spring Break_(0)

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Jason stood back and watched the group of girls enter the hotel bar. Spring break was in full swing and the hotel was filled with young, beautiful, scantily clad females and boisterous, horny young men. At thirty-three Jason remembered clearly the excitement, the complete casting off of inhibition that transpired with spring break.

Though it was a waste of his time and he resented it, Jason Kourkoulis had been dispatched from his home in South Beach to keep an eye on his half sister while she took part in the annual insanity for the first time. The head of Helios Corporation’s Hospitality Division sent to baby sit a spoiled teenager.

His eyes narrowed as his gaze fixed on the dark haired girl laughing as though she didn’t have a care in the world, seated at one of his tables. He watched her and her friends, the four girls she was sharing one of the resort’s beach villas with, from a safe distance, as they checked out the plethora of attractive males. When one of the boys stopped and leaned down to address the girl, Jason moved.

“Miss Kules,” he said approaching the table with a huge smile.

Jason took a great deal of satisfaction from the look on his sister’s face when she saw him moving toward her table. The laughter died and her eyes widened. There was something closely akin to fear in the soft-gray green eyes and Jason knew she’d flee like a frightened nymph if the opportunity presented itself.

He nudged the disappointed young man out of his way and easily took his intended seat in the chair next to hers while he reached for her hands. “Your father asked that I make sure you’re comfortable in your villa,” he said smiling. “Is there anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable?”

The other four girls watched in awe, waiting for Ilianna to introduce them to the bronzed Adonis that had sat down at their table uninvited. They practically leered, taking in everything from the glossy, black curls and dark good looks to his broad shoulders and well muscled body. Jason could smell the pheromones wafting off his half sister’s companions. His cock twitched as he considered the possibilities.

“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Ilianna murmured when she finally found her voice. “There’s no reason to trouble yourself.”

Jason turned a rather unpleasant smile on his sister. “It’s no trouble, Miss Kules. It would be my pleasure to make your stay as pleasant as possible.”

“We’re fine, Jason,” Ilianna snapped. “We don’t need anything.”

“In that case, I’ll just consider myself off duty for the evening,” he said, settling back into his chair.

Ignoring his sister’s pointed gaze he raised his hand and signaled to one of the harried waitresses. The girl left the table she was waiting on without taking all of their drink orders to rush to Jason’s side. Ilianna sighed in exasperation. The way the chauvinistic Kourkoulis men treated women was just one of the reasons she used her mother’s maiden name to escape being associated with her father and half brothers.

“There should be a bottle of the ’76 Henriot chilling behind the bar,” Jason told the girl. “Bring it with six glasses.”

He watched as the waitress hurried away to do his bidding before turning his attention back to the girls seated at the table. “Since Lia seems adverse to introducing me, I’ll do it myself,” he said grinning as his sister tensed. “I’m Jason Kourkoulis.”

Ilianna could feel the surprise and excitement pulsating off of her friends. The girls that had been curiously quiet since Jason had arrived at their table suddenly erupted. Of course they all recognized the name and she was glad that Jason hadn’t revealed the family ties.

“I’m Chastity Cortland,” the blonde to his immediate right said extending her hand.

Jason took her hand in his and held it as the rest of the girls introduced themselves. Heather, Taylor, and Mackenzie along with Chastity all vying for her older brother’s attention. Ilianna rolled her eyes as Jason laid on his considerable charm. The waitress returned with her heavy tray and Jason opened the Champagne and poured it into the glasses. He smiled at Ilianna as he raised his glass.

“To you beautiful ladies and a wonderful vacation,” he said.

“You never mentioned that you knew Jason Kourkoulis,” Chastity said as she checked her makeup in the bathroom mirror before they returned to their table.

Ilianna dried her hands, irritation seeping through her every pore, and, with excessively deliberate care, dropped the small, cloth towel in the basket provided for used hand cloths. “He’s a business associate of my father’s, not a friend of mine,” she said derisively.

“The mysterious father,” Chastity said grinning at her friend.

Ilianna picked up her purse and turned toward the door, pretending not to have heard Chastity’s last remark. Her friends at school knew very little about her family other than that they were wealthy, and it was going to stay that way. Her overbearing father had so far acquiesced to her desires, though she knew it rankled with him that she wanted to separate herself from her family this way.

“You know, it’s not bad enough that you’re all exotic looking and gorgeous,” Chastity complained as they left the restroom. “You have this air of mystery, too, and the whole ice princess thing going on … it drives guys crazy and you don’t even seem to notice that they’re falling all over you panting and drooling.”

Ilianna barked a laugh. “You’re wrong,” she said as they approached the table.

“Look at him,” Chastity said nodding toward Jason. “He looks like some Greek God and he’s barely taken his eyes off you all night. You could have that gorgeous man in your bed in a second.”

Ilianna laughed harshly. “Not Jason,” she said emphatically. “Never Jason Kourkoulis.”

Chastity grinned. “Then you don’t mind if I try?”

“Please yourself,” Ilianna said. “I’m going back to the villa.”

“Are you kidding?” Chastity asked in disbelief as her friend started to make her way to the door. “It’s barely past midnight.”

Ilianna didn’t look back as she waded through the throng of college students that had descended on Cabo San Lucas for the Bacchanalian rites known as spring break. Beer was flowing freely and the party was already threatening to erupt out of control.

She smiled and shook her head several times as she was invited to join one group or another on her way across the terrace. Once she hit the sand she kicked off her flip flops and crossed the beach to walk at the edge of the surf as she headed back toward the villa.

“You were supposed to go to South Beach,” Jason called over the sound of breaking waves as he strode angrily toward her.

Ilianna raised one small hand to ward him off as he approached. “You didn’t have to fly down here to watch me,” she fired back furiously. “Why do you think I came here? There are no Helios resorts in Mexico.”

“There’s one, now,” Jason spat at her.

Her jaw dropped. “What? How did he do that? How did he even know I was coming here?”

Jason laughed dryly. “You think you do anything without the old man knowing?” he asked sardonically.

Ilianna shook her head in defeat. “Why can’t I just have a normal vacation with friends?” she asked bitterly. “I’m eighteen. I’m not a child.”

“Then stop acting like one! Maybe Alexander will treat you like the adult you claim to be,” Jason suggested.

“So now you really hate me because you had to leave your precious Miami to come to Cabo and baby sit,” she said miserably.

“I don’t hate you,” he denied as he slipped his arm around her slight shoulders to pull her against his side.

Ilianna leaned against his well muscled body and looked out over the dark Gulf of Cortez. Jason sighed, all of his exasperation evaporating as His baby sister fit herself against his side. They stood in silence watching the reflected light of the moon shimmer on the water. Ilianna yawned.

“You need to sleep,” Jason said kissing the top of her head. I’ll pick you up tomorrow and show you and your friends around.”

Ilianna turned into her brother’s arms. “You don’t have to waste time with us,” she said resting her head against his chest. “I’ll be okay on my own.”

Jason laughed softly. “I want to show you around. It’s been a long time, little sister. Maybe it’s time we get to know one another again.”

His finger under her chin turned her face up to his. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against hers. He felt a little shock as his lips touched hers. Ilianna inhaled sharply as Jason pulled her closer, pressing her against fixbet his hard body. Lifting his head, but not releasing her, he stared down at her shadowed face in silence for a long moment.

“Be ready at 10:00,” he said before turning her toward the path that led to her villa.

Ilianna looked over her shoulder once as she started up the path. Jason was still watching. Her feet carried her toward the lanai and the sliding glass doors, but something in her want to turn and run back to the man still standing on the beach. Part of her wanted to throw herself into his arms and taste his kiss again.

Jason stood watching until he saw a light come on inside the villa before starting back toward the hotel. He hadn’t expected his body to react the way it had to the feel of her soft curves against him. He had no idea what had made him kiss her. To all outward appearances it had been nothing more than a brotherly good night, but beneath the surface there had been a pulsating current of desire. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from pressing her nubile young body more firmly against his.

She had felt it, too. Her little gasp as his lips touched hers. The way her soft curves melted into his hard, muscular body. The hand resting against his chest had glided up over his shoulder to curve around the back of his neck.

Jason shook himself. “She’s your sister, you sick fuck,” he muttered into the dark.

He needed a woman. And he knew where to find one.


Jason thrust hard, almost violently, into the willing young woman he’d picked up in the hotel bar. He didn’t even remember her name. All he wanted was the long, silky, dark hair caressing his skin. All he needed was the lush body. The firm, round breasts, the narrow waist curving into full hips, the gentle swell of her belly. The only thing he craved was the feel of her silky thighs, her gorgeous, shapely legs wrapped around his thrusting hips.

He pushed up onto his arms to piston into her welcoming depths, losing himself in the sensation of her tight, wetly sucking cunt. He closed his eyes, his head hanging between his broad shoulders, as he thrust deep and hard. His partner moaned as her orgasm swept through her quivering body, The velvety walls of her vagina rippling over his engorged penis. Unbidden, his sister’s face materialized on the backs of his eyelids.

He opened his eyes and gazed down at the beautiful girl writhing beneath him, willing the image of his sister away. His breath hissed through his clenched teeth as he fought to keep her name from leaving his lips. His balls tightened and released a torrent of semen that pulsed through his raging cock to erupt in one long, thick rope after another. Jason continued to thrust into the girl as he came, wanting to prolong the sensation as long as possible.

Spent, he fell to the side, lying on his back with one arm resting across his eyes. The young woman he’d used to assuage the need Ilianna had evoked in him rolled to curve her body into his side, her head resting on his chest. Jason absently stroked her silky hair as his breathing and heart rate slowed to normal.

“That was incredible,” the girl breathed, turning her head to kiss his chest. “No one has ever made me cum like that.”

Jason kissed the top of her head and gently disengaged from her clinging embrace. She sleepily murmured her disappointment as he sat up at the edge of the bed then rose to walk into the luxuriously appointed bathroom. He turned on the water in the large, glass enclosed shower, then stepped into the warm spray.

The girl was sleeping when Jason returned to the bedroom of his penthouse suite, a large, fluffy white towel wrapped around his hips. He was already regretting having brought her to his room, though he knew there wasn’t another room available in the hotel. There probably wasn’t a vacant room anywhere in in Cabo San Lucas, for that matter. Having taken care of the urgent need that had driven him to seek the girl’s company in the first place, he was now adverse to sharing his bed with her for the remainder of the night.

Dressing quietly, Jason left the bedroom for the sofa in the large living room. It wasn’t nearly as comfortable as the king-sized bed he’d abandoned, but it was the only place he was going to be able to sleep alone. If he was able to sleep at all.

He didn’t really want his sister, he told himself. He had just been unprepared for the grownup Ilianna. The last he’d spent any real time with her she had been a scrawny ten year old with coltish legs and thin gangly arms, intent on driving her twenty-five year old brother to near madness with her never ending questions and constant demands for his attention. He had been taken surprised by the beautiful young woman with the lush curves and cool manners.

He had doted on his only sister, even though she was fifteen years younger than him and the progeny of his much hated step mother, Victoria. Not long out of university and working for his father in Helios’ Hospitality Division, Jason had been the only one of Alexander’s four sons still living at home. Ilianna adored her big brother and they had been close.

While Victoria managed to avoid the responsibilities of mothering her daughter, leaving Ilianna’s care and upbringing to a long line of always changing nannies, she had paid an inordinate amount of attention to her youngest stepson. Jason had deflected Victoria’s increasingly blatant advances until one evening, after imbibing much too freely of his father’s well stocked wine cellar, he had succumbed to his step mother’s considerable charms.

Jason, filled with self loathing over his lack of control and betrayal of his father’s trust, had been gone before his father had returned from his business trip. He had offered his resignation, which his perplexed father had refused to accept, and relocated from New York to Miami. When Alexander had realized that his youngest son wasn’t returning home no matter what he offered, he moved the offices of Helios’ Hospitality Division from the flagship hotel in Manhattan to the newly finished resort in South Beach.

Jason had thrown himself into learning every aspect of running the hotels, resorts, and restaurants, rising quickly to his current position. While he had seen his father frequently over the ensuing years, he’d only seen his half sister and step mother a few times, the last having been at Easter three years before. Ilianna had been a moody, awkward teenager with braces and a marked lack of confidence.

The sky beyond the windows was turning from black to pearly gray when Jason finally fell asleep.


Sunlight was streaming through the windows when Ilianna woke. She stretched languidly before looking at the clock by her bed. It had taken her a long time to fall asleep, especially after her friends had started to straggle in with the boys they’d picked up at the bar, and she still felt groggy though the red numbers on the clock read 10:24.

“It’s about time,” Jason drawled lazily from the chair in the corner of her room.

Startled, Ilianna sat up abruptly. The silk sheet covering her nudity slipped down the front of her body, pooling around her hips, and baring her breasts. Jason’s appreciative gaze lingered on the perfect, firm, round globes tipped with puffy, pale pink nipples made to tempt a man’s tongue to taste her delectable flesh. Once again his wayward cock responded with a will of it’s own beginning to harden at the stimulation offered by his sister’s charms.

Jason’s presence in her room was unsettling after the amount of time it had taken her to recover from his good night kiss. Ilianna had lain awake for hours dissecting the effect Jason’s touch had had on her. None of the fumbling caresses and awkward kisses she’d received up to this point had prepared her for the jolt of desire her brother’s experienced touch had sent rocking through every nerve in her body.

The brief kiss and the way he had held her while his dark eyes searched her face afterwards had left her shaking with wanting her brother. Her breasts had ached for his touch. Her entire body had vibrated with her need for him and his intense gaze now was wreaking havoc with her senses.

Ilianna grabbed at the sheet and angrily pulled it up to clutch it against her body hiding her breasts from his view. “Get out of my room,” she ordered stridently, her cheeks flushed bright red.

Jason smiled and leaned back in the chair, stretching his long legs out in front of him. “Get up and get dressed,” he said, feigning irritation. “I asked you to be ready at ten. fixbet giriş It’s past that, now.”

“I’m not going to dress in front of you,” she hissed, pulling the sheet free from the bottom of the bed to wrap it around herself before swinging her lithe legs over the side.

“Why not?” he asked grinning like a mischievous school boy. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before. Don’t you remember summers on the Island in Greece? We couldn’t keep clothes on you then.”

“That was different,” she said as she quickly gathered her clothes. “I was a child.”

“Your point being?” Jason teased.

Ilianna glared at her older brother. “I’m not a child anymore.”

“Oh, yes,” he said leaning forward in his chair. “You’re all grown up now. Wear a bathing suit under your clothes.”

He stood to leave the bedroom as Ilianna fled into the bathroom, slamming the door behind herself.


Ilianna shrieked in laughter and rolled onto her back covering her bare breasts with her hands as Jason dropped to his knees beside her, playfully shaking water from his dark curls, splashing cool drops over her sun warmed skin. She reached for the hot pink bikini top, but Jason stopped her hand and urged her gently back onto the blanket as he stretched out beside her and closed his eyes against the brilliant sun. His fingers twined with hers, the wet skin of his strong arm cool against hers.

During the last three days Jason had spent every waking moment with her. They had explored the desert, snorkeled, watched whales from the deck of a chartered boat, and in the evening Jason had entertained Ilianna and her friends. His slightly menacing presence as he hovered over his younger sister had dissuaded all but the boldest Frat boys from making their drunken advances. Those that had dared had been quickly dispatched with a few cold words.

Ilianna knew that her friends thought there was some romantic involvement between her and Jason. No one knew he was her brother and she did nothing to disabuse them of their notion. She loved his attention and wanted to keep him to herself. The last few days had restored their closeness and at the same time had resurrected a little of the pain of his defection years before.

“You know,” Ilianna said turning onto her side to face her brother, “I didn’t think you liked me anymore.”

Jason turned his head to look at her, his brow creased. “Why would you think that?”

Ilianna reached out and smoothed his hair back from his face. His curls wound themselves around her fingers like they were living things. She sighed deeply and pulled her hand back.

“You were there at home and everything was wonderful and then you were just gone,” she said quietly. “I tried to call you, but you never returned my calls.”

It had never occurred to him that his sudden departure had caused his little sister pain. He hadn’t thought of anything beyond his own guilt and self loathing. He had, at first, ignored her calls because he hadn’t known what to tell her and then later because he had been so immersed in work. That Ilianna had suffered only served to increase the aversion he felt toward his step mother.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said squeezing her hand. “I just couldn’t be there anymore.”

“Because you hate my mother,” she said, pulling her hand away from his.

Jason captured her hand in his again, his fingers winding around hers. He pushed her onto her back so he could lean over her. “You were too young to understand what was happening,” he said quietly. his bitterness creeping into his voice.

“What happened?” she asked. “It was eight years ago. I’m old enough to understand now.”

His eyes searched hers. Ilianna met his intense gaze unwaveringly.

“She was coming on to me. She had been ever since I graduated and came back home,” he said, his eyes not leaving hers. “The old man was on one of his business trips. Victoria and I were drinking.”

Ilianna started shaking her head, but Jason continued. “Your mother is a beautiful woman. Alexander wouldn’t have married her if she wasn’t.”

“You slept with her,” Ilianna said blankly.

Jason’s eyes clouded with guilt. “I emailed Dad my resignation and left the next day.”

Ilianna’s chest was rising and falling rapidly. “You abandoned me,” she whispered.

He shook his head as tears welled in her green eyes.

“You left without telling me you were going. Without saying goodbye,” she continued.

Jason lowered his body onto hers, resting his weight on his forearms. “Lia,” he said softly, his voice pleading for her to stop.

“Daddy was always gone. Mommy never cared. She only had me to secure her place as Mrs. Kourkoulis,” Ilianna said with a little shiver. She took a deep breath before continuing. “You were the one steady point on my horizon, and then you were just gone.”

“I didn’t mean for you to be hurt,” he said, his lips brushing her soft cheek. “I didn’t realize you would miss me so much.”

“It felt like the end of the world,” she murmured, running her hand slowly up and down his upper arm. “And when you did come home to visit you were so different. I thought you didn’t like me anymore and I didn’t know what I had done wrong.”

Her breasts were pressed against his chest, her nipples hardening against his smooth skin. He knew it was a mistake to be so close to her, but he couldn’t make himself move away. With a low groan he captured her lips beneath his.

Ilianna reacted to his kiss with all the passion of youth and Jason was lost as her hands glided over his damp skin, her arms winding around his body to pull him closer. He deepened their kiss as his hands began exploring her her soft curves. She moaned and arched her back to press against him.

“Lia,” he breathed burningly against her ear before his lips began caressing her throat. “Baby, do you know what I’m going to do to you?”

Ilianna nodded. “Yes,” she moaned hoarsely, her body undulating beneath his.

Jason’s hands moved over her urgently, driven by a primal desire to possess every inch of her. There was a savage, primitive need building in him to claim his woman and wipe the touch of every other man she had ever known off her perfect skin and out of the deepest recesses of her mind. He found the ties at her hips that held the miniscule bikini bottom in place and he tugged at them to undo the tiny bows.

Lifting himself away from her long enough to rid himself of his own trunks, Jason lowered himself onto her willing body. Ilianna pulled her knees up, her heels against her bottom. Letting her legs part, she cradled Jason’s hips between her firm, silky thighs.

His lips found hers, his tongue probing the sweetness of her mouth as he ran his hands insistently over her soft skin. Ilianna arched her back to press her body more firmly against her brother’s. Jason’s hand slipped to the crevice at the apex of her thighs, his fingers sliding between the warm folds. He felt her shudder as he lightly brushed her clit.

He could feel that she was wet and ready and his need to make himself a part of her was driving everything else out of his mind. Wrapping his fingers around his hard, thick cock, he brought the throbbing, mushroom like head to the opening of the warm, moist sheath of flesh he coveted. Ilianna’s hands slid over his back as she lifted her hips, mutely begging him to take her.

Jason pushed into the welcoming depths of her body, intent only on burying every inch of his turgid cock inside her, and felt her stiffen as he breached the unexpected barrier. Stunned by the implication, He paused and lifted his head to stare questioningly into her face. Tears filled her eyes, threatening to spill down the sides of her face and into her silken hair.

“You said you weren’t a virgin,” he accused huskily.

“I said I knew what you were going to do to me,” she corrected softly as she pushed her hips up against his. “I didn’t say anyone else ever had.”

“Semantics,” he murmured, thrusting slowly into her virgin body, his hips moving of their on volition.

“Shut up and fuck me,” she demanded, her fingers winding into his hair to bring his lips back to hers.

Jason ravaged her mouth as he increased his tempo. Each hard stroke took him deeper until he was bottoming out every time he thrust into the velvety tightness of her cunt. Ilianna met every thrust with a wild passion of her own, her hands moving over the flexing muscles in his back, her nails digging into his flesh.

He pushed up to watch her beautiful face as he increased his fixbet güncel giriş pace. Ilianna rolled her hips, grinding against his thrusting pelvis. Her breathing was coming in rapid, shallow pants and grunts as he slammed into her. She began whimpering and mewling as a sweet tension slowly built low in her abdomen.

Jason felt her begin to tremble and fought for the control to hold back his own orgasm until she reached her climax.

“Uhn, uhn. Jason,” she moaned. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Please fuck me.”

Her hands grasped at his ass frantically, trying to pull him deeper. His breath hissed through clenched teeth. Her body arched off the blanket and she bucked against him wildly. Her thighs clamped against his hips as the delicious tension broke and waves of pleasure rolled through her body washing her in ecstasy.

“Jason!” she cried holding him tightly as his balls churned and released a torrent of cum that rocketed through his pulsing cock to erupt into his sister’s welcoming body. The ripping walls of her vagina clenched on his twitching cock as he emptied himself deep inside his sister.

Spent, he began to roll off her. Her arms tightened around him as she murmured her protest at his abandonment. He settled back onto her lush body, resting his weight on his forearms. He kissed her tenderly, quite happy to remain deeply seated inside her cum soaked pussy.

He groaned into her mouth as she deliberately tightened her vaginal muscles on his half flaccid penis. He tore his lips from hers and rested his forehead against hers. Her fingers traced lazy patterns on his back making him shiver.

“I love you, Lia,” he said fiercely.

“I know,” she answered softly. “I love you, too.”

He shook his head. “No, baby,” he said raising his head to stare intently into her grayish green eyes. “I love you. Nothing brotherly about it. I want you to stay with me. To live with me.”

“I know, Jason,” she said, caressing his stubble roughened cheek. “I love you, too. If we could, I would live with you, but…”

Jason rolled onto his side and pulled her into his arms. “Let someone try to stop us,” he said determinedly.

Ilianna nestled against his strong chest, her hand curled around his shoulder. “Maybe we can see each other once in a while,” she offered. “If we tried to live together Daddy would stop us.”

“I don’t have as much money as the old man, but I have more than enough to take care of you,” he said rolling her onto her back to lean over her. “I want you to be my wife. I want you to have my babies.”

Ilianna’s eyes searched his face. “How can we live together? Everyone in the world knows who you are and it wouldn’t take the paparazzi long to discover who I am.”

“The island,” he said. “There might be talk at first, but if we lay low they’ll forget about us.”

“Daddy won’t forget,” she said.

“Let me worry about Alexander,” Jason said leaning down to kiss her hungrily. “Will you come with me? Will you be my wife?”

“This is insane,” she whispered as she wound her arms around his neck. “Yes. I’ll go to Greece with you.”

Jason’s lips left hers to trail kisses down the side of her neck. He circled one pale pink aureola with the tip of his tongue causing the delectable flesh to pucker. He kissed the hard bud that tipped her perfect breast.

“Will you have my babies?” he asked cupping his hand beneath the swell of the firm mound of flesh to lift the swollen nipple to his hungry mouth.

Ilianna gasped as he began to suckle at her breast. “Yes,” she moaned. “I’ll have your babies.”

His mouth left her breast to explore her quivering abdomen, pausing briefly to press his tongue into her navel before moving lower. He lifted his head to look up into her eyes as he settled between her trembling thighs. His slight smile stole her breath.

“Are you my wife?” he asked huskily.

“Yes,” she answered softly, her fingers sliding into his hair as he lowered his head, his tongue delving into the wet folds of her labia.

Ilianna lifted her hips as Jason pressed his face against the hot flesh of her pussy and began to lap at her. She rocked against his face coating his jaw with the combined wetness of their cum. He swirled his tongue around the tight opening of her vagina then drew it slowly through her inner lips to flick against her erect clit as he slid two fingers into her rippling cunt.

“Jason,” she moaned. “Se thelo.”

He slid his body up along hers, pushing his tumescent cock into the welcoming depths of her nubile young body. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his thrusting hips. They found their rhythm, their bodies moving together in perfect unison.

“I love you, Ilianna,” Jason murmured against her ear as he filled her completely, his body straining toward another orgasm.

“I love you,” she answered breathlessly. “I have always loved you.”

Jason held his lover tightly and, as her beautiful body arched against his, he pushed into her as deeply as he could flooding her open, welcoming womb with his hot semen.


Jason stopped at the top of the stone steps that led down to the white sand of the very private beach. Nearly a year had passed since he’d been dispatched to watch over Ilianna during that fateful spring break. She was unaware of his presence as he watched her standing hip deep in the clear, blue Aegean Sea.

Her full breasts were bare and tanned, her naked body even lusher since the birth of his son. She lifted the two month old infant to kiss his face before dipping his body into the warm water again. Jason loosened his tie and pulled it off as he started down the steps. He shed his clothes as he crossed the beach to wade into the water and join his wife and child.

Ilianna smiled as he pulled her back against his hard body. “You’re home.”

Jason took his son from her arms and held the naked baby against his chest as he leaned down to kiss the love of his life. “Hello, my beautiful girl.”

“How is Daddy?” she asked knowing the meeting with Alexander probably hadn’t been pleasant.

“It went well,” Jason said smiling down at her raised eyebrows. “The old man is mellowing.”

“Really,” Ilianna said skeptically.

“As a matter of fact, you should probably put some clothes on because he wants to meet his grandson.”

Ilianna’s eyes widened. “He’s coming here?” she asked just before the sounds of the incoming helicopter reached her ears.

Jason grinned as she turned to wade quickly to the beach. He reached her as she shook the sand out of her beach towel and wrapped it around her body like a sarong. She took the baby so Jason could pull his trousers back on. They climbed the steps together, Jason carrying his son, his wife’s small hand held tightly in his.

Alexander Kourkoulis paced back and forth on the terrace at the top of the stairs. He stopped and watched as his children approached. Ilianna shrank from his formidable presence. Jason slipped a protective arm around her.

“I’m not here to chastise you, girl,” he said gruffly.

She nodded. Jason kissed her forehead and stepped toward his father, the baby in his arms. Alexander’s eyes softened as the baby smiled and waved a tiny hand.

“His name is Alexander Nickolaus,” Jason said presenting his son to his father. “Would you like to hold him?”

Alexander looked up at his youngest son, slightly alarmed. “Maybe after his mother puts a diaper on him.”

Ilianna took the baby and disappeared into the house, leaving the two men on the terrace. She diapered and dressed her son and laid him in his bassinet while she quickly dressed. She picked up the baby and returned to the terrace.

She stopped in front of her father, now seated in one to the white wicker arm chairs and gently placed the baby on his lap. Alexander studied his grandson intently before lifting the baby to kiss his soft cheek. The baby turned his face toward his grandfather seeking something to latch onto when his cheek was tickled.

Ilianna smiled as her father handed the bay back to her. “I think he wants feeding,” Alexander said watching as his daughter bared her breast and offered it to her son.

“He seems perfect,” he continued after a moment.

“He is perfect,” Ilianna said, gazing at the baby adoringly. Jason stroked her hair wishing that they were alone and he could suck the milk from her other breast.

“He’s healthy,” Jason assured his father.

“Well, then,” Alexander said clearing his throat, “it’s time for you to get back to work. You can conduct business from the offices in Athens if you don’t want to come back to the States.”

Jason nodded and his father turned his attention back to Ilianna. “And you and your … wife … can begin working on giving me another grandson.”

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