no screaming tonight, OK? I so have school in the morning! Try to come with Uncle Bob’s cock in your throat.” She giggled again and closed her door behind her.

I laughed, but Dolores looked embarrassed. “That girl’s altogether too relaxed about sex.”

“So you think she should be stressed about sex? Come on, Dolores, the girl’s eighteen. Eighteen year olds usually think about nothing much else, so I think it’s good that she can think that sex is fun and nothing to stress about. And it’s also good that she’s cool about you and me.”

“I guess so. And talking of you and me…” Dolores turned, kissed me and slapped her hand right over the outline of my swelling cock. “Why don’t you follow me into the bedroom so I can find somewhere wet for this?” She licked her lips in a manner that was way beyond suggestive.

“Dolores, baby, please give me a moment. I have to pee.” I wasn’t keen to break the mood, but the thought of Dolores tasting her daughter’s ass on my cock seemed to override any immediate erotic desire. Besides, I really did need to pee, and it’s often hard to come or even keep an erection with a full bladder.

For a moment I saw a look cross Dolores’ face that made me think she was going to suggest some watersports. Now I’ve never been a fan of ‘the yukky stuff’ myself, but there have been times in the past when the thought of peeing all over Dolores’ smug face and into her sarcastic mouth would have given me a hard-on. However, things had changed between Dolores and me, so I brushed aside the thought and headed straight for her bathroom.

Having relieved myself, and more importantly cleaned up my cock and rendered myself hygienic and sweet-smelling, I ventured back out to the bedroom. To my surprise, Dolores was naked and on all fours.

“OK, Robert, pick a hole. Your choice.”

I pulled off my t-shirt and slithered out of my jeans and Jockeys, taking my shoes and socks with them, all in about fifteen seconds. Dolores had never shown a submissive side, and I didn’t want to wait around to see if it would go away.

I went first to the bedside to get some lube. This was going to be interesting.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“You said ‘pick a hole’. I choose your ass,” I said, casually. “You did offer.”

“No, not that one! You have two others to choose from. They’re both hot, wet and craving cock. Stop being an asshole and give a girl what she wants.”

So I knelt down in front of her, grabbed hold of her head and proceeded to fuck her mouth. Like I said, Dolores doesn’t do deep throat, so this was less horny than it would have been with her daughter, but Dolores’ oral technique is still pretty special. I was going to hold back, so I got a chance to hammer her from behind, but she had other ideas. My cock-head was butting into her throat, and she was making all of these gagging noises, and her tongue kept doing these fantastic things, and I kept thinking ‘yeah! Take it, bitch!’ And I just came, and spurted lots and lots of cream.

Dolores coughed and spluttered, but she hung on in there and swallowed my load like a perfect bitch. But when she came up for air, she was in a less submissive mood.

“Robert, get on your back on the bed. Now!”

I was still buzzing from my orgasm, so I collapsed onto the bed, half expecting her to try sucking me back to hardness — which would have been uncomfortable to say the least, as I’d already come twice. Instead, she straddled my face and rode my lips and tongue mercilessly. I sometimes wonder how a girl feels if she’s giving guy head for ages and he won’t come. Well, I had my own taste of that, since Dolores rubbed her pussy on my face for maybe a half hour.

And she did come — at least three times that I counted. I relieved the pressure on my tongue muscles with some (if I say so myself) world-class g-spot action with my fingers. Toward the end, I slid my mouth back while I was finger-fucking her and rimmed her, then managed to finger-fuck her cunt and ass at the same time as I sucked her clit. I knew that I was tempting her wrath by invading that tight sphincter, but I needed to get her used to something small inside her ass if I was eventually going to get her to try something bigger. Also, I love the feel of a tight little asshole contracting as a girl comes — preferably around my cock, but failing that, it’s horny to feel it on my finger.

Like I said, she came at least three times, and finally, after coming while being double-penetrated by my fingers, she slumped forward against the bed-head, gasping for breath.

“Please — please — stop! Can’t — can’t take anymore — for now…”

I extracted my fingers and then helped her down onto the bed, wrapping my arms around her. I watched her magnificent tits rising and falling to the rhythm of her urgent breathing. I bent down and kissed those hard nipples — she squealed — and then nibbled her neck. She turned her head and looked at me. She smiled.

I think I already said that women are at their most beautiful during and immediately after orgasm. Dolores looked lovely. Her face was covered in a sheen of perspiration, with some of her hair stuck to her forehead. Her mouth was slightly open, her eyelids half-closed.

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