My Awakening Ch. 03

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This is a continuation of my previous story. So it will be helpful to have read the previous stories beforehand. Hope you all enjoy it.

All characters depicted having sex are over 18.


The next week went by surprisingly fast. And relatively calmly. The day after our shopping excursion, Kaitlin and I took tags off the clothes and washed them. She went through my closet and got rid of many of my old clothes and shoes. She also found better hiding spots for my new sex toys, which included my rabbit vibrator, my egg vibrator, the strap-on and a double-ended dildo. Apparently, she had bought the last three at the same time from Castle that night. Apart from that, I finished my school work. Kaitlin sprawled on my bed reading gossip and fashion magazines, while I worked. She left me alone for the most part. I guess she just wanted to be near me, much like I had been when we were younger.

While I was in class for the next three days, Kaitlin was home. She would borrow my car so she could run around town. She would drop me off at school and pick me up. I would enter or exit my car with a kiss from her. But that was it. Classes for me ended Wednesday. I was looking forward to spending the next two days with my sister doing what we wanted to do. She had awakened my sexuality and I was eager to explore it, but it was not to be. At least for this week anyway. Mom had Thursday and Friday off since she had to work Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. So Kaitlin and I rummaged through my closet and drawers discarding clothes to make room for my new clothes she had bought me. We talked about college and what to expect. We even went out for mani-pedis, which our mom went with us.

This is how mom found us, but Kaitlin had started massaging my back. Of course, mom thought it was perfectly innocent. She announced dinner was ready and so we disentangled ourselves and headed to the dining room. This was how most of the week went.

Mom had Thursday and Friday off since she worked a mid-shift on Saturday and an early shift on Sunday. So the real fun started the following week. During the days, while our parents were at work, we would wake up late and fool around. We had sex in every room, we tried to do it in our parents’ room but it was just too weird. I can’t even remember every encounter, but I do recall certain aspects. We used all of my toys, in a variety of ways. I remember at one point having my egg in my ass while my sister and I used the double-ended dildo. I also remember being in, what my sister called, reverse cowgirl on the sofa riding my sister while she wore the strap-on and watching porn in the main room. At night, after dinner and before mom and dad went to bed, I would be working on my essay and applications for college admissions. My sister would be on my bed reading a magazine or paint her nails or she would just quietly watch me. During our time alone, I did ask her questions about how she found out she was a lesbian, how she liked the taste of pussy. (I had tasted mine on her fingers and mouth, but surely different pussies tasted differently.) I was curious and she helped me at least have the answers, but I still had to figure things out on my own. It was nice and comforting in a way I couldn’t really put into words. We would fall asleep together. At some point, she would slink off to her room. But she would wake up as our parents left the house and slide back in bed with me.

I remember one night vividly. It made me question so much about our relationship, but I was too afraid to ask her about it. Afraid of her answer. Afraid of the ramifications. But it was the single brightest days so far. We were watching a sappy romance movie. The kind you can guess the ending within the first fifteen minutes. Her legs spread as I was lounging against her. My head rested on her shoulder. My back against her breasts. Her hands lightly stroking my breasts through my satin cami. At one point, she pushed me so I was leaning forward. When in position, she started massaging my neck. It felt so good. I closed my eyes and was moaning. This is how mom found us. She announced dinner was ready. Once she left, we started giggling. “Could you imagine what she would have done had she come in earlier with my hands on your breasts?” After that night, we decided not to try anything sexual while our parents were home. So weekdays were for us. But nights and weekends were off limits.

One night sometime before Christmas, I asked her, “Are you wanting me to do to you what you do to me?”

She stroked my hair as we were lying on my bed, “I don’t want to push you faster than you are willing to go. But yes, I do. If you don’t want to, please don’t. I can get myself off with just the image of you on your back.” She smiled sweetly at me.

“That just doesn’t seem fair. My big sister is giving me these wonderful orgasms and I make you relieve yourself?”

“It’s not about fair. It’s about what you are willing to give. I am happy just having this kind of relationship with you at all. And besides, when I fuck you Escort bayan with the strap-on I may not have the intensity you do when I cum, but I do cum. And don’t even get me started on what you do with that double-ended dildo. You’re a natural on that thing.”

“So you don’t feel…cheated?”

“Not. One. Bit. You made me so happy when you agreed to be my girlfriend, even if it has a time limit.”

“About that…”

“Shhh. Don’t worry one second. About any of this. If all I get is this one holiday with you, it will be the best thing I have ever had. I wouldn’t change one minute of it. Unless, that is, you go break down and analyze every little thing about it, like you are headed down now. Let me just have these moments. In case I don’t get any others.”

I shut up and just lay down with my sister. I eventually fell asleep in her arms, like every night so far since our shopping spree. She would get out at some point because every morning I would feel her get back in bed with me. I could really get used to waking up with her in my bed.

Christmas came. We did the present exchange. I was surprised that my sister had gotten me the cami and pants set I was fingering in Victoria’s Secret. She had also grabbed mom a nice robe from there, but on the label she indicated the gift was from me. Kaitlin and I were the biggest recipient, as always. We had an early Christmas dinner. Mom and dad always had a cruise the day after Christmas until New Year’s Day. Mom gets tired of the snow and dad gets swamped from New Year’s until mid-April being an accountant. So they had established this tradition many years ago. Of course, when Kaitlin mentioned she was coming home, they were prepared to forgo their trip, but she had insisted they keep their date. She had to promise not to wait so long to come back and visit.

We insisted they leave the dishes and get to the airport. Once the parents left, we started doing the dishes. Kaitlin washed while I rinsed and dried. She, obviously, got done before me. But when she finished, she got a mischievous look in her eye. I barely had time to register it before I had suds in my hair, face and on my shirt. I had to close my eyes so the suds wouldn’t get in them, but having a vague idea where she was and still had the hose in my hand I sprayed. I knew I hit the mark when I heard her squeal. I wiped the suds from my face to inspect my retaliatory hit. I really soaked her good! Her shirt was sticking to her and I could definitely see her bra. She made a move like she was going to get more suds, but I held the hose, threateningly. She backed off and I finished the dishes. By the time I was done, I turned around and my sister had shed her shirt and bra.

She leapt at me and started making out with me. She had me stripped naked in no time. She spun me around and planted me on the island. “Y’know. Mom and dad left before we had desert.” What? She’s still hungry? She started rummaging through the refrigerator. She grabbed some strawberries, a peach, some maraschino cherries and an aerosol can of Cool-Whip. She then got some vanilla ice cream from the freezer. Before she was done on that side of the kitchen, she got a banana and an ice cream scoop. She placed the items next to me and started cutting the peach into slices.

“Lay back,” she told me once the peach was sliced. I did as she asked, propping myself on my elbows to see what she was planning. What she was planning blew my mind! She grabbed a peach slice and the thinnest side of the cut of peach she slid through my slit. I felt the juicy fruit leave a trail on my outer lips. She slid it once, twice. On the third stroke she left it in my pussy, not shoving it in just sitting there. She then grabbed two maraschino cherries and rubbed them on my nipples. The syrup running down my breasts. She took the whipped cream and circled the base of my breasts with it then a line from my sternum to my pussy.

She took the slice of peach from my pussy and ate half. “Do you want to taste this peach?” I nodded. She held it with her teeth and fed it from her mouth. As I was chewing the fruit covered in my nectar, she slid two strawberries along my pussy. She ate one, then fed me the other. She ate the cherries off my nipples, but their syrup had dried on my breasts. She started licking the whip cream. Her hands were busy elsewhere, but my eyes were closed savoring the sensations she was giving me. Then I felt something long and thin being pushed into my pussy. My eyes shot open and I saw she had shoved half the banana into my cunt and was fucking me with it. My legs dangled and had no purchase. My back gave out and my arms grasped the ledge of the counter so my hips could help my sister fuck me. She stopped suddenly. The banana still wedged in my pussy.

My eyes were closed still willing my body to just cum, but with no stimulation it was a lost cause. Before I could open my eyes, I felt a freezing feeling on my breast. I looked down to see my sister with another scoop of ice cream over my other breast. It landed with a plop. Bayan escort My sister was making me a banana split. Or rather making me into one. Her mouth started sucking and nibbling my breasts, but not fast enough to stop it from melting. My entire torso was a mess of dried cherry syrup, and melting Cool-Whip and ice cream. Her hand grasped her make shift dildo and thrust it into me. I was cumming in no time. By this point, my sister knew all the buttons to push. The ones that will let me build slowly and the ones that had me crashing into orgasm. This one was not slow. I came hard. I was regaining my breath and senses when I looked at Kaitlin, who still had her flannel pajama pants on, eating her banana, happily.

She had already put the items back where they went. So I pouted, like the brat I was when we were younger, “But I wanted some desert, too.”

“Well, I made my desert. If you want some, make it yourself.” She stuck out her tongue. So I thought about it. If I were to make a Kaitlin desert, what would I like to eat? I wanted to show her I could be creative too.

I opened the refrigerator and peered in. Pumpkin pie? Nah. I pushed further in and saw a platter. I pulled it towards me and dipped a finger in the chocolate mess. Brownie batter! Mom hadn’t had time to bake it so she had wrapped it up for Kaitlin and I to enjoy while they were gone. How would this taste? Just then, I felt some melted ice cream drip down my mound and I didn’t care. She made a mess of me, I would do it to her! “Katie, I need your help.”

“What with?”

“Well, I was wondering if you could set a plate out for me for my desert. You know, like I did for you?” I looked back and saw her yank her pants and panties off and got on the counter. “Oh. God. You look hot like that.” She smiled, brightly. “Mind closing your eyes?” When her eyes were closed, I brought my desert to the counter. “No peeking, sister.” She nodded in compliance. I could see goose bumps forming.

I didn’t bother with a scoop; I put both hands in the gooey mixture and slathered thick handfuls onto my sister’s breasts. I started easting the brownie batter from my sister’s breasts. It was getting everywhere! Not only was she as messy as I was, I was getting messier. She was too far up on the counter. So I grabbed her ass with my brownie covered hands and pulled her closer to me. I had been fantasizing about doing this. Questioning whether I wanted to or not, but now. This moment, I wanted nothing more than to feast on my sister’s pussy. Like she had mine many times.

I thought of everything she had done to me. And tried my best to do the same to her. I tentatively licked her slit. It tasted different. I thought it would have, but this tasted…I looked at my hands and realized why. My face was covered in brownie. I giggled at my naivete. That is until my sister’s hands found my head and urged me back to her folds. I started licking vigorously. Her Hands went to her breasts, kneading them. I even saw her lick her fingers of their brownie coating.

I soon had her thrashing and moaning. She was inching further up the counter. I grabbed her ass and pulled her pussy tight with my mouth again. She was panting and screaming my name. I never wanted her to stop screaming my name. With renewed energy, I brought her to another orgasm before her last one was over. I got on the counter next to my sister, who was still spasming, and cradled her. When she calmed down, she looked at our bodies and laughed. We were beyond filthy. She climbed down and helped me off the counter. She never let go of my hand as she led me to the shower.

I can’t say it was a very effective shower. We were too busy having fun and getting each other off, but once we were done and drying each other off. I asked, “So does it hurt?” She looked at me curiously. “Shaving. Down there.” My sister had a line of pubic hair that pointed to her pussy. I kept mine trimmed, at least in summer when I wore bathing suits, but in the middle of winter? It wasn’t a hug priority.

“Would you like to try it?” Her pussy, when I had eaten her out, felt so smooth. I wondered what she preferred, just then. So I asked. She thought, “Well, don’t get me wrong I’m only saying this because you asked, but I do prefer a silky smooth pussy to eat. Now I would be happy to continue without…” I stopped her at that point.

“I want you to show me how.”

She beamed. Going to the vanity she pulled out a pair of clippers, a razor and shaving cream. She looked at me and told me to sit on the edge of the tub. She reached behind me to grab a wash cloth. She carefully cut my pubic hair as short as she could. Then, while lathering up my mound, asked, “How do you want it to look?” I looked at her with confusion. “Like mine? With a little left. Or none at all?”

“Whatever you think is best.”

She smiled. “Lean back just a bit.” Her smooth hands and gentle touch were getting me worked up again. I could see her concentration was waning with my aroma wafting in her nostrils, but she kept on. Careful Escort not to nick me. With the task done, she wet the cloth with warm water. She ran the cloth over my mound, both wiping the excess shaving cream and hair off as well as working me into a frenzy. With my pussy cleaned, she discarded the cloth in the hamper and continued caressing my pussy with her fingers. “So, little sister, how does it feel having my fingers in your bald cunt?”

I moaned. “Just think what my tongue will feel like on this smooth skin.” I moaned again. “Don’t worry. I won’t make you wonder for long.” She pulled me up and rushed me to my bedroom where she pushed me on to my bed. We didn’t worry about being naked. About closing the door. About being quiet. We had the house to ourselves so why worry about that. This way it’d be easier for us to fool around. Nothing to get in the way. It was a quick cum for me and from then on we were nude.

I couldn’t even begin to tell you all the sex we had. She showed me all sorts of positions. Some we had done like doggy, reverse cowgirl. Now that I had had her in my mouth, we 69’d. It was a sex crazed week. And I learned a lot. Which was good, because my final exam in lesbian sexuality was coming-cumming?-on New Year’s Eve. My sister had invited her three friends over for a night together. They arranged it with their significant others. How they did, I didn’t know. I knew Paige had said she never cheated on her husband. And I knew Marissa was in a committed relationship. I would later find out, but on the day of the event I only knew they had come to some kind of an agreement.

January 31 finally arrived. Upon waking up, I noticed my sister wasn’t in bed. I looked around the room and noticed, to my surprise, she was sitting at my desk, clothed. I was trying to piece it all together. We had been, happily, waking up together. We had gone about our days with nothing on, unless we intended to go out. Before she saw my eyes on her, she had a distant look on her face. A sad look. I wanted nothing more than to go to her and hold her, but before I could move she noticed I was awake. She put on a smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Morning, sweetie.”

“Katie, is something wrong? Did I do something?” She shook her head.

“No, it’s nothing you did. We need to talk, before the party starts. And now is probably the best time, since we will need to clean up and prepare for tonight.” I just nodded letting my sister say what she needed to. “Look, I want you to have the time of your life tonight. So I have decided that, for today, we should act like sisters and not lovers. So no running around naked. No sex. Let your mind—your dirty, naughty mind—revel in itself. You are about to have the night of your life and I would just rob you of your ability to cum as often as my friends are going to want you to. So get dressed and come down.”

She got up and was headed to the door. I leapt out of bed and grabbed her wrist. She tried to break free, but I wouldn’t let her go. “Katie, please. Lets at least have our shower together. Even if we don’t fool around in the shower. Please.” She smiled sweetly at me, nodded and lightly kissed me on the lips.

The shower was exquisite, but it did leave me hornier than I had been in a while. Normally, if I started getting horny, I had a willing participant to get me off. Today, even though she looked ready to bring to orgasm, she stayed true to her vow of no sex. I was washing my own pussy today, but when she noticed I was spending a little too much time between my legs, she yanked my hand away. “No cumming. At all.” I whimpered, but nodded in agreement.

When we got out and were dried, we headed to our separate rooms. I thought I saw a tear in my sister’s eye, but she turned into her room and closed the door. So I hung my head and shuffled into my own room. I changed into the cami and pants my sister had gotten me for Christmas and sat at my desk just thinking. Something was really wrong, but what was it. Why was Kaitlin so upset? Why wouldn’t she just let me comfort her? Was it tonight? If so, then why had she arranged this? Was this the end of us? Not as sisters, we would never lose that. Would we? Did our tryst mean we could no longer be sisters? When she went back to school in California, mean she was out of life for good? Was that it? Did she think I would let her do that? All these thoughts flooded my head, but the one person I could talk to had shut her door on me. Literally and emotionally.

I padded down the hall to the kitchen and made cinnamon rolls. I at a few with some orange juice. Kaitlin still hadn’t left the room. So I knocked on her door. She didn’t answer so I told her loud enough for her to hear, “I made cinnamon rolls. They’re in the oven to keep them warm. If you want some.” She didn’t answer, at least not audibly to me. So I slinked back into my room. I began to look for things to do and noticed on my desk was a box from newegg. My new motherboard was sitting neglected since it had arrived. I’d been so preoccupied with my new relationship that my past life was put on hold. One thing, I knew I had to change. If she still wanted me, she wanted me to still be me. She’d told me so, many times. So what was more me than being the brainy girl who worked on computers?

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