One Week in December Pt. 02

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This is part two of my trilogy detailing true-life events that occurred when I spent a Gangbang week with twelve men in a small Scottish Castle.

Please consider it as a whole story and be kind enough not to vote it down because there are some aspects you do not enjoy. I have tried to honestly record everything that took place and not pick and choose various parts that I felt were more acceptable. Thank you.

Day 3

The third day commenced with my usual whipping to remind me to obey at all times. The rest of the day was given over to ‘Humiliation.’ For some reason, right from my teenage years, I have enjoyed the thought and later the reality of humiliation, and I do not know why. I just do.

At breakfast, not only did I have to beg on my hands and knees as usual, but I had to place any food I was given in a dog bowl and eat it like a hound. I even had to try and impersonate the noises a dog makes as it eats and wriggle my bum as if I was wagging a tail.

The next challenge was drinking. The men had stocked up on plenty of soft drinks plus, of course, tea and coffee. That day when I was offered a drink, I had to sit up on my knees with my mouth open while someone poured it onto me from a height. Invariably both the floor and I became wet and sticky, and as punishment for not catching all that was offered, I was made to mop the floor after I had licked up anything I could.

Once that little job was complete, and I had cleared away all the breakfast paraphernalia, I was made to kneel and kiss all the men’s feet, working my way around them all. This exercise not only included kissing but licking between the big and second toes while one of the men stood over me with a riding crop hovering near my bum, waiting to be used if I failed to do the job correctly. As I received six sharp but controlled ‘whacks’ across my backside, I must have failed rather miserably.

A short break followed as the men attired themselves in preparation for again taking me outside. I was allowed to put on a pair of trainers to walk around the side of the building to the woods that bordered the rear of the property. A very muddy area was to the side of a narrow track about fifty meters from the house.

‘Get in and sit down,’ I was ordered.

I took off my shoes and stepped cautiously into the muddy area. I was amazed when my foot went straight in about two feet. I lost my balance and, to the great delight of everyone, topped in. Not only was the peaty mud cold, but it had a slimy feeling about it.

‘Look at the little pig wallowing in her mud hole,’ the men laughed.

‘What a filthy creature.’

‘Get right in. Up to your neck.’

‘Plaster yourself head and hair too.’

I sat covered to my neck and looked back at the men watching in sheer delight as they waited for me to dunk my head.

I thought I’d try another one of my little games.

‘If you want my head dunking, one of you will have to get in here with me and do it,’ I said with a satisfied smirk.

Somehow the men must have been aware that I might try and disobey because four of them produced two huge buckets. Without saying a word, they gingerly walked around the edge of the mud hole in which I was sitting and tipped the contents of both straight over me. I was indeed plastered and humbled, much to everyone’s enjoyment.

I was made to sit in my filthy condition for around fifteen minutes before being hosed off, thankfully with warm water, outside the back door. I then went to the shower to wash properly with the mandatory two support staff to help me out. The two men ensured that, as on previous days, steamy things took place between them and me.

Lunchtime saw me both eating and drinking from the dog bowl.

The afternoon brought a first for me. I was told to stand in the great hall, and as I did so, various leather straps and buckles were placed over me. I presumed this was some type of new bondage equipment until it suddenly dawned on me what was happening. I was being made into a ponygirl.

I had never seen the leather belts and reins that made up the harness. I had, however, worn a pony’s tail a couple of times in the past made from a butt plug with flowing hairs attached to it. As the final buckles were fastened, I wondered what was planned.

Someone put my trainers on my feet and tied them before leading me back out through the front door. There standing next to my parked car, was a one-person pony trap. I stopped dead in my tracks. It had not been there when I had walked around the house before lunch, but it was now, as large as life.

I was harnessed into the shafts and told to pull. I expected it to be a strain but was surprised to discover the trap was relatively light. After a few steps, I was stopped, and one of the men climbed aboard while another passed him a carriage whip. The whip consisted of a long, sturdy rod with an equally long leather lash on the end. It was designed to crack as it flew through the air; however, I sensed that taksim escort it could provide a pretty sharp crack on my back or breasts if required.

My job was to gallop, as best I could, like a pony pulling each of the guys partway along the drive and around the sizable parking area. I was also required to avoid the many potholes in the track. Pulling the trap with an extra twelve to seventeen stone on board was a far cry to pulling it empty, especially with the rider and onlookers enthusiastically encouraging me to go faster.

Each driver ensured I heard and felt the whip crack against my naked body. The weather had turned colder from the previous day, and despite my exercise, I was pretty chilly by the time I was providing a carriage ride for driver number six. My body was potted with goosebumps, and my nipples, as they always do when cold, went hard and erect.

As I pulled up to unload driver seven, two men approached me with a small wooden sign attached to two short wires leading to wooden clothes pegs. As they opened the pegs, I noticed the grips had been serrated. These were attached to my nipples. The sign read, ‘I am not a pony. I am a cow.’ The pressure on my already cold and sensitive nipples sent barbs of pain coursing through my body.

‘That should help her to speed up,’ someone commented to a general response of mirth.

Off I galloped again, leather harness around my body, butt plug tail in place, sign dangling from my nipples and whip hovering menacingly behind my back waiting to crack over me for any failure of duty or other misdemeanours.

By the time I was pulling numbers eleven and twelve, I was pretty tired and almost drawing at a walking pace despite the best entreaties of the whip to encourage me along. When I finally stopped to allow the last man to get off, my legs were like jelly, and despite the cold, I was sweating profusely.

I walked, still wearing my leather harness, girdle and bit into the house and crashed out on a large settee in the lounge. To their great credit, the men brought me a cup of tea and a bun to revive me while two took it upon themselves to remove the sign and my tack while massaging my legs from my calves to more sensitive areas.

Dinner time was looming fast, and once again, I was allowed to shower and warm up while the men prepared the meal. When I joined them, I was, as usual, expected to take my submissive place on the floor to beg for my dinner, which again I had to eat from my doggy bowl.

Food devoured, kitchen tidied, and dishwashers stacked, I was led away by the third set of men to provide them with that evening’s additional entertainment. Once again, over the course of the next four hours, I opened my mouth and legs to accommodate their lusts and longings while they ensured that their stiff rods opened my bum hole to its fullest so they could gain maximum pleasure from their time with me.

This group wanted me to engage in ‘Golden Shower’ play, so having tied my hands behind my back, I was placed on my knees in the shower. Here I was told to look up and open my mouth as each of the men entered to use my mouth as their urinal. The first ensured that my head was well covered in his pee before giving way to the next in line.

This poor fellow was so nervous and excited he could hardly produce anything. A small trickle issued from his erect penis, but that was it. He strained as he explained he was full to bursting. Thankfully, I had witnessed similar problems in previous encounters; however, the poor chap could not do what he wanted despite my encouragement.

The third had little difficulty directing his stream into my open mouth and watching it run out, down my chin and over my breasts and body.

In great embarrassment, the second man took up his position and finally managed to get a weak jet flowing roughly in my direction. I shuffled closer to ensure it went where he wanted it to go. I am sure he had more to give, but he was undoubtedly ‘relieved’ to have managed a short shower of his golden nectar while I was relieved that on this occasion, I had not been commanded to drink any.

As I slipped under the duvet that night, I went to sleep thinking about the day to come. This was the one about which I knew very little. I had agreed that it would remain, to me, a surprise but would go under the loose title ‘Whoring.’ If we had been in Glasgow or Edinburgh, I might have thought that somehow they would get me to play the prostitute, but along the west coast of Scotland I felt that such an idea was a non-starter. I would just have to wait and see.

Day 4

I was woken just before my alarm went off at seven twenty by a knocking on the door. My initial reaction was that I had overslept and missed my morning appointment with the whip master. I opened the door, and one of the men stood in the doorway with a bag.

‘Put this on,’ he said before quickly departing.

When I looked into the bag, I found a flowing lacy, see-through robe. mecidiyeköy escort I put it on, tied the silk belt around my waist and looked at myself in the mirror. It looked good, sexy and seductive, but I still had no idea why I was to wear it.

When I answered another knock at the door, I was handed a blindfold which I was also told to wear. I did. Two men then guided me downstairs, where my wrists were once again fastened to the chains as if I was about to be whipped. I felt the sash around my waist undone, and then the robe held open.

‘Will this do?’ I heard one of the men I was staying with ask. ‘Good, then she’s all yours for the day.’

My covering was repositioned, and I was unbound without being whipped. I felt the chill wind blow through the main door as it was opened, and I was led outside and assisted into a waiting car.

When I was in, the car started off with me, still none the wiser about as to the events that awaited. We drove for about thirty minutes before finally stopping. Once at our destination, I was helped out of the vehicle, still wearing my blindfold and lacy gown, and into some building.

Once inside, I was held by my arms as the belt holding my lace covering was untied and the dress opened.

‘Small tits,’ I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

‘Some beaver,’ another said.

‘What a bush,’ someone else pipped up.

‘Lovely legs,’ a fourth added. ‘Let’s see her arse.’

I was turned around, and the back of my dress hitched up so that my bum was revealed to whoever had asked to see it.

‘Very sexy,’ the voice conceded. ‘It looks firm too. What about her shit hole?’

My bum cheeks were parted so that my bum hole could be examined.

‘I think she will do fine, don’t you?’ a voice queried. ‘I hope this whore is as good to fuck as she looks.’

By now, I was in a state of high anticipation, and I guessed that two or three new recruits had joined ‘my’ men for the day. Apart from that deduction, I had no idea what would happen until the blindfold was removed.

Once it was taken off, I took in a sharp gasp of breath as I looked around. I was in a large stone garage with a centrally positioned six-foot wide bed. At one end stood an array of gardening tools. Hanging on a series of hooks along both walls were ropes, chains, whips and other equipment, some of which looked like they had come from the middle ages.

However, my attention was drawn to the six men standing around the bed, all complete strangers to me. They were huge, in girth that is and not height, although to be truthful, one must have been around six feet tall. None of my original companions was anywhere to be seen.

Shock must have registered on my face as I gazed at the Sumo like men standing looking lustfully in my direction.

‘Surprised?’ one asked with a smile.

‘Very,’ I replied nervously. ‘Who are you?’

‘We have paid for your services for the day. We hope we have not wasted our money, and you won’t disappoint us?’

My eyes opened even wider as I saw two of them starting to undress. These were not the shape of men I would usually have chosen to be fucked by, and I guessed that they had been arranged just for this reason.

‘We have a list here, apparently written by you, outlining everything we can do and also listing your hard limits. Is this still correct?’

I scanned the handwritten note I had given in the coffee shop months before.

‘Yes,’ I replied meekly, my head in a whirl.

‘Excellent, Rachel,’ one of the men replied as though he had known me all his life. ‘We should spend a happy day together. First off, you can rim us all. We are all clean and have only just showered.’

What could I do? I knew this situation was a possibility as I had agreed to a day titled ‘Whoring.’ I could not therefore complain. My only reservation was that they were so large as I judged none of the six men was under eighteen stone. Whether I could survive being taken in the missionary position by all the men without being squashed flat remained to be seen.

One by one, they stripped and leant over the bed. I knelt and pushed my head into their large and flabby backsides so that my tongue could provide what they desired as I attempted to push it deep into their butt holes. The gasps and sighs I heard told me that I must be doing okay as I worked away, thankful that their bums were indeed clean.

With my rimming job completed, none of the men could contain themselves from quickly stripping me out of my lace covering, laying me on the bed and after lubricating me, entering my pussy.

I had been fucked by fat men before and had quickly learned to breathe rapidly in time with their thrusts. I remembered this technique as the first man mounted the bed before mounting me to commence pummeling my waiting pussy. To my delight, he fired his load into me in less than a minute before rolling off to make way for the second man.

I knew it would be hard to find anything that beşiktaş escort would spark in me, something that would lead to an orgasm in these six men. They were not muscular hunks or even lean, mean guys. They really did remind me of Sumo wrestles with their massive pot bellies enveloped in rolls of fat that rolled to either side of my waif-like body each time they put their weight on me.

I decided that it would have to be any pain they inflicted on me later that would excite me to orgasm.

To my astonishment, all six men had been on me, thrust me and cum in me within fifteen minutes of the first man commencing. I could not imagine them doing too well in the hundred meters, but they were undoubtedly record-breakers in the quick-fire rounds as my dripping pussy testified.

I was not given time to get my breath back following the breathless pounding of my pussy before the next task was underway.

‘Lean on this bench slut, and give us that shit hole of yours,’ one of the men instructed me. ‘We want you to do arse to mouth for us.’

I froze. Since being woken up, I had not been to the toilet at all, and I knew my bum would be pretty full.’

‘Can I go to the loo first?’ I enquired.

‘Certainly not, you cheeky bitch. Lean on this bench NOW!’

I did as requested, bending over, so my bum was ready to be entered by the quickly hardening erections I knew awaited this pleasure. As I stood waiting, I felt someone squeeze lubricating jelly into my bum hole and push it right in with a finger. Knowing that the men had more than ample endowments, I was relieved at this little mercy.

The men stood stroking themselves while admiring my nude body and inviting position. Suddenly, when the first man felt solid enough, I felt my bum pushed forcibly open as he forced his way through my tight orifice. I screamed in pain as he sought to drive in as far as he could and then thrust hard, finally ejaculating with a satisfied groan.

I stood in position, like a naughty child in the corner of the class, as one after another enjoyed buggering me to the full and unleashing their second loads into my body through my stretched and taut bum hole.

As soon as they had completed their tasks, I was stunned when they asked me if I wanted a cup of tea and a chocolate bar. I fully expected to have to clean up their manhoods following their penetrations into my backside. I like tea but love chocolate in moderation, and I hoped this interlude might mean that my cleaning responsibilities were abrogated. I was to be disappointed.

The tea and chocolate break was not for my benefit but the men using me. It gave them time to recharge their loads and reset their manhoods, ready for me not just to clean them up but offer suitable blow jobs all round!

With the morning break completed and having used the loo, a plastic bucket, as the men watched with interest, I set about my promised task, much to the men’s astonishment and satisfaction. As I licked, sucked and tongued the first, I could feel his rod becoming harder under my ministrations. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the other men again stroking erect cocks in anticipation of the same dirty but stimulating attention.

Finally, after ten minutes, I knew the cock upon which I was working was about to explode in full fury into my mouth. I gripped the man’s shaft with my lips as his seamen seemed to flow in an endless stream, causing me to unwittingly swallow to avoid choking.

‘Fuck her,’ one of the men ventured, ‘Did you see that?’

‘She swallowed! The filthy bitch swallowed!’

‘That is totally awesome. She really is a sullied slut!’

I had a few seconds to take some deep breaths and spill the remainder of my first success before a second hardened penis thrust its way into my waiting mouth. Once again, he was cleaned and pleasured before he too fired his load between my expectant jaws.

It took well over an hour to furnish all six overweight guys as some were accomplished at controlling when they let go in a final climax as they enjoyed my attention.

The men had been well briefed because, after being given a new toothbrush and toothpaste to brush my teeth, I was made to kneel and beg for parts of the sandwich the men had previously purchased for lunch.

Immediately after lunch, I was bound and spreadeagled to the bed for the men’s next session with me. I had no idea what they planned until I saw the two cattle prods. No further explanation was required as to what would happen next.

As four others looked on, two men approached me with the prods in their hands, intent on giving me an electrifying time. The first prod touched my left foot, causing me to flex it back against the rope with shock. The two men worked like professionals, alternately touching my legs until concentrating along my inner thighs as they neared my exposed hairy pussy.

They stopped short and continued touching my body, enjoying the crack of the prod as well as my reactions as I jerked away and squealed each time it touched. My upper arms were popular with them, possibly because they were the most sensitive areas up to that point, bringing from me greater howls of pain and more interesting spasms with my arms bound above my head.

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