Changing Places Pt. 02

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Changing Places – A Fly on a Wall…kind of. (Part Two) By Rhinoman

Author’s Note: Must read Part One first, otherwise you will be completely lost with this story line.

John and Debbie both had the same thought while driving each other’s cars to work. ‘Please let me get through the day without an incident.’ At first changing bodies had seemed like a dream, but as the days passed by, realty set in. They didn’t know how long this would last… weeks…years… forever?

As John walked through the parking lot to the office he felt naked. In reality, there was no way someone could tell that he wasn’t Debbie. In actuality, he was. It was only their minds that had changed places.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. “Hey, Debbie, what’s the big deal blowing me off.” Turning around slightly he was face to face with a gorgeous blond. ‘Must be Erika,’ he hoped.

“Uhh… sorry, I guess my mind was somewhere else.”

“I’ll say, I called your name three times.”

‘Shit,’ he thought, ‘I’ve got to remember to listen for Debbie’s name.’

They walked through the front doors together and were greeted with a friendly voice.

“Heyyyyy ladies… good morning!”

“Good morning, Bill,” Erika replied. John noticed that she winked.

“Good morning, Bill,” John copied, without the wink.

Continuing towards his office, Debbie had told him where to go; John heard a gruff voice bellow over the office intercom. “There will be a meeting of all VPs, Directors, and Assistant Directors in the conference room in ten-minutes.”

‘That must be, Mister Healey,’ John thought, while setting down his purse and briefcase. He made a quick beeline for the bathroom to check himself out one more time before the meeting. Once inside, he did a quick once over, ‘okay…lipstick looks good, hairs okay, no wrinkles, man my breasts look great in this tight sweater.’ John felt himself getting moist between his legs looking at himself. ‘This is weird, I’d have a hard-on with my own body looking at Debbie and now I’m getting wet looking at myself.’

John tried to stay discreet in the meeting, that was until Mister Healey began giving out assignments. “Bill… I want you and Debbie to work together on the McGlaughlin project. It’s a big revenue generator for the firm, but I know the two of you can pull it off.”

John looked over at Bill, who had a little smirk on his face. Before he could look away, Bill winked at him. ‘Shit.’

* * *

Debbie’s day seemed to start off much better. She got to her office without any trouble and her secretary Jane seemed to be all business. She brought in her coffee, phone messages and an outline of the day’s activities, and then left the office to go out to her cubicle.

Debbie took a sip of the hot coffee and looked around the room. It was odd seeing a picture of herself on the desk. She began opening drawers to see what John kept in them and after poking around for a few minutes was surprised to find an adult magazine at the back of one of the drawers. She opened it up and saw that the recurring theme was two men having sex with one woman. ‘Uh… that looks painful,’ she thought.

“We still on for lunch?”

The voice startled her and she quickly shoved the magazine back into the drawer. “Er…uh..”

“Remember? Raquetball… I’m gonna kick your ass!”

It was Brian, John’s best friend at work. “Oh, yeah, sorry Brian,” Debbie said, recovery quickly, “I had a few things on my mind.”

“Better get out of that daze quick or I’m really gonna smoke ya’. See you at twelve sharp.”

Brian headed out the door while Debbie’s heart raced.

* * *

John couldn’t believe his luck. Bill looked like a major male chauvinist pig and he was sure that the guy would be hitting on him. He looked down and his chest and could see his nipples poking out through the thin material on his blouse. ‘Shit, I can’t believe how easy Debbie’s nipple’s get hard. I’m going to have to talk to her about that.’

Knock, knock

John looked up to see Bill poking his head in her office.

“Ready to get to work?” Bill asked, with a big used car salesman smile. “Just give me a few minutes and I’ll meet you in your zonguldak escort office,” John replied.

“Right,” Bill said with a wink.

‘What the hell,’ John thought, ‘maybe I can have some fun with this loser and get him off my…er, Debbie’s back at the same time.’

He looked down at his blouse and undid another button so some cleavage was showing. Then he practiced crossing and uncrossing his legs a few times so that he could flash his panties. ‘This should be fun,’ he thought, getting up and heading towards Bill’s office.

John plopped himself in a chair, right in front of Bill’s desk, “ready,” he smiled, noting that he was perfectly positioned for Bill to see up his skirt.

Bill actually tried to start in a professional manner talking about the project. As he droned on and on, John crossed and uncrossed his legs, letting his already short black skirt, ride higher and higher on his slim, firm legs. John noticed that Bill continued to sneak peaks between his legs. ‘Now’s my chance to up the ante,’ John thought.

He waited a few more seconds then dropped the pen he was taking notes with. Without even looking up, John leaned way over to pick it up. He knew he was giving Bill an ample look at his exposed breasts.

Bill cleared his through in obvious discomfort. “Why don’t you come around the desk here so we can look at this diagram together,” Bill asked.

John scooted the chair around the desk and put it as close as he could to Bill’s. As Bill continued explaining the project, John began leaning closer and closer until his hard nipples were brushing up against Bill’s arm.

The forward nature of the stunning brunette was taking Bill by surprise. ‘She’s never been this forward he thought. I wonder how far I can go with her?’

Bill stood his ground and even pressed back against John. ‘Okay, now I make my move,’ John thought. Dropping his pen again, it landed in Bill’s lap.

“Oops, silly me,” John said, reaching down into Bill’s lap to pick it up.

Bill froze. His dick was already hard from the touch of Debbie’s breasts.

John grabbed the pen, but at the same time grabbed Bill’s stiff dick. “Oops again,” he giggled, trying to pull his dick up with the pen. “Do you have your own pen in your pocket or are you just happy sitting next to me?”

Bill jumped and John pushed his chair back to get up. “Looks like things are getting a little to hot in here, how ’bout if we work over here at your meeting table?” John said, moving in that direction.

Bill wanted to come over and continue what was started, but his dick was so hard he was embarrassed to get out of his chair. “Um…uh… how about we take a little break first?” he asked.

“Fine with me,” John said, getting up and wriggling his ass a little more than necessary as he walked out of the office.

* * * *

Debbie walked out onto the racquetball court full of confidence. She had fooled everyone so far, changed in the locker room and could feel the power in her arms and legs that she never had as a woman. ‘How hard can it be?’ she thought, ‘hit the ball against the wall and keep moving.’

Brian was waiting on the court. “‘Bout time, let’s get it on,” he said, whacking the ball hard against the wall. It blew past Debbie before she had a chance to react.

“Little slow today, huh? Gotta stop bangin’ the wife before a big competition,” Brian laughed.

Debbie remembered John saying his friend was rough around the edges as she tried to imitate his stance for the next serve.

In only a few minutes the score was 10-1 and Debbie was sweating up a storm. ‘Time to fake an injury,’ she thought, ‘this is getting out of hand.’ On the next serve, with Brian’s back to her, she fell to the ground and grabbed her ankle.

“Shit!” she yelled out.

“What the fuck happened?” Brian asked with genuine concern.

“Damn ankle. I think I sprained it,” Debbie said wincing.

“I’m beatin’ ya’ like a cheap whore. You can’t get out of it that easy… try and walk it off.”

Debbie got up and pretended to walk around gingerly, wincing with each step. “I don’t think it’s major,” she said, “but I don’t want to push görele escort it… let’s pick it up again another day.”

“Yeah, yeah…not problem. Barely worked up a sweat, but let’s hit the showers,” Brian replied. Back in the locker room Debbie had undressed first and made her way to the showers with a towel around her waist. ‘Where are the shower curtains,’ she thought, looking around. There were two pick posts sticking up in the one shower room with six shower heads pointing out in different directions. ‘Guys have no modesty. They just face each other and shower,’ she thought, shaking her head. She hung up her towel and turned on the shower and closed her eyes as the hot water steamed over her shoulders.

“How’s the ankle?” a voice said behind her.

Debbie jumped, looked down at her chest to see John’s hair and pecs. ‘This is the ultimate test of the switch,’ she thought turning to face Brian.

“Feels a lot better, thanks.”

Brian began lathering up and Debbie recalled two things John had said, ‘he’s got a huge dick and don’t stare.’ She waited until he was shampooing his hair and had his eyes closed to sneak a peak. John was right. Brian’s dick was massive. John’s, or her own now, was around 3 or 4 inches limp and she knew grew to around 6 fully hard. Brian’s was dangling down at least 8 inches and was twice as thick. As Debbie stared she felt herself stir and looked down. Her dick was standing straight up, erect! ‘Shit!’ she thought, looking quickly back at Brian who was rinsing the shampoo out of his hair. Debbie left the shower running and grabbed her towel, quickly wrapping it around herself and headed towards her locker.

“Hey! Where ya’ going?” Brian called out.

“Gotta pee,” Debbie yelled back. She made her way to her locker, but several men were sitting around talking and she didn’t want to take her towel off sporting a hard-on. She continued walking into the bathroom and one of the stalls. With the door closed she sat down on the seat and tried to think about what to do next. Her dick was hard as a rock. ‘Go down, go down, go down,’ she kept saying to herself.

A few minutes later, her dick still hard, she tried to think what John might do. ‘After he cums when we have sex, his dick seems to shrivel up pretty quick. All I have to do is cum,’ she smiled logically, figuring she had the answer. Reaching between her legs she grabbed her cock and started a pulling motion. ‘Mmm… that feels good,’ she thought. Her balls flopped up and down as she continued yanking more urgently. ‘This feels great. I wonder how much John does this? I’ll have to ask him when I get home.’ After a few minutes she felt the new sensation of an approaching orgasm. Squeezing harder and pulling faster, Debbie bit her lip as a stream of cum shot out of her dick and splattered against the back of the stall door. “Ugh,” she grunted softly. In less than a minute her hard-on had subsided and she was left trying to clean up the mess with toilet paper.

* * *

“So, how was your day,” Debbie asked as John came through the door.

“Interesting,” was all John said as he headed down the hall into their bedroom.

Debbie followed him a few minutes later, catching him with his clothes off, lying down on the bed. She stood in the doorway watching her husband in her body. He fell back on the bed, naked and began massaging his breasts.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Mmm… Oh, nothing to keep me from squeezing your tits, now that their mine. I could do this all day,” he laughed.

“Well take it easy, John. I’ve been thinking. At some point we’ll get our bodies back… and I for one want mine back in the same condition you got it.”

“You’ve fucked me in the ass, once already, so you better watch yourself as well,” he shot back.

Debbie walked over to her husband and began stripping her clothes away. “John, your always instructing me on how to suck your dick. Now’s your chance to put your mouth into action and show me.”

John looked up to see his wife holding her cock in her hand only a foot or so from his mouth. ‘This is weird as shit,’ he thought, ‘but hey, why not. Maybe this is a chance to show her how it’s done and how it feels when it’s done right. This could be useful when we change back.’

He rolled over on his stomach and crawled forward on the bed to Debbie who was standing at the edge. Reaching out, he grabbed her stiff dick around the middle and with the other hand gently grabbed her balls. “Mmm… that already feels good,” Debbie said. He began by licking up and down her cock, ‘actually his own,’ he thought, paying close attention to the sensitive underside, just below the head. Her dick got stiffer and a little drop of precum oozed out. He stuck his tongue out so the tip touched the sticky substance and flicked it up and down over his hole.

“Gahhhh…that feels good, John… now suck it, I want to see how it feels!”

John opened his mouth and slowly eased it over her cock until it was touching the back of his throat. Then he clamped down and ever so slowly pulled back, letting it ease out of his mouth. In and out, he kept the pressure up as he swirled his tongue slowly around her cock at the same time. Debbie had grabbed the back of his head and was trying to thrust deeper into his mouth. He pulled his head back until her cock came out with a ‘pop.’

“Ooh, don’t stop,” she cried out.

John grinned and began nibbling at the sensitive head of her cock. Debbie looked down, marveling at the hardness of the appendage sticking out from her and the incredible urge she had to cum. “Come on, John, stop teasing me. I’ve gotta cum!”

“Now that the shoe’s on the other foot, it’s a little different, isn’t it?” he grinned.

“Shut up and suck,” she hissed.

John grabbed her cock hard and slipped his mouth over it, pulling and sucking as the same time. He reached around and cupped her ass and continued the motion until he heard her start moaning.

“Oh, that’s it, that’s it, just a little bit more!”

Her urging encouraged him on and after a few more sucks she erupted in him mouth. John gulped and continued sucking to get it all down. He didn’t stop until her cock started to soften in his mouth and slipped out.

“That was wonderful, John… I didn’t know how good that could feel. Remind me to do that to you when we change back.”

“That’s if,” John said, “how do we know we’re going to?”

“We have to John, I can’t keep this charade up. Brian’s kicked my ass in racquetball and who knows what else will happen tomorrow. By the way, I found the porn magazine in your desk, what was that all about?”

“Just fantasy material, that’s all.”

“Fantasy material? It was filled with girls getting double fucked by guys. We’re you fantasizing about me with two guys?”

“Hey, don’t get all over me. Sometimes I’d daydream about me and another guy making it with you, that’s all. It was just a fantasy though. It’d never happen,” John emphasized.

“Mmm…” she said, “so who were you thinking about? You, me and Brian? You know, I got a good look at his dick today.”

“You did?”

“Yep… you were right, it’s huge. It would probably be too painful,” she added.

“Well, it’s like I said,” John replied, “it’s never gonna happen, especially now that we’ve changed bodies.”

Debbie noted that he seemed a little disappointed, like maybe he actually thought it could have happened. Her dick stirred a little as an idea began to develop.

“So what’s your schedule for tomorrow?” Debbie asked

“Your friend Erika said we have a dinner date for tomorrow. How about you?”

“Brian mentioned going out for a beer after work. Maybe I’ll take him up on it while the two of you are out. It still feels odd, doesn’t it? I mean being with the same sex on the outside, but having different feelings on the inside. Your… I mean, my penis got hard today when I saw how big Brian was in the shower.”

“You’re kidding?” John said alarmed, “he didn’t see it, did he?”

“No silly, I made a beeline for the bathroom and kept myself hidden the whole time until it went down.” She thought about telling him about her masturbating, but then decided not to.

“Good, he would have given me a load of shit. Let’s get ready for bed, I’m beat.” John said.

In a few minutes the two of them were lying in the dark pretending to be asleep, but both wide awake inside thinking about what might lie ahead the next day.

* * *

Part 3 to continue the saga with John and Debbie moving outside their own bedroom walls!

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