The Mysterious Mr Treeman Pt. 02

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On their side now, Chris spooning her, his cock planted all the way in her ass, their bodies glued. Chris’s arms around her, each hand holding a breast. His thighs pressed against the back of her legs. His face in her hair, mouth on her neck. For both of them the sex had been amazing; unrestrained and explosive. Their orgasms had taken everything out of them.

Eleanor was conscious of their breathing, their bodies seeming to be doing it as one now that they slowed. His entire cock filled her. She felt full of him and it was perfect. As he softened, she pressed harder, wanting to keep all she could of him. They lay for a while. Eleanor didn’t want to move.

Chris slid his right hand off her left breast, reached to carefully take his dick out. Eleanor whined a soulful plea. She reached out. Grabbed his hand and wrapped it back around her. She pressed back all the way on his cock again. Chris figured he wasn’t going anywhere until she released him. “That’s fair,” he thought, and relaxed back against her.

Eleanor put his hand back on her breast, closed her eyes, and went back to breathing with him for the next quarter hour. when she was ready she began easing him out of her. He moved his hand to help but she grunted, “Nhhhg, and pulled it back to her breast. She slowly, bit by bit, eased herself off of him, gasping, “AHHH,” as the head popped out, then, “ohhh,” missing him already.

Eleanor released Chris’s hands and rolled off the chair to her feet. She looked at Chris, moving to rise; she getting a chance to really look at the beautiful naked man who had made her feel so good. The things he said to her, the way he made her respond, had driven her body to places she had all but given up on. Intimacy was a huge problem for her. She was okay alone, touching herself she could cum, but just okay, and she had problems responding with anyone else. Chris’s role-play went around the problem somehow. Eleanor felt both more intimate, and more sexually fulfilled than ever, with this total stranger.

He had paused, and was watching her. She realized she was staring into his eyes, her mouth a little open, probably with a look like, “oh my god, you own me.” She smirked at the thought, and lowered her eyes. Or maybe, “thanks for banging my fucking brains in you beautiful strange man.” She stifled a grin.

Chris shifted his weight toward the door, then back to Eleanor and back again. He came awkwardly over, only glancing at her eyes, “ah, I’m going to leave for a while. You’ll be attended to if you call for Jen. Anything you want.” He seemed to look for more. He opened his arms tentatively, “I thought…maybe a hug goodbye for now is appropriate?”

Eleanor encircled his waist in her arms and rested her head on his chest. She sighed, breathing his scent, caressed his back, his athletic butt. She looked right up at him, into his eyes, and he held her gaze briefly, though he squinted and backed his head away. He glanced down at her breasts, stroked her head a little, unable to look into her obviously attracted, amazing eyes.

“Well,” he said, disengaging from her. He picked up his sweats and tee, and walked away, pointing at a door, “bathroom’s here,” like he knew what Eleanor was thinking, “I feel like I have about a gallon of cum up my ass.”

After cleaning up, Eleanor walked all around the room. She remained naked, slowly gliding around the room, touching herself a little. Just a hand cupping or smoothing a breast, or a feel over the cheeks of her ass. She caught sight of herself in a large mirror. She turned a little, really looked at herself. She knew what she had, it was what made her living, but she never really had a very good relationship with her beauty.

However, looking at herself today, through his eyes-so to speak- having affected this man so…it was like the first time she actually was able to enjoy her beauty for herself. And how? By having Chris make her feel guilty for being beautiful in the first place. Chris seemed to take it as a personal affront. Eleanor laughed out loud.

After wandering a while, then lounging and replaying the sex in her head, she began feeling a little ache inside. She had never felt strongly enough to be beholden to anyone, but after the awesome fucking she’d had, she found herself missing him. It didn’t help that he was gorgeous. “Maybe I should go find him and affront him some more.”

She put on her favorite string bikini, the red and white stripe one from her first movie, and a long-sleeve white button-up blouse. She stepped into her sandals and went to look for Chris. The open shirt flowed out behind her as she waked. The new look in her eyes amplified her beauty, but for now only the silence was there as witness.

Chris walked naked out of the room and walked to the elevator door. He typed a code, it opened and he entered. He emerged in the basement, walked into a room, tossed the clothes on the floor and threw himself on the bed. “This woman…oh my God,” Chris thought, grabbing a handful of his hair.

There had been a few escorts who had escort bursa lasted a few visits. They were beautiful and fun but…Well, first of all Eleanor was sex-starved, for whatever reason. Just like him. Then, how their bodies acted like they used to be one and were trying to get back together. That had never…nothing in the same universe as that had ever happened to him before. It usually took a lot to make him cum. With Eleanor he just exploded, and quickly.

And the way she looked to him. Well, okay. Maybe, depending on your tastes, she was among the loveliest women in the world. All the same, no one, no matter how beautiful, should look like she looked to him. When he saw the warm look in her eyes, the naked grateful admiration for what he did to her obviously starved body, like a joyful virgin to her first boyfriend. Along with her stunning loveliness, it was just unfair. It wasn’t magic, he reassured himself. His heart had melted to glue from a combination of biology, and chemistry. It wasn’t magic…or worse, love.

Eleanor gave up searching the empty house after ten minutes. She pressed one of the buttons and waited. In less than one minute Jen was walking in from the guest-house. “What can I do for you Ms Windham?”

“Do you know where Chris is?”

“I don’t. Is there anything I can get you?”

“Yes,” Eleanor laughed, “Chris.”

Jen considered. “Mr Treeman may want some space if you…after intimacy.”

Eleanor thought about it. She understood Chris had special sexual needs. It was apparent. She did as well, she now knew. She wanted to respect his privacy but she was in need of him. Who knew if this elusive man would let her return. “Tell you what,” she said. “put me in a normal bedroom. I’ll rest. In half an hour, find Chris and tell him I said, ‘stop.”


“I am having discomfort without him. Chris said I wasn’t to experience discomfort, and a half hour is all I am willing to suffer. Tell him I said, ‘stop.”

Jen walked past Eleanor, “Follow me Ms Windham.”

Jen led her down the hall, opened a door. They entered a large bedroom with modern furniture and a king bed. Jen began turning it down.

“No no,” Eleanor laughed, “you just start counting time, and talk to Chris for me. Thanks for everything Jen.”

Jen nodded, looked at her watch, and exited. Eleanor shed her blouse, and lay down on her side facing the door. She thought about these new feelings, and new knowledge of herself. She recognized that along with her first taste of true sexual satisfaction, she might also be heading for her first taste of heartbreak, or at least rejection, and longing.

She knew already she wanted to see him again, fuck him again. She had never been more attracted to, or interested in anyone before. She felt like a girl with a crush, something she hadn’t experienced when her friends had. She wanted to be asked back after this visit. She wanted it desperatrely. “That might not be what he wants, even if I please him,” she thought. So she wanted to be sure to live these twenty-four hours…twenty-one now.

The door was knocked right on time. Eleanor stretched a little to accentuate her hips and taut stomach. “Come in.”

Chris entered in shorts and a Zeppelin tee-shirt. Now familiar with his looks, Eleanor noted details of his endearments to store away for later, his stern chin and perfect lips. The hair falling over his eyebrows. The deep, inscrutible eyes.

He looked once along the length of her and stopped at her eyes. “Jen said…stop.” He stretched his neck, squinted, anything not to look directly at her too long. She waited for him to look at her. “Yes. You said I wasn’t to endure any real discomfort. I missed your presence and went looking for you. Jen said…you might be resting so I said I would wait another half-hour.”

Chris stroked his lips with his fingers a few times then opened his palms to her. “No one agreed to…spend time with you. You are being paid to be here twenty-four hours…”

“I’ll give you back the check. By the way, thank you for donating with me. That was nice of you. But…I did this on a whim, not for the money.” She waited again for his eyes to stop on hers. “I’m not a professional escort Mr Treeman.”

They stared at each other. Her use of his last name after screaming his first earlier was like a slap. Why should he care. He wasn’t going to see her again. She looked fucking unbelievable in that bikini; better than the movie but there was no way he was seeing this one ever again. He was hoping to fuck her one more time, not long before she departed,giving her body some rest in-between.

“What are you saying?”

That made her happy. She swung herself around and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll give you your check, and you stay with me after you fuck me.” She held his eyes with an open look. “I was extremely moved by what we did before; and I let you go because I had agreed to this. I was sorry I let you leave. I want decency instead of money. You don’t fuck someone like that and walk bursa escort away after, whatever role-play you’re doing. I don’t want the money, so I’m here willingly.”

“Ms…listen, I…didn’t plan on having to explain myself to you.”

“I understand without you explaining. I’m just…I understand. Was it torture to lay with me after, with your dick up my ass? You seemed pretty comfortable.”

Chris put his forehead in his hand, shook his head. “It was glorious but…”

She shrugged. “So I’ll obey you, anything reasonable, and you let me rest on you after, keep you near me. I loved what you did to me before. I just needed more after-care.” Chris looked at her, thinking how amazing she was. She was the same, straight through to her core.

“We agreed to twenty-four hours,” she added. “Let’s stick to that. Forget the money.”

Chris shook his head. “I will try hard to…relax with you. You’ll have to take what I can give you, and I will have to be tougher on you sexually, meaner, and you have to cash the check.”

She gestured with her hand, like sprinkling breadcrumbs. “Like I said. Anything.”

“All I do is anal sex so…” He looked at her and she made a subtle gesture with her eyes. It was like a look of triumph disguised as complete submission. She climbed up on the bed, knelt and sat back on her heels, her posture erect, her arms behind her back. She said, “Master, what can I do to please you?”

Chris looked her over in the classic submissive pose, wearing what she wore when the world fell in lust with her. “Awesome,” he thought. “Are you sure you’re ready?” He asked. “You felt very tight.”

She kept facing forward. “Can I call you Chris?”

“No. Master only.”

“Master told me the safe word. I’m ready to be punished for what I do.”

Wow. Chris walked around behind her and back again, looking her over, letting himself become inflamed by her beauty, by the amazing look of her, and they way she behaved. He hardened his voice. “What do you do? Think hard. You can call me Chris if you get it right.”

Eleanor didn’t take long. “I look so beautiful that Master has to fuck my brains out to get relief.”

She was really something, Chris thought. “That was very good my little Eleanor,” he said nastily. He felt the need for dominance come on. “You may call me Chris but you won’t get much joy out of it. You’ll be screaming my name soon.” He was breathing heavy, becoming intent on her. “Stand up over here,” he said backing up a step.

Eleanor rose and came over, flushed. She kept her eyes on her feet though she was dying to see his eyes. “That’s right,” he said. She stood with her arms by her sides. She faced forward while he moved around, looking at all of her. Chris thought she looked amazing in the bikini. It cut across her unearthly hips, accentuating them. The adorable flat belly. Her perfect B-cup cleavage swelling, her whole body, and ugg, has any bikini looked this good on anyone’s ass?

“So you wore the bikini from the movie, huh? What did you think that would do?”

“I thought if you liked me in the movie…”

“In the movie I wanted to bend you over and fuck your brains out.”

“I belong to you,” she said.

“Follow me,” he said, turning and leaving the room. Eleanor followed, watching his back, ignoring all else. When he turned she found they were in a room, empty except for a piece of furniture, obviously designed, and mirrors, strategically placed all over.

“Situate yourself,” he said.

Eleanor thought about asking if she could strip just to aggravate him but checked herself. His new intensity was darker than before, closer to violence. She knew he would not hurt her intentionally. He was acting, and venting as she had been prepared for. But now with her heart beating for this man, this beautiful, strange man who made her feel both thirst and slake like never before…

Well, now she liked him, like liked him, kind-of, ‘could we get together for dinner? Maybe talk about books or gardening a little, after you hollow out my ass with your giant cock?’

Now that he was her all-time best lay, and being attracted to his faults…Eleanor wanted him, as himself, to take from her what he needed to feel awesome. She wanted to be the reason he felt awesome. It was a scary feeling, but Eleanor had to continue to seek the new feelings with this man. They were too rewarding to leave willingly on the table.

Her knees settled into the soft padding. She leaned forward and rested comfortably, her breasts hanging free in the bikini top for the chair’s design which had seperate waist and head rests to allow this. She lay her head down looking sidelong. To her surprise, she could see all of herself from different mirrors, moving nothing but her eyes.

She swiveled her head the other way and saw that it was the same from either side. She saw Chris standing behind her in one mirror. From another, an overhead view of herself, “looking quite nice,” she thought, and there in profile, her bursa merkez escort bayan slim waist, sloping up into the…pretty stunning round ass, which the chair protruded, graced by the famous bikini.

She watched as Chris stripped quickly. His awesome cock was half hard, an eight inch flashlight. He grasped it and it began hardening and growing. A low moan came from Eleanor. His cock was truly something. She couldn’t believe that thing had fucked her ass pretty good earlier. Okay, it was only a very short while, and he hadn’t pounded her unrestrained, but he had fucked her real good – up to the neck, from Eleanor’s perspective – making her cum like she never knew before. Then he pounded her harder still the half minute it took him to cum. And then he lived in her ass until she let him go. She had felt stretched to her limit, but secretly felt confident she could conquer him again.

“Bad idea to wear the bikini Eleanor,” he said. “Tsk, tsk. That’s going to cost you.” He stood astride the chair, holding his cock. He ran his fingertips down her back, teasing a reaction from her. Eleanor squirmed a little. “If you had let it be just about how you look to me tonight…well, too late. I’m going to be thinking about all the poor souls who’ve had to watch you. They wish for one night with their dream-girl, who appeared out of nowhere in a red stripe bikini.” He ran his hand down over the perfect cheeks of her ass. “I think it’s fair you should be fucked to exhaustion.”

Eleanor emitted soft moans at the words and caresses, but the last line brought a more primal sound, with a little fear, “Uho.”

“You know what everyone thinks when they watch you collecting the beads on the blanket, on your hands and knees, the camera circling you while every man in the world is just dying to see that bikini pulled down around those sleek thighs, see those beautiful round cheeks exposed to the world, get a view up that crack of dreams. Man! And nobody even knows how gorgeous you actually are with that virginal little pussy of yours, and that perfect little asshole. Ugg, you want to just tongue it till it cums. But now you’re just going to be stretched and fucked by my cock. Correct?”

She sighed, “YES,” nodding, looking for his eyes in the mirror. She watched him looking at her ass.

He reached his hand into her bikini bottom and down her crack, losing his finger between those amazing cheeks. Chris heard her breathing pick up. She moved against his hand. “Stay against the chair. Keep your hips against the padding. You’ll be trapped between that padding and my thick cock pounding you from behind. You’re going to pay for everyone who has suffered with horniness watching you. I’m going to make you srceam and beg.”

Eleanor found the heat flooding her middle. Chris’s voice just made her wet. It was ridiculous. She watched him talking and caressing her, his right hand down her bathing suit now, him dropping his cock to take the string from her neck. Eleanor reached out and grabbed the thick shaft, feeling her bikini fall from her breasts at the same time.

“You want to hold that for me?”

Eleanor gently caressed his one in a million cock, “Yes please,” she whispered, hefting it, amazed at how heavy it was. She wanted to suck it but she was unsure if she should ask. She was delighted he was letting her hold it. Eleanor felt herself oozing again. She thought, “he is working on soiling every article of clothing I brought.” His finger moving between her cheeks was making her pussy drip. He still hadn’t come near her hole, which ached and was being tickled by a drop of sweat that made its way down her crack.

Chris slid his hand out and pulled her bikini bottom down just under her cheeks, pulled them a little more, exposing her little pink pussy which leaked creamy white. He sighed, exasperated at how her beauty pierced his heart, He experienced actual pain in his chest. “Well, I’m going to ease that pain,” he thought.

He stepped back to look at her, taking his cock away. It was an image he wanted to remember, Eleanor Windham, bikini top still tied around her back but her breasts hanging down along with the two triangles of her top. Her little hard nipples pointing down. Her bikini bottom down around her thighs, arms down by her side. Her ass exposed and about to be fucked.

He stepped close again, pulled a set of dildos and lube out from under the table. “Eleanor caught his eye in the mirror. “Just the lube,” she said, telling him with her eyes she was insistent. “Just one finger and then your cock.”

Chris poured out a palm-full of lube and coated his cock. She reached for it and he let her grasp it, pouring more lube on it for her. He ran his slippery fingers between her tight cheeks, feeling for her hole. He rubbed it while she slid her hand around on his cock which rested in her hand by her side. Chris pressed softly, just to tell her he was entering.

Eleanor lay comfortably watching them in the mirrors, holding his beautiful cock, then cupping his huge balls which filled her palm while his shaft rested on her forearm. She not only felt but saw now, his fingers working in her ass, teasing and then pressing. She exhaled and opened around his finger, “Uhhhh,” then just breathing easy, took his strokes with ease, relaxing around his finger while he fucked her with it.

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