Sisterly Seduction of Samuel Ch. 03

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AUTHOR’S NOTE AND A WARNING TO READERS: This story is about Zoey, 18, trying to seduce her older brother Samuel, 21. It’s a story about incest, and of new discoveries, and perhaps some kinky fetishes further down the line. Time will tell.

It is a work of fiction, and all of the characters in the story are above the age of eighteen.

I intend to write a new chapter of this story each week. If there’s something you’d like to see in a future chapter, please do let me know. I like when readers engage in the process and let their wishes be known. Thank you.


Samuel yawned, and open his heavy eyes. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept that well. And then, as he came to a little bit more, he realized he wasn’t alone. He blinked a few times to clear the sleepiness out of his eyes, when he noticed the feminine body of his petite little sister lying beside him, all cuddled up. He froze, and hesitated – what the hell had he done? He could remember everything that they had discussed last night. All of it. His heart was pounding.

A million emotions went through his head at once, and he wasn’t sure what to make of them. Having his sister this close to him, in such an intimate setting – it seemed so wrong, and so forbidden, and yet.. When he looked at her adorable little face, sleeping there next to him, he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to hold on to her and never let her go. Why was he feeling this way about his own sister? Was this wrong? Had she corrupted him with her endless seduction attempts? Was he sick in the head? Or was it the world that was slow to catch up on the fact that love between two people this close to one another was one of the purest forms of affection that could possibly exist?

Samuel sat up in bed, careful not to wake Zoey. But the covers slipped off of her back, exposing her bare skin from the waist downwards as she was wearing nothing but a t-shirt. Samuel found himself unable to take his eyes off her, until he shook his head to snap himself out of it. That butt of hers, even from this angle – turned away from him – looked so juicy and inviting. The curves of her backside, along with the soft lines of her ass, made him grow hard at a rapid pace. His underwear quickly felt a bit too tight. He took a deep breath. He had to think about something else, or he would end up doing something he would regret.

He got out of bed, to head towards the bathroom, but his movements getting out bed woke little Zoey up. She opened her eyes, looked at him, and gave him the biggest smile. It was enough to make his knees go weak. He smiled back at her awkwardly.

“Good morning, big brother!” She said with a hoarse morning voice. It was such an adorable sound. She sat up, still smiling. “Did you sleep well with me by your side?” she asked him, sounding like an excited little girl. Her smile was so genuine – she truly looked so happy just to be in his presence, and it made Samuel’s heart leap in joy. But he felt so conflicted – this was his own sister! And yet, he wanted to do nothing more than embrace her in his arms.

He had a lot of thinking to do. About how to approach her, about the ramifications of their night together, and also about how to proceed from here. But it all felt overwhelming right this moment, so he simply nodded at her, then said “I’m going to the bathroom, then heading downstairs for breakfast. Join me there? I’ll make you some waffles.”

“Really?” she asked, her eyes lighting up as if she didn’t believe him. It had been years since he made waffles for her last time, and the thought of it was almost nostalgic in a way for Zoey. “Okay – thank you!” She said, and Samuel hurried to the bathroom, where he instantly splashed cold water onto his face to help wake himself up. He looked at his reflection.

“Get yourself together, man..” he said to his doppelganger in the mirror. “This is not just some crush you are dealing with – it’s your little sister. Be strong, Samuel!”

But that would prove to be a whole lot more difficult than he had imagined.

— 2 —

The waffles was highly appreciated. Zoey was beaming with delight as her brother set the table for them both. She had slipped into a sundress, yellow in color, and the skirt length seductively made it look like she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Samuel found himself staring at his sister more than once – and despite trying not to do it again, he kept finding his gaze returning to her beautiful form almost without his own consent. It was just.. Automatic. His desires given a life of their own.

Zoey’s eyes caught something written in the morning newspaper, that their father must have left on the kitchen table when he was finished with it. “Hey, look!” she said, and grabbed the paper. “Tonight’s the yearly water lantern festival!” she said enthusiastically. “We haven’t been there in years now, Sam! Do you think mom and dad will want to go this year?” She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his response.

“Oh, I’ll text them and ask!” he said in response. kıbrıs escort “Although I seem to recall the both of them mentioning they would be working late today. When does it start?” he asked, turning to Zoey. She turned the page in the newspaper to find the proper article about the event, and then she showed it to him.

“There is a brief section about it right here.. Uhm.. It says it starts at five o’clock already, but the lantern release is around 9PM..” She looked up from the paper, and into her brother’s eyes. “But.. It’s much better to be there early, and spend a while walking around, enjoying some street food, looking at all the little stalls with things for sale, and.. It takes a while to paint the lanterns.”

Samuel nodded. “That is true, yes. And you’re right, it’s much better to make a whole evening out of it. God, it must have been.. Four or five years since we last went there now? Maybe more?” He seemed excited about this idea as he reminisced about the past. “I’ll text both mom and dad right away!”

A few minutes later, and they had gotten their response. It was a resounding no – neither their mother or their father could make it. Zoey looked at her brother with a sad face. She had clearly had just enough time to be really excited about the idea, and now, she was feeling a little let down. Samuel reached over and grabbed one of her hands, holding it in his. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Don’t worry, Zoey. I will take you to the festival. We are both adults now – and we can enjoy it without our parents. In fact..” he hesitated for just a brief moment. “Let’s make it a date?” He stared at her with shy but earnest eyes, and gave her a little smile. It made Zoey’s heart skip a beat, and she looked almost shocked. “What do you think, sis?” he asked.

Zoey wanted to kiss him right there on the spot! It felt like the best possible outcome to this situation, but she held herself back, not wanting to scare her big brother off. Her heart was pounding.

“I think it sounds wonderful!” She exclaimed, and smiled at him with glee. “Let’s make it a night we will never forget!”

— 3 —

Since both the cars were gone, used by their parents, they would have to get to the water lantern festival using public transport. Samuel was ready to go well ahead of time, dressed in khaki’s and a nice polo shirt. Zoey was cutting it close though, time-wise. She wanted to look as seductive as possible for her big brother, but also wanted to look cute and innocent at the same time. It was a difficult balance to master. Plus, she really wanted to show Samuel that she was putting in extra effort, and treating this very much like a romantic date. The latter part of the balance equation proved to be trickier than it sounded, but after agonizing over what to wear for half an hour, she was satisfied with what she had managed to put together. She picked a baby pink short-sleeve frilly dress, and added a small white cardigan to cover her shoulders, just in case the evening was going to be cooler than she expected.

She stepped out of her bedroom with her purse clutched in her hands, her face painted with a sweet and gentle expression, as if she were a beautiful little flower, blooming into the light for the first time, and about to greet the world around her with her love. She wore make-up, but it was applied in a subtle way for the most part, except for her lips, which she had colored bright red. It would help them look softer, she had reasoned, and perhaps accentuate them in a way that would subconsciously make her older brother want to kiss her. Her eyes were glistening with excitement, with a hint of nervousness, and with appreciation for her brother’s attention.

“How do I look?” she asked her brother with a shy smile, turning around to show him that dress from all angles. She was wearing cute, white sandals with an open strap, slightly raised heel, and low wedge platform. Her brother was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, and his face showed genuine shock as he looked up to see her walking down the stairs towards him. He swallowed, then cleared his throat. He was not expecting her to dress like this, and he suddenly felt really touched, knowing she had put a lot of the effort in for his sake.

“You look stunning.” he said softly. “I.. Wow.” He reached out to take both of her hands in his own. Zoey’s heart was pounding with excitement, and she felt her choice of attire was perfectly validated by her brother’s response to it.

“I am really excited about tonight. It means a lot to me, so thank you for taking me to the festival.” She said, and gave him a warm hug. His hug felt soft and warm, but strong. Like a safe harbor, offering protection from any storm that might come their way. It felt wonderful.

Minutes later, they were heading out the door and down the street, to catch the bus that would soon arrive, just a few blocks from their house. Samuel held on to Zoey’s hand tightly as they walked, the sun glowing over the horizon in the west.

They chatted casually about everything kırıkkale escort that came to mind, but Zoey could feel that there was something weighing on her brother’s mind, as he would grow quiet now and then, seemingly distracted by his own thoughts. This had been going on all day long, but she wasn’t going to pry, or try to get him to talk about it if he didn’t feel like it. She thought he might still be upset about the break-up with Miranda, but instead of bringing that up, she was going to show him that he didn’t need her. She was perfectly willing to do anything and everything that Miranda had done for her brother, and much more. It was a simple matter of proving to him that she was the best match for him, both as a loving and caring girlfriend, as well as a sexual one. Any kinky wish of his that he wanted realized, she would happily take care of..

When the bus arrived, it was packed full! Uncomfortably so. There were no seats available, and they were stuck standing up side by side, pressed close together, the soft curves of Zoey’s body being pushed up against her older brother’s. It seems a lot of people were heading down to the festival, because she saw a lot of families and couples and younger people, many talking about the day ahead. Zoey used the opportunity to push her butt into her older brother’s crotch, and wiggled it a little bit each time the bus turned a corner or reached another stop. She didn’t want to go too far though, just wanted him to feel her warmth being there. Samuel stood stiff as a statue, probably very aware that she was rubbing her butt against him intentionally. She cast a look behind her at one point, and saw that he looked a bit embarrassed, but she just gave him a cheeky grin. Zoey was in a great mood tonight, and her confidence was soaring high!

“Zoey, what was that..?” Samuel asked her when they finally got off the bus. He asked her at a low volume, keeping his voice down so the other people around wouldn’t hear them. He didn’t seem upset, but perhaps slightly uncomfortable.

“What was what?” She asked him playfully, acting like she didn’t know what he was referring to. She squeezed his hand tightly and gave him a suggestive smile.

“You kept.. rubbing your butt on me.” he said, still speaking quietly, although now there were much less people around them than before as everyone was swiftly heading towards the festival grounds. “You can’t be doing that – at least not out in public. What if anyone would see us?” He looked nervous, as if someone might pop out from behind any given corner at any moment, and expose their inappropriate relationship.

“Why?” She said, feigning innocence. “Is my big brother shy about being seen with me?” She couldn’t help herself – she gave him another playful smile. Samuel blushed, so she stopped in her tracks and pulled him closer to her. “People will just think we’re a couple, Samuel. They don’t know we’re related.” She said softly. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, okay? I was just.. really happy that you agreed to this date with me, and it got me a little.. Excited too. And I was making the most out of it.” She hesitated for a moment, feeling slightly nervous. “You… You don’t mind do you? If I am a little touchy tonight..?” she asked, looking at him with a concerned expression, but still with that teasing spark in her eyes. Samuel looked conflicted, as if he was considering the question.

“You should behave yourself. Please, Zoey. I’m serious about this. What if we get caught?” he whispered to her.

“We won’t, Samuel!” She responded in a hushed tone. “Please, trust me!” she said softly. Zoey squeezed his hand again, and then they were both back on track again, heading towards the festival area. It was set up in the usual spot, by Lake Yunalesca, near a small wooden pier where they used to go swimming in the summertime when they were kids. But since quite a few years back now, the water was no longer suitable for swimming due to pollution and algae. The lake was not quite as beautiful as it had once been, but Zoey still found it gorgeous to look at, and it made her happy to visit this place again. It felt a little nostalgic.

There was an elevated stage in the middle of the festival area, where a band would usually be playing during the summer months. Currently, the stage was bare except for a few decorations and signs. But there were vendors selling all kinds of goodies in little stalls – mostly homemade and handcrafted assortments – and tons of street food as well. There were so many things for sale here that it was almost overwhelming! Local artists had set up little viewing areas to show their work, and perhaps sell a few pieces as well. There must have been nearly a thousand people there, some of them dressed rather elaborately. Samuel and Zoey took a walk down to the area, holding hands. Samuel seemed slightly more at ease now, but still tense.

“How are you feeling?” She asked him. He was having a hard time hiding it, and she could see his eyes darting around everywhere, as if he were still worried kırklareli escort about getting exposed by someone he knew.

“I’m fine.” He said, but didn’t sound fine at all. Zoey gave his hand a little squeeze.

“We’re just holding hands now, Samuel. Please, relax. I’ve been holding your hand all my life. It shouldn’t be weird, right?” She paused, and looked around herself with wide eyes. “Wow.. There really are a lot of people here! It’s such a popular place!” she exclaimed, in an almost childlike manner. Her face was full of joy, and there was an infectious smile on her lips.

Samuel smiled at her then, looking like some of the tension washed away from his expression. “You’re right. I think.. I think I just feel differently about it today because you’re not just holding my hand as my sister, but also as my date..” he admitted.

Zoey nodded, and took the first step. She stood up on the tips of her toes, and kissed him gently on his cheek. Samuel seemed shocked by this at first, but relaxed a few moments later. His sister’s lips had left a small kiss mark on his cheek, barely visible.

“Come on – let’s enjoy this night, Samuel. Everything will be okay! And even if we bump into someone we know, THEY don’t know we’re on a date, so relax! Now, what do you want to look at first!?” Zoey said, pointing towards some of the vendors. She was enjoying this very much, and had been anticipating it for a while now. She could not remember a single day she had been as happy as this one. Samuel nodded, still blushing a little.

“Oh, we have a lot of time, so we can explore the whole area. We have to start thinking about decorating our lanterns by about 7:30 PM at the latest though, in case there is a long queue to pick them up.” He paused to give her a curious expression. “How about some street food, since we haven’t had dinner yet?” he suggested. “What are you feeling like?”

Zoey smiled widely at him and took his hand again. “I am feeling like eating those skewers they’re selling!” She said, pointing just over Samuel’s shoulders, and pulled him over to the nearby stall. The scent coming from the nearby food vendors was intoxicating. Zoey loved eating skewers. She couldn’t decide on what kind of meat she wanted though, so Samuel ordered two different types, and said they could share. Zoey ate with great enthusiasm, and Samuel laughed at her suddenly.

“You like having meat in your mouth, huh?” he joked, but his eyes were glued to her as she devoured it.

“Uh-huh!” She exclaimed, with her mouth full, and grinned at her brother. It wasn’t until a full minute later that she realized he had been making a joke with intended sexual innuendo. Somehow, it went completely over her head. “Ooh, that was so good!” She said, and then looked around them, examining all the stalls.

“Oh, that booth over there looks nice!” She exclaimed suddenly, and pointed. They made their way over there. It was a small shop with some nice jewelry pieces inside. “What do you think about this, Samuel?” She asked, sounding overly excited.

The lady selling the jewelry made note of her enthusiasm and said “I make all this jewelry myself! If you see anything you like, please let me know!” Zoey smiled at the woman, but her attention was mostly focused on her brother as she asked him again “What do you think, big brother? I would love to get something nice for myself, as a memory from today.” She was pointing towards a pair of earrings, shaped like feathers, with faux diamonds bejeweling them. They looked cute and elegant – the best of both worlds.

“Yeah, they are nice, Zoey.” Samuel said, not paying much attention to the earrings though. His eyes were glued to his sister’s cute face, with a loving expression. It made her feel giddy, knowing he was looking at her like this. “How much are they?” He asked the shop owner. The lady explained to him that it was 60 dollars, which Zoey figured was a little bit pricey for something made out of silver without real gemstones, but she wanted them nonetheless.

“I’ll get them for you”, Samuel said, but when he reached for his wallet, Zoey quickly put her hand over his.

“Oh, no.. Let me.” She said, and took out her own wallet to pay for it herself. It was kind of her brother to offer but she really did not want him to feel like he had to pay for all of her things just because they were out on a date, and he had already paid for the meat skewers. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel like going out with her was somehow a financial strain.

Zoey received the earrings, and thanked both Samuel and the shop owner. She tried them on immediately, and looked at Samuel with a giddy expression. “How do I look?” She asked him. “I really like them!”

“You look very beautiful.” He said softly, and placed his hand on her cheek to brush aside an errant hair strand. His touch felt so good on her skin – warm and loving.

They continued to look around at various vendors for some time. They even bought a few souvenirs along the way, including gifts for their parents. Their mother, who had a sweet tooth, got some kind of chocolate candy in a small glass jar that looked quite fancy. Their father got a knife, the handle made out of the antler of a deer. It was very cool and unique, and would look good in the kitchen back home. Both gifts fit into Zoey’s purse, which was an added bonus.

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