Breeders , Bulls Pt. 18

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(Chapter 63.) Visit to Avon.

The international transporter center is large and the craft zoom in and out at breakneck speed. We will be in Avon in less than 4 hours.

Liam has worked with Avon on a goodwill mission and to resume the aborted trade delegation. We are going as a family. Mother and son and the grandchildren. They will make good visuals for the outside world to show Albion in a good light. Few people in Albion will get the news but this is a propaganda tour for international consumption apparently.

When Liam told me we were going to Avon it was a shock. He picked out some modesty garments for the trip. We can not be seen in Avon naked, it will reflect badly on our international image.

I am so excited to visit Liam’s homeland and in the last few months of Liam’s presidency, it makes sense.

The last 8 months have been hard. I see little of Liam. He works so hard and I feel somewhat lost during the day. I work out and am more or less back in shape. I weaned the boys off the tit milk but they still need a lot of care and attention. Taking care of three babies is hard work and they don’t do much at that age. They are not great company. I love them with all my heart but I can’t allow them to define me.

I have become a full-time breeder mother and it is really not for me. I don’t know what is. I know I have help from the service breeder but it is all a bit dull. I can see why my mother turned to drink. Well almost.

We moved out of Sam’s huge house and into a much smaller place. Liam has been ‘liquidating Sam’s assets,’ he told me. He seems to have a lot of private meetings with Counsel Alderton and Senator Rolo. They talk in almost coded language till I leave the room and I wonder if this is the new Liam.

I ask Liam what he is up to and he says this is the last time that it is better if I don’t know but I need to trust him.

Sam has adapted to his new life apparently, Sam took weeks to settle down. Now he is quite compliant, “needy” even. Is the word York uses. York who paid us a special visit, a surprise from Liam to make up for his neglect. I am not going to lie, York is a special treat. York is truly a great fuck, one of the best in Albion, I would guess. He ate me out and I came within seconds. I remember seeing the look on Liam’s face.

“York wow! How the fuck did you do that.” Liam said to York

York and I both replied in unison. “It is a gift.” York with a shit-eating grin and me panting. We look at each other,laugh and hi-five.

I wonder if we are somehow related. He is dumb as a post, not very interesting, and nowhere near as sexy as Liam, but he is a great fuck. He is the bull I wanted to be.


Mason is a little down. Greg has told him he is looking for another breeder pair. Greg knocked him up and then told him. Apparently, Greg is after variety. He told Mason that he will still see to his needs from time to time and when he has the baby he can go out without his cunt belt.

Mason was devastated. He kept saying how he thought Greg loved him and how he almost wished he had been shipped off to that Diljon place. I truly felt for Mason. Greg I guess is just taking care of his own needs, why wouldn’t he? This place is built on disposable breeder cunt. Mason is just one of many.

I know when I used to think of Liam as my breeder bitch way back when I first met him. I spent those first few months thinking of him as my first breeder pair. It was only as the division approached I started to realize how wrong that felt even to a vain fucker like me. I wonder what I would have done in reality if Liam and I were in opposite roles. I hope I would have done the right thing by him. I honestly think I would. I know for certain I would now. I can’t imagine anyone else really other than him as a partner.


Thomas is on the other end of the spectrum. He is genuinely happy. He’s having his third baby. Alderton is thinking about getting his cords cut. Apparently, it can be done. Thomas tells me that in hushed tones. They had a conversation about their future. Alderton didn’t want Thomas to just be a baby factory and Thomas had confessed some relief.

A bull getting his cords cut is not the norm. In fact, he would have to go to a special clinic. However, it is reversible so if they change their minds later then they can talk. Alderton doesn’t spend any time with his other breeder pairs but allows them to take lovers as long as it is all done discreetly. I think Alderton sounds like a good man trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Alderton seems to really care for Thomas and Little Brett. Little Brett is over two years old now. He is a little shit and has a real potty mouth now that he is speaking. That came from Thomas who thinks it is hilarious.

So when Little Brett started going on about “Mommy’s pussy.” I just thought it was a new part of his dictionary. I had jumped to the wrong conclusion because he was talking about Thomas’s tit tattoo. Although a less potty-mouthed mother ünye escort might have taught our child the word cat.


I wasn’t sure about taking our boys on a trip. They are only 8 and 7 months but Liam said they would be fine. Besides, it would make great headlines and visi images. Their Grandmother is the Prime Minister, a portrait of the united generations of two nations. It would be just what the two nations needed, especially after the problems with the trade delegation. It would heal rifts. Liam does talk funny sometimes.

I gave in because he seemed insistent and I didn’t want to leave them. I may have hated having the twins but I love them with all my heart. And baby Richard holds a special place in my heart because I want to make sure he gets the love Angel can’t give him.


So 9 months into his presidency we are all aboard the presidential convoy. We have guards onboard our transporter and two other transporters with other dignitaries and more guards in the convoy. I am excited. I have never seen the sea, snow, or another country and I know these transporters go very high.

The transporter moves up at speed but is so smooth as it glides up and over the city. Albion looks so small and only gets smaller as we lift up into the sky. I see the Academy campus below us to the left, I see the edges of the city and then we move forward and the city disappears. We pass over towns, all of them seeming smaller as we move forward. We drift over mountains and deserts and then into clouds.

I can’t see anything below and the feeling is surreal. As we float up in the sky there are only clouds below us. It really is quite thrilling.

The kids sleep mostly and I dress. Liam helps me into some undergarments that cover my pussy and ass. They wrap around my waist but they have no legs.

He puts a pad in them to soak up my leaking cunt and he wears pants that have a bulge in the front. I look at him and look down at the flat cloth that covers my cunt and his bulge squashed into his cloth garment.

I run my hands over my flatness and look at his bulge and I am not sure what is worse seeing his cock bare or like this, either way, our differences are accentuated.

He puts a pad into the back of his undergarment to soak up his butt juice.

He then picks up the strangest looking thing I ever saw and he tells me it is a tit holder. He puts my arm through some fabric and then another arm and my breasts rest in two cups which lifts up my tits and squashes them together.

I look at myself in the mirror. The tit holder gives me a great cleavage and as I move they don’t flap around so much.

“Fuck I love this. Tit holder. Oh, I am wearing this when we get back,” I say, shaking my tits and they move more with me than against me which isn’t usually the case.

Liam laughs and I ask where his is. He laughs and I get it. “Oh yeah, tit holder. I should have guessed.” I say blushing.

We dress in what seems to be a very short tunic with buttons that run up the front. They seem awfully fiddly and mine is tight everywhere. His isn’t as tight.

“This hides my arms, Liam. I work fucking hard on them this is a dumb garment indeed.” I say looking at us in the tops and the undergarments.

He hands me two small cloth items “Liam baby what the fuck are these?”

He crouches down and rolls them over my feet.

“These are socks. They stop the shoes from hurting your feet and soak up sweat.”

“That is disgusting. Your country is somewhat backward in this regard. I am sorry, far better to let nature and lots of showers keep you fresh. My pussy is going to stink. My feet don’t sweat either, that is dumb.” He just chuckles.

“When we get there and you take them off you will find out just how much your feet sweat,” He tells me.

“Rubbish,” I reply.

He hands me a checkered cloth that he wraps around my waist and he wears one the same. Apparently, this is a kilt and it is the family tartan. I like this kilt, it is a fun garment, when I swirl around it lifts up which I find highly amusing. It makes me dizzy somewhat but it is fun.

We put bum wraps on the babies. He told me what they were but they looked like wrappers that cover them. Apparently in Avon kids sit in their own shit and filth until someone changes them. This really is barbaric. I don’t like the idea of our babies sitting in their own filth for too long.

We put them in small clothes that have legs and arms and are all one garment. I ask why we can’t just wear one thing and he smiles. He tries to explain but by now I am beyond caring. I feel so strange and almost foolish.

We eventually put on black shoes with strings on them which are the most ridiculous thing ever. Liam tries to tell me how the strings should tie but I just make him do mine. We are only here a fucking week. I am not learning how to tie strings to keep something on my feet that hurt and make my feet hot.

I feel the craft getting lower and the clouds clear. There below şanlıurfa escort us is the biggest lake I have ever seen and Liam tells me it is the ocean. We’ve been flying over it for ages now.

It is vast, so much water I never quite saw anything like it. It goes on forever. The guards tell Liam we will be in Avon in 30 minutes.

We see land and buildings and mountains with snow like the immersion unit Hans showed me. We head in over the city and land down into the city. The buildings are mostly small, hardly any tall ones. A lot of them look old, I notice as we land at the transporter center.

Liam collects Richard and I pick up the twins and the guards escort us off the transporter.

The first thing I notice is the cold. This is not a warm place and I almost want more garments.

We are greeted by about 6 people and there is Hans. He has two guards on either side of him and they all wear different garments only one of them is wearing a kilt. Which surprises me. If you are going to wear garments then kilts are at least fun. They wear long items that cover each leg. They won’t swirl.

I hear the sound of the other two presidential transporters landing.

Liam hugs his mother and I would if I wasn’t holding two babies.

Liam speaks to the guards. We go into a room and the guards stand outside. Hans follows us in and his guards stand outside.

Hans looks at me. “Oh Brett, so good to see you give me one of the babies.” He says and I hand him, Jake.

Liam grabs my arm “Come on.” He says we go out of the door at the back of the room and down a corridor.

The three of us go down a corridor each holding one of the babies. “Where are we going?” I ask but I just follow them as we rush down the corridor. We head up a flight of stairs and back along another corridor, we walk out onto a platform.

Below us, I see the three transporters of the Albion Presidential convoy parked. There ahead of us on this platform is a small transporter and Hans gets on first and Liam guides me on to it.

We lift up into the air.

“Liam, what the fuck is going on?”

“We are making a break for it.” He says as the transporter flies up and off. Over Avon. We rush, fast even for a transporter, and the buildings whizz by and we reach a less built-up area and I am struck by the green and the buildings.

The buildings seem to be wood and glass. They are darker in color and everything looks foreign to me. The colors, the mountains in the distance, the winding roads and we head out at speed.

“Liam, where are we going?” I ask, trying to take in the sights and sure that something is going on I should know about.

“Brett baby, we are going home.”

We landed on a pad of a large house with a high wall. The building has large windows that overlook the mountains, the lake, and a valley below. It is stunningly beautiful.

We head off the transporter and into the cold, it is so cold and we rush into the house. The house is grand, not as big as Liam’s father’s but big enough. Hans kisses me on the cheek. He hands back baby Jake.

“I will see you tomorrow Brett. And Brett be kind to Liam this really is for the best.” Hans says and leaves.

The babies are crying. I calm them down and feed them. There are service and cleaner bots and Liam is on the visi message and I am cleaning and getting the babies naked. Jake and Richard already shat themselves. These baby bum wraps are disgusting and I get the bots to help me.

I settle the kids down and Liam is talking to Counsel Alderton and Senator Rolo and a couple of other people I don’t recognize.

I am confused but I think we just fled Albion. I can’t be sure but I think that little shit Liam has kidnapped me.

Liam comes in and I can see he is excited and not in the usual way.

“Fuck Brett we fucking did it we are fucking free.” He says and hugs me.

“Liam just what the fuck is going on,” I yell at him as he whirls me around well almost. I am still quite heavy.

“Free. Oh baby, don’t be too cross. Please. Well be cross, but not for long we are free. We are fucking free.” He kisses me again. “This is our new home, we are not going back.” He says.

“What? Liam what the fuck?” I say looking at him too angry, confused, and shocked to really speak.

“Our home Brett, this place or any place that isn’t in fucking Albion.”

“But you are the President, you can’t just leave,” I say, still confused. “Liam what the fuck is going on,” I say.

“Fuck I know you will be angry and you have every right but trust me, Brett. This was the only way.” He says and kisses me and I slap him.

“OUch Baby.” He says reeling. I just bitch slapped Liam.

“Bot get me a strong fucking drink a malt, a large malt,” I yell.

“Oh, Brett, I deserved that, I did but we are free. Freeeee!!” He says his deep voice sounding almost breeder-like. He rubs his red cheek.

The service bot returns with a drink and I look at the bot hover. “Well at least I can ürgüp escort get a fucking drink,” I say, and knock back the large measure of malt and shudder. “Bot another, I need another.” and the bot hovers off.

“So you mean we are not going back?” I say.

“No, we can’t. Not now, possibly not ever.” He says looking sheepish and still rubbing his cheek.

“But Liam. Why didn’t you say anything?” I say confused and still angry.

“This is still a dangerous situation for all of us. We are not safe yet Brett. And if I told you, are you telling me you would have not rushed round to Thomas and maybe said something? Well, you did go to him last time. Then little Brett knowing you might not see him again. Dropped some hint, given some clue. Or to your mother. Brett. Look I trust you but I also love you and I have made a decision without asking you. I know you will be angry but we can talk and even argue about that.

“You can shout about what I did and the way I did it and looking at you I am guessing you probably will. But baby you and I know that Albion is no place to raise children and I am not deciding which of our three children Richard, Jake, Little Liam end up with cunts and which ones don’t”

I look at him. “So we are never going back?” I say, taking the second glass but sipping this one. I am still simmering with anger.

“No baby. We can’t and if you don’t like this place we can move. Hell, I’ve got more credit than the gods.” He says smiling. “Brett honey. I just didn’t want to risk anything. Don’t you see? Our home, Sam’s home, is bugged. Guards following me everywhere. I nearly told you. I just thought about Thomas, how you might feel about little Brett. What you might say and where. You know the last 9 months I have guards with me all the time. I just had to be so careful. Then it got closer. I had taken enormous risks. So many risks. If they had found out- well I shudder to think what would have happened. I am sorry. I told 4 people what I was doing. Hans, because he needed to plan our escape. Rolo, because he is going to clear this mess up. Counsel Alderton because he helped me plan this and will take on my senate seat and help Rolo clear this mess up. Planning this these last few months has been hard and keeping this from you.” He says.

“Fucking months!!!” I yell and slap him again. Forgetting to count to 10. “Months. Shit. Liam,” I say.

“I am sorry and I know you will be mad for days and you have every right, every right. It’s just. If the plan failed you would have been in danger and the kids. I could always say that you knew nothing. I was trying to protect you and the kids. And to be honest I know you baby. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t have gone and seen Little Brett and not said something. Your mother was the one that worried me. Look I know maybe I was wrong but…” He trails off and I look at him.

“So this is it? Our home?” I say.

“You like it?” He asks.

“Liam, I have seen the roof pad, the staircase, and this room. I am fucking furious you didn’t tell me,” I say, and he steps back.

“Sorry. Sorry. I love you, baby,” he says grinning.

“I am done slapping you today. You fucking little shit,” I say and sigh. “I am too fucking mad today, we will talk about this tomorrow,” I say sipping my drink. I look over at baby Richard.

“But Liam, what about Angel? We have his baby.” I pause. I realize why he only named three people he told. I fear my heart will break. I look at him. I speak quietly.

“Oh god, Liam. Angel was the fourth person you told.”

Liam looks at me.

“Yes, I told Angel a few months ago. They clear the visitor room for the President or Senators. I am sorry Brett. I told him we were not coming back. I took a risk. I put him in danger by telling him, but I felt it was the right thing to do. I had to think long and hard about that. I have done a lot without telling you, Brett. I won’t ever do that ever again. I did all of this so I don’t have to do something like that again.”

I look at Liam and hug him. “Oh, Angel,” I say and cry.


My last visit with Angel was a few days before the trip. At first, he was a little subdued but I told him about Richard and we chatted about how he was feeding well even from the bottle and growing big. He laughed and smiled. He was sad I hadn’t brought him with me but he had a small fever and I wanted him well enough for the trip. He said that was probably for the best.

We chatted about mother, wine, and the fat judge. We laughed together at our mother, the hopeless drunk.

I asked if the father of baby Richard had dark hair and Angel told me he had no fucking idea. He laughed.

It is always so good to see Angel. I would often look at my brother and wonder about the act he was putting on the defense he was putting up. I worry the cracks are showing and I am not sure what to do. He always just tells me he is fine.

We talk about Little Liam and Little Jake and how big they are getting.

Dane is still with Angel and they are still happy as a breeder pair.

It was really only when I got up to leave that Angel did something I found odd.

He stood up and stroked my hair.

Angel said to me, “Take care of my baby. I know you will, but never let him forget who I am.”

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