Total Silence

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I pull on the silk thigh high nylons that Master J had instructed me to wear. As I fasten them to the red lace garter, I am not without a twinge of excitement. We’d met once before at a job interview…we were both up for the same position, neither of us got it, but we both walked away with each other’s email addresses. What started as an idea exchange of job prospects progressed to casual flirting, and then eventually to more serious discussions of likes and dislikes. He’d caught on quickly to my submissive tendencies and started to push those boundaries. For months now he’d had me doing little tasks that embarrassed, excited, and thrilled me. Two weeks ago he insisted I start calling him Master or Master J instead of John. I liked the way it made me feel to refer to him as Master.

I slip the short plaid skirt up my legs and over my butt. I hate my butt…I think it’s too round and sticks out too far…but men tell me they love it. I turn so I could see my back in the mirror…if I bend just so you could see the red lacy outline of my panties where they hugged the curves of my ass. As instructed. I know Master will be pleased. I pull the white button collar shirt on and fasten it to the space between my breasts. Again, if I move just so you could see a peek of my matching red lace bra. Dirty school girl, that was the description in the email. I fell a little silly, this is a far deviation from my normal t-shirt and jeans, but it makes me feel sexy too…and I so want to be sexy for him.

My pussy pulses for a moment at the thought of the evening. It has been two months since he’s allowed me an orgasm…always forcing me to stop just before. He says it’s training, practice…things are not to be done on my terms, but when he commands it. But I’m dying…I usually would masturbate to orgasm three to four times a day before meeting John, now I am only allowed to touch myself when he commands. I pray he lets me cum today….

I’ve fixed my hair into two side braids, but at the last minute I tie two red ribbons to the ends…sweet and innocent…or I would be if the shirt were fully buttoned and the skirt weren’t riding my ass cheeks. I slip into a cute pair of black heels and wait by the door. He said he’d be here at three, and it’s just now hit the top of the hour. My pulse is racing with anticipation, I haven’t seen him since the interview and things have progressed to much, I can only hope that the day will live up to the online interaction.

The doorbell rings and I jump. I knew it was coming, but it still startles me. Hand on the knob, I send a silent plea to a higher power for one moment that it’s not the mail man, take two deep breaths and open the door. It’s Master J, he looks great in a pair of dark khaki’s and a black dress shirt. I stand there for a moment admiring him, just as handsome as I remembered. The look on his face says lust and I wonder if he’ll live the role he lives so well behind the safety of a keyboard. He steps into the entry way of my apartment, and without saying a word he closes the door behind him. I’ve been instructed not to say a word until prompted…so I’m standing here awkwardly as he circles me, eying me up and down.

From behind me he puts pressure on my back just below my neck, I understand this as an instruction to bend, and do. Bending at the waist with my legs slightly spread, I put my hands on the floor to balance myself. I see his legs step back…he must be inspecting the view. I hope he doesn’t hate my ass. But no, I hear a quiet moan and I know he’s pleased. Knowing I’ve done well make my puss spasm again…I can feel it clenching, yearning to be filled. I let out a soft whimper of my own…just barely, and without intending to. WHACK…the first of what I’m sure will be many slaps lands square on the right cheek of my ass.

“I told you total silence.” WHACK a matching sting on the left.

I want to cry out, but I bite my lip to hold it in. I don’t know though…maybe one more sound so I can feel the warmth of his hand again…it does feel so good…

“Stand up slut, we’re going out.” And with that he walks around me and opens the front door again.

I hesitate…out? Like this? Really? But…people will see, well, everything. The clothes he’s had me dress in don’t leave much to the imagination. I shift my weight from one foot to another as I debate with myself in my head. What’s the punishment for saying you won’t? He can’t make me! But then you won’t get what you need. I can find another way! You know it won’t be the same…just Obey. Obey…yes…you’re right…

I move forward, sliding past him into the apartment hallway.

“You will be punished for your hesitation.” A warning, an air of disappointment. I’m crushed, the last thing I want is to let him down.

He holds my arm tenderly as we walk to his car. He opens the door for me, and as I open my mouth to say thank you, shoots me a look to remind me. Total silence. Total obedience. Those were the conditions Escort bayan of today. Another time, another day I will be talking. Today though there will be none. He pulls away from the curb, and I can’t help but smile at the fact that he obviously can’t keep his eyes off me. I’ve done well. Well enough any way…here’s hoping it’s well enough to get fucked. I need to get fucked. We drive for a while in total silence, no conversation, no radio…theme of the day, total silence. It kills me. I want to ask where we’re going, what he’s planning, if I can unzip his pants and give him a preview of my oral skills. Waiting…waiting is like torture. My body is ready, it has been all morning…more than once I had to wipe away wetness from my inner thigh.

He pulls off the highway on an exit the next town over…there’s a mall here, and that’s where he parks. He gets out again without a word, and walks to my side of the car to open my door. Taking my arm again, he leads me to the Macy’s entrance. My heart skips a beat again…I can see by the parking lot that it won’t be crowded, but I’m still really nervous at the idea of people seeing me like this. Master J walks me to the shoe department and literally sits me down in a chair at women’s shoes. He walks away, leaving me sitting nervously. I glance around…I don’t see anyone, but I’m still so self conscious. I tug at the skirt to try to get it lower, sitting makes it ride up so you can see the tops of the nylons and the tips of the garter attachments. Slutty. I look slutty. Of course…I am slutty…I’ve just never looked the part before.

Master comes back with a boy, at least he looks like a boy to me. His name tag says Matt, and he can’t be over 18 tops. He blushes at the sight of me. I can tell his eyes can’t decide if they should look at my breasts or try to see up my skirt. I tug at the skirt again and shift uncomfortably. We hadn’t talked about my being out on display. I’m not prepared for this.

“She’s looking for something in a high red heel, stiletto.” Master says to the boy, “something that will accentuate her ass. Size seven.”

The kid nods and bolts off to the back. Master sits next to me, leans over and kisses my neck. He reaches into my shirt to tweek at my right nipple through my bra.

“Relax and serve, my pet, you WILL enjoy this,” he whispers into my ear and casually withdraws his hand as the boy walks up with a few boxes of shoes.

I can’t help but notice that the boy was watching his hand intently. Poor kid, it’s not nice to tease him like this…and poor me…it turns me on so much to do it. He kneels in front of me with the first shoe. I have to uncross my legs to put them on, and he becomes transfixed…starting in front of him straight up my skirt. No! I didn’t mean to do that…I move to close my legs, but Master’s hand is on my thigh. His eyes say stay still. I stay. Total obedience.

“um…uh…do you…um…ya know…shoes…” poor Matt stammers, unable to form any words.

“Not those I think,” Master replies for me. Total silence. “Let’s see another.”

The kid goes through three more, never standing…I giggle inwardly, I’m becoming more accustomed to the tease as time goes on. Poor Matt, he must be aching over there, I bet he’s aching as much as I am. I can feel wetness on the chair beneath me. Oops…poor Matt will have to clean that up later. I wonder if he’ll taste it. I catch the giggle in my throat on that one. I almost slipped. Bad girl!

“No, no, none of these,” I hear Master say, “do you have any more in the back? Perhaps we can help you look…”

“I um…I’m not allowed…no customers in the back,” poor Matt manages.

“Maybe just her then, she’ll come with you, I’ll wait here.” I rise, poor Matt’s eyes follow me the entire way, “and be sure to thank him properly pet. Properly.”

I know what this means…he’s had me do this before. Thank people Properly when they help me. It was the first step toward letting out my slut. Properly.

Poor Matt gathers the boxes of rejected shoes and holds them in front of his crotch as he stands. Aching, just like me, I’m sure of it. I follow him to the back without a word…the entire way he keeps repeating “not allowed, shouldn’t do it, promise you won’t tell…” It’s cute. He’s cute…in an awkward way. Poor Matt…I’ll make it up to him, I’ll thank him Properly.

As soon as we’re through the door, I put my hand on his shoulder, stopping him. It startles him and he drops all the boxes. I can see the outline of his member through his work pants. That’s a good sign…I like something well formed. I kneel before him and I can hear his breath getting ragged. I unzip his pants and pull down his boxer briefs. He’s standing straight at attention with a cock just large enough to impress, but not overwhelmingly so. Manageable, that’s good, I slurp at it eagerly…the wetness between my legs growing. One must be appreciative, one must thank a man Properly, that is, Bayan escort if you’re a good slut. And I do so want to be a good slut.

I bob up and down on his cock, flicking my tongue around the head every time I pull back. He’s braced himself against the shelves, which is good as I’m sure he’d fall over if he hadn’t. I can hear little whimpering noises coming from poor Matt…at 18 I don’t think he’ll be able to hold out long, not against my oral skills. I wrap my hand around the base of his cock, hoping it’ll help him hold out. But he tenses anyway at my touch, and it’s over too soon. A cry out…ragged, young, desperate…and an explosion in my mouth which I swallow greedily. More, I want more…I NEED more…I keep sucking, milking every last drop. I feel a trickle of wetness down my thigh. Aching. When I’m sure he’s empty I stand, leaving him to pull up his pants, and walk back out to Master. We’re done here I can tell…he’s waiting by the door. He pats me on the butt as I walk by. Good Girl. I smile at him. Maybe now he’ll give me what I need.

We get back to the car and climb in. Off again, to where this time? Total silence…it’s killing me. I have so many questions…mostly When. When will I get to see your cock? When can I thank you Properly? When will you touch me? When will you let me touch myself? When will you fuck me? When can I CUM? But nothing…all unanswered. Total silence.

You pull into the parking lot of a bar, we’ve been driving forever, the sun’s just setting and in this light the place looks dangerous. Where are you taking me? I glance at you hesitantly.

“Be a Good Girl and you’ll have the night of your life.”

We get out of the car and walk to the bar. It’s dark inside, dirty and the place smells of cheep booze and stale peanuts. There are two guys playing pool in the back, under one of the only lights in the place, the other light being above the bar proper. You order our drinks, and take them and me to a back booth. From here we can see the action of the bar, but can’t be seen. Is now the time? Can I touch you now…I’m screaming in my head, hindered by your rules…Total Silence.

“I think you should swig that drink and go play a round of pool.” He says. It’s not a suggestion. Not with that tone of voice.

I wince as the warm whiskey burns it’s way down my throat. Then make my way out of the booth. Liquid courage, I go smile at the men playing pool. How do I ask if I can play? Total silence. That was the rule. I smile and gesture at the game. A large burly man with a tattoo of a spider on his neck grins and hands me his cue.

“Let’s see what you’ve got little lady.”

I smile again…and line up my shot. I sink it, I always do. Pool’s always been my game. I can see the men aren’t watching the table though, they’re watching me. Spider from behind, I can feel his eyes on the curves of my ass, and his friend staring down my shirt. My nipples harden at the thought of it. Being on display. I like it. The bartender coughs slightly…he’s watching too. I take another shot. I miss…I’m distracted…and I think I just dripped on the floor. God my pussy’s wet…Master’s killing me.

“Let me help you!” Spider’s friend says a little too eagerly.

He’s taller than me, but skinny…sort of a scrawny guy. He steps in behind me, placing his hands over mine on the cue…as we bend over I can feel his shaft pressing between the crack in my ass. Without thinking I grind back a bit…I need to be fucked dammit. He rubs up and down against me, feigning motion of trying to move the cue around. We miss…too distracted.

“You’re doing it wrong…” Spider says, pushing Skinny out of the way. He lines up behind me, crotch to ass…”you’ve got to raise your hips honey…” He says this while putting his hand under me and lifting me a bit. He briefly grazes my pussy in doing so and I jump. Not what I wanted…I want Master. I just am here to tease because Master wants me to. I glance back toward the darkened booth where I know he sits. Total obedience. Spider doesn’t push further so I let it go.

They take turns, Skinny and Spider, alternating pressing up against me to “help” me take shots. I keep waiting for Master J’s voice to tell me I’m done…but he sits in the booth…Total Silence. Spider and Skinny are taking more and more liberties…Spider lifts me by a whole hand on my pussy. Skinny moves my breasts a bit to make room for the cue. Spider bites me softly on the neck. Skinny reaches a hand up my skirt to squeeze my ass. From the booth…Total silence. I want to make them stop…I enjoy being a slut, yes…but I’m not ready for something like this. I can’t do it though, I can’t make them stop…I need them to touch me, because I can’t touch myself. I NEED TO CUM.

Spider works a finger under my panties on a lift…and I know he can feel the wetness of my lower lips. How embarrassing…he’s going to think I’m okay with this. I look pleadingly toward the booth where Escort Master sits. Nothing. Dammit. Spider pushes his finger deeper into my fold as he uses one hand to “help” me line up a shot. As the crack sounds of the balls hitting together, he plunges his finger into my hole. It slides in easily, and my pussy accepts his intrusion with no complaint. This isn’t right…this isn’t okay…I’m being fingered by a stranger in a dirty bar…and I love it. I push back on his hand.

Skinny looks toward the booth…seeing no man coming to stop his friend, he moves next to him, pushing his hand into my bra.

“These can make it so hard to play pool…sticking out the way they do…getting in the way of your shot. You really should have someone hold them for you.” He pinches my nipple…hard. My puss spasms around Spider’s finger. Crack! Another ball being hit. I’m pinned between Spider and the table as he fingers me and plays pool at the same time. He’s skilled…very skilled…and not just at pool. I can feel an orgasm building. I look up at the bartender, he’s moving toward the front door to lock it. I can see a sign in his hand…”Closed for private party.” That’s me…the private party. I couldn’t stop them now if I tried. And my slut didn’t want to. I ground back against Spider’s hand again, harder this time. Yes…fuck me with that fat finger…fill my aching hole.

“Stop.” Master’s voice from the booth. My slut screams no, my mind thanks him. “She’s not allowed to cum. Do what you will, but DO NOT let her cum.”

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! I’m lifted up over the corner of the table. Spider’s got two fingers inside me now…but he’s careful not to work them when my muscles clench too much. Skinny’s moved in front of me. His short, fat cock is contrary to his tall skinny torso…but it’s a cock…and one that is soon shoved in my mouth. I can barely wrap my lips around the girth, though my nose hits his waist before he hits the back of my throat. Mmmmm….I love the taste of cock. And he’ll last longer than poor Matt….I suck at him harder. Spider pulls his fingers from my hole, leaving me empty, aching, dying….dripping. I sob a bit around Skinny’s cock.

“No cumming.” Spider says, laughing. he waits for my hips to stop grinding against the table.

Skinny’s holding my braids, pistoning into my mouth with vigor. I can smell his sweat and taste the saltiness of his pre-cum on the back of my throat. The bartender walks over and stands there watching Skinny fuck my mouth. Bartender’s cock is out, and getting hard. I reach over and start jacking on it. Dirty slut coming out. Oh yes…use me. But please…someone…fuck me. Slut in my head is screaming. FUCK ME! Spider, still behind me, slips his cock in slowly…stopping every inch or so to make sure I don’t cum. I won’t…it’s not allowed….Total Obedience. I want to though…I want to so badly. But I will obey. Because that’s what a good pet does, and I want to be a good pet for Master. I moan around Skinny’s cock…oh no…Total Silence….I broke the rule again. I didn’t mean to! I wonder if Master noticed. Skinny’s pounding away at my mouth, slamming against my face in earnest. He’s going to cum soon, I’m sure of it. With my free hand I begin squeezing his balls…milking the orgasm from him. Feed the slut. I must feed the slut.

The first spurt hits my throat hard and hot. I can’t even swallow before the next hits my tongue as he pulls out. A third hits my lips and a forth splatters against my face. He holds up a cell phone and snaps a shot of me, mouth open, cum drooling. Dirty slut…proof of my slut being in there. Slut doesn’t care…she swallows the cum like a Good Girl. Bartender moves in for the hole, and I welcome him even before I’ve finished tasting Skinny. Spider is working me faster and faster from behind. I mustn’t cum….Master wouldn’t be pleased. I start to count…1, no cumming, 2 no cumming….I don’t think I can hold out….5, no cumming…suck suck….oh god….it feels so fucking good….Spider stops suddenly, pulling out.

“No cumming.” he emphasizes. Grabbing my hands and pulling them behind my back.

Spider straddles on top of my and starts using my hands like a pussy, curving them around his cock, pinning my arms back. Bartender is making no hesitation at using my mouth the same. Bartender bottoms out in my throat though, and I have to be careful with my breathing. Thrust, gasp, thrust, gasp….god I need to cum. Spider jumps down off me and pulls me away from Bartender…laying my face up across the table to my head is off the side…Bartender thrust back into my mouth again and Spider’s back on top of me before I know it. He’s got my legs splayed wide and is fucking my pussy again…thank you god…I can feel the head of his dick grazing against all the right places. Bartender shoves back into my throat with a grunt, sending waves of his seed into my belly…into the belly of the whore. Better than on the ground, or so they say. I’m going to cum…I won’t be able to stop it, I can feel it building…NO! Spider pulls out again, ripping my shirt open. I feel his first spray hit my stomach. He aims better, jacking the cum out onto my tits, covering me in white sticky goo.

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