Futanari – Young Mother

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Edited by: Pope1944. Thanks!

Very important note: for those of you that don’t know what futanari is, please read this carefully. This is a very crazy story! In it, you’ll find something akin to transsexual transformation as well as magic. For those of you who know futanari, I’ve done my own version of it, mixing the classic futanari concept with other magical stuff.

Second note: the title can be misleading as this is *not* an incest story.


Emily wasn’t feeling great. Not at all in fact. And it wasn’t the jet lag. Emily had just flown across the country, hoping that the change in scenery would help her through her gloomy feelings. She would spend a month at her good friend’s house, away from her home town and with that good friend. The first three days had been pretty nice, the two girls catching up on news and enjoying small talk with glasses of wine. But it couldn’t magically make the problems go away.

Sitting on the porch on a beautiful summer morning, Emily rocked the stroller gently. Her one year old daughter was sleeping, finally, and she could breathe and think about what had happened. In the end, it wasn’t a complicated story: the guy who had made her pregnant had left two months after Kathy was born. He hadn’t disappeared and would pay child support, which was a good thing. But she hadn’t planned on raising this daughter on her own, nor on having to find a new lover with a baby in her life.

Emily sighed. On impulse, she decided to go to the forest earlier than planned. Her friend, Melissa, had told her that there was a beautiful forest with well maintained paths nearby. When Melissa’s boyfriend had told her that the deeper parts of the forest were haunted, Melissa had laughed. “Don’t worry about that… My boyfriend loves these crazy rumors…” Emily didn’t care about rumors of haunted forests. Not this morning in any case.

She gently unclipped the top portion of the stroller and snapped it in the car, once more thanking the gods that she had bought this system. She drove the twenty minutes ride to the forest’s edge and placed Kathy back in the stroller. By this time Kathy was awake but luckily she was happy and chatted endlessly in her sweet little voice.

The morning was glorious and so was the forest. Emily realized that there wasn’t any such forest near her home as they had all been cleared away. The large map at the entrance said that there were miles and miles of paths to walk here. Soon Emily saw that it was indeed very well maintained, the paths well indicated and that she wasn’t afraid of getting lost. An hour later, Kathy and Emily were both feeling good and enjoying the sights, smells and sounds of this old growth forest.

At one point Emily stopped at a bench and breastfed her daughter. She had only seen one other person all morning long and wasn’t afraid of being disturbed. For some unknown reason, maybe it was the calm this forest radiated, Kathy drank quietly, easily and when she stopped, Emily was convinced that she had drank her fill. Kathy fell asleep a few minutes after having been put in her stroller and Emily enjoyed a long walk in perfect silence.

Later, much deeper into the forest, across the trees where the path curved, Emily saw someone sitting on a bench. At this point she hadn’t expected to see anyone so far from the cabin. Emily had taken the red path, the longest of them all, and had probably walked two hours so far. She wasn’t even sure she was on the red path, having taken a fork in the road twenty minutes ago.

When the trees cleared, Emily was intrigued by the woman on the bench. She had long pure white hair, but she wasn’t old. Not at all in fact. She looked no more than twenty five and quite beautiful. She wore a long white dress that, even if loose, did nothing to hide the stunning, voluptuous body of this stranger. The bench itself was different than the other bench, being beautifully carved from wood instead of metal and plastic like the others.

When Emily walked closer to her the woman smiled at her, and Emily had to rethink two things. First the woman, a girl really, was no more than twenty. And second, she wasn’t beautiful, she was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. In fact, Emily stopped walking involuntarily and stared at her. When she noticed it, the girl’s smiled widened and became a lot warmer. She patted the bench next to her, inviting Emily to join her. Slowly, feeling awkward, she sat down. Kathy was still sleeping and Emily simply stared at this amazing girl. The girl, in turn, smiled gently and waited patiently.

Emily couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The snow-shite hair, thick and luscious, falling in lazy curls all the way down to her hips, the bright blue-green eyes, the flawless, slightly dark caucasian skin and that smile… “I’m sorry…” Emily mumbled. “I didn’t mean to stare… but you’re easily the most beautiful girl I’ve seen in my entire life. By far.”

The girl’s smile widened and she replied “Thank you.” in a very soft, seks izle sweet voice.

“What… What are you doing here?” Emily asked.

“Like you, I suppose, enjoying this wonderful day.”

Emily nodded, but was still shaken by her beauty. Emily had always been rather proud of her own eyes, bright green that shone in the sun, but hers… Damn! They seemed to be glowing, not merely reflecting the light of the sun. And those breasts… Even hidden behind that dress, they commanded attention. Emily thought that her milk-filled breasts were big, but these… And from what she could see, Emily knew that if the girl decided to stand up and walk she would be graced with hips and legs beyond belief as well.

Eventually, led by that remarkable girl, they talked. For a long while. And all through that conversation, Emily realized that the girl wasn’t all that young. Or rather, she couldn’t be as young as her skin had led her to believe earlier. She was calm and confident, felt solid as a rock. Emily had never met people that felt like this that were also so very young. And during one of the comfortable silences, she suddenly asked “Can I ask how old you are?”

The girl smiled and replied “Probably a lot older than you, my dear.”

“But… Yet you… Yet you look so young.”

“Oh… Lots of time spent outdoors, enjoying the forest, working with my hands instead of sitting in front of a computer, and, of course, lots of sunscreen!” she replied.

Emily laughed with her new friend. “Ca I ask you another question?” she asked.

“Of course.”

“What are you drinking?”

“Oh…” the woman said. “It’s a concoction of mine. Wanna taste? No alcohol, I promise!”

Emily laughed, but agreed. It tasted, unsurprisingly, utterly wonderful. Licking her lips, Emily smiled and said “Secret recipe?”

“Of course…” the woman laughed gently.

Kathy woke up a bit later and Emily realized what time it was. Kathy wasn’t hungry yet, but Emily certainly was! Before leaving her new friend she asked what her name was. “Triss.” she replied.

“Well, I’m very glad to have met you, Triss.” Emily said.

“I’m here most days, if you feel like walking all this way.” Triss said.

“Just sitting here?” Emily asked, surprised.

“Well, no. But if you come around, I’ll find you.”

As Emily walked away, she felt strange. She knew that what Triss had said was very weird. And if a man or even an ordinary woman had told her that, she wouldn’t have returned to the forest. Ever. But Triss wasn’t an ordinary woman. Already Emily couldn’t think of her as a girl, despite her looks. She was a mystery, a stunningly beautiful mystery. All she knew was that she was now feeling a lot better than she had this morning.

Back home, she talked about her peculiar meeting with the women with Melissa. They both laughed about the fact that she had met one of those magical creatures in the haunted forest. Later that night, Emily had to acknowledge that she had spent the rest of the day thinking about Triss. Before going to bed she took a shower after which she looked at herself in the mirror. She grinned, caressing her own curves.

She wasn’t as voluptuous as Triss, but her pregnancy had left her softer, slightly curvier and, at least to her eyes, more beautiful. She grabbed her milk-filled breasts and enjoyed their girth and weight, but also the fact that they were still high on her chest. Lower, her post-baby belly had completely disappeared now, and her waist had fully returned. Leaning forward closer to the mirror, Emily grinned as she wondered if she had a blue tint in her green eyes. Maybe? She laughed, knowing that she was imagining the traces of blue she was seeing.

Standing back up, she looked at her figure again with most of the fog evaporated. Emily frowned, surprised to discover that she looked better than the last time she had looked. Letting her hands slide from her sides to her waist then her hips and thighs, Emily thought that her smooth skin was curvier than usual. And her breasts, had they been that big since Kathy was born? Releasing her breasts with a smile, Emily thought “Goes to show just how much your mood can affect your own perception.”

In her bed, fully naked, Emily surprised herself by thinking about the girl. Well, not simply by thinking about her. Rather, she was imagining the girl dancing naked in the forest. Emily grinned and felt herself blush, but she couldn’t stop those images from coming. She had never considered herself truly bisexual, but she did enjoy a few lesbian fantasies from time to time. And clearly, this woman had triggered them big time.

She slipped her hands to her pussy and wasn’t surprised to find it wet. Minutes later Emily was biting down her moans as she climaxed for the first time in months. “Has it really been months?” she wondered. Arching her back, Emily felt her hard nipples brushing against the fabric and she moaned again. Her fingers were now idly caressing sexmex her clit, and Emily stretched her pleasure while thinking of Triss. She was already looking forward to tomorrow.

This morning, Emily was still feeling very good and Melissa noticed it. They talked for a bit before Melissa and her boyfriend left for work. As soon as they did, Emily packed the stroller in the rented car and headed for the forest. She walked much faster this morning, eager to get to the bench. About an hour and a half later, she saw the bench and Triss already sitting there.

Emily grinned and was glad to see Triss grinning back. “Did you miss me?” asked Triss lightly.

Emily started to reply in an equally light tone, but she paused for a moment before saying “Actually, yes. Yes I did.” She sat down, and for a few moments the two women looked at Kathy chattering happily. In silence, Emily gladly tasted Triss’s strange drink again, wondering what on earth it could be. After that, Emily turned to Triss and said “I’ve spoken a bit about it yesterday, but life hasn’t been easy lately. Meeting you yesterday has made me feel good for the first time in a long while. So thank you. So yes, I did miss you.”

Triss grinned and turned to hug Emily. Only slightly surprised, Emily only hesitated for a second before taking a deep breath and hugging Triss back. She hadn’t felt that good in the arms of someone for months, and the feeling was so wonderful that she trembled. Triss leaned her head against Emily’s cheek and hugged her harder. To her surprise and dismay, Emily felt tears welling up in her eyes. When she tried to pull away, Triss shook her head slightly and held her tightly as she cried.

Minutes later, Emily was feeling better. Much better in fact. She had gone from being highly emotional to feeling really good to feeling, if she were honest, aroused. She started to breathe harder and gently pulled away from Triss, her head lowered and her face red.

“You don’t have to be ashamed…” Triss said.

“I’m not ashamed because I cried.”

“I know.” Triss replied softly.

When Emily looked up, Triss was smiling. Emily said “But… But I’ve never felt like this for a woman before.”

“Oh, poor thing!” Triss said, genuinely saddened.

Emily was taken aback. “What?”

“Well, it is sad that you’ve never felt this for a woman.” Triss seemed puzzled by Emily’s surprise. “Man or woman or whatever, what does it matter?”

A small smile appeared on Emily’s lips, slightly surprised to hear the other woman being mindful of current gender issues with her “whatever”. She would later learn that Triss hadn’t been talking about that. Not at all. Before they could talk about it further, Kathy woke up crying, demanding to be fed. “Do you mind if I breastfeed her here?”

“What do you think?”

Emily laughed and said “I’m sorry, force of habit.”

“Oh… human cultures and their strange customs!” said Triss.

Emily was curious about the way Triss had spoken about human customs, but for the moment she focused on Kathy. When Kathy settled and began suckling, Triss leaned forward and looked at her with a grin on her face. “Don’t they all look perfectly contented when sucking on a woman’s breast?”

“They do…”

“Can I caress her?”

“Sure.” Emily replied.

When Triss reached her hands to Kathy’s face, Emily noticed that the folds of her white dress opened up quite a bit. Her eyes widened at the sight of her cleavage. Emily couldn’t see Triss’s nipple, but she could see that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “So big and round with no bra?” she thought, surprised. As Triss’s fingers were gently caressing Kathy’s face, she asked “Do you want me to rearrange my dress?”

“Oh!” Emily cried, having been caught with her fingers in the cookie jar. “I’m sorry, I didn’t—”

“Shhh.” said Triss calmly, still looking at Kathy. “That’s not what I said or meant. Do you want me to rearrange my dress?”

Maybe it was because of Triss’s calm voice, but Emily felt really at easy. “No, actually. I don’t want you to rearrange your dress.” she whispered.

Triss moved slightly on the bench and suddenly the dress parted even more, fully revealing to Emily the wonderful breast.

As Kathy suckled on her breast, Emily stared at the absolutely perfect breast in front of her. So close. Triss’s breast was breathtaking, defying the laws of nature and physics. It was too big to be so perky without a pushup bra, yet there it was. The pale pink nipple and aureola crowning it were mouthwatering, and Emily licked her lips involuntarily. Taking a deep breath, she whispered “Ever had children, Triss?”

“No, not yet…”

As she replied, Triss moved her fingers onto Emily’s breast. As Kathy was still drinking, Triss began caressing Emily’s exposed breast. Emily moaned, letting her head fall back. After a moment, looking back down, she stared at Triss’s fingers as they caressed her skin. She wished that one of her arm sikiş were free to caress her in return, but for the moment she relaxed and enjoyed the sensations.

Soon Kathy was done and Emily placed her back in the stroller for her post-breastfeeding nap. When she sat back on the bench, her left breast still fully exposed, Emily looked into Triss’s eyes. Once again they seemed to be glowing blue-green. Triss, her soft smile on her lips, said “You have really beautiful breasts, Emily.”

“I was about to say the same thing to you…” she replied, laughing softly

As she was saying that, Triss brought her hand back to Emily’s breast and cupped it fully. Some of her milk overfilled and ran down Triss’s arm. Bringing her thumb and index finger closer together around the nipple, Triss squeezed it and laughed as a stronger jet of milk arced to the ground. Shaken by the situation, Emily stared at Triss and smiled as she saw a look of pure delight on her face. When she asked “Want a taste?” Triss gasped and looked up at her, nodding.

As if in a trance, Emily watched Triss kneel in front of her. Somehow, her dress was now wide opened and Emily could see Triss’s two unbelievable breasts as she leaned in. But as amazing as they were, Emily forgot about them when Triss’s mouth closed on her nipple. As Triss sucked hard and drank a mouthful of milk, Emily moaned. In seconds Emily felt overwhelmed by so much pleasure. Her mind was aflame and her pussy was tingling. She dearly wanted to masturbate, but even if the situation was now openly sexual, she didn’t quite dare. Between two gulps, Triss whispered “Go ahead, do it. Or I will…”

Dismayed but intrigued by the offer, Emily wasn’t ready to face the fact that she wanted Triss’s hand on her pussy. Instead she slipped her own hand under her pants. Her pleasure grew as she did, her moans rippling outwards in the forest. She felt Triss opening her shirt and exposing both her lactating breasts. When Emily opened her eyes and stared at Triss’s mouth on her breasts, she was stunned to see that her blue-green eyes were actually and literally, glowing. This time, they really were glowing. Faintly, but glowing nonetheless. But as another wave of pleasure washed over her, she closed her eyes again and simply enjoyed it.

Unable to refrain from doing it anymore, Emily turned her free hand upside down and cupped one of Triss’s breasts. She was enraptured by the size, weight and firmness of that breast, but stunned by their heat! Triss was burning up! Once again though her lust won over her curiosity and soon she found Triss’s nipple. When she gently squeezed it, Triss moaned and looked up at her with her magically glowing eyes. Part of Emily’s mind knew that she was either dreaming or that the forest was in fact truly magical. Right now she didn’t care.

Triss rose up slightly and kissed Emily on the lips. That was the trigger her body had needed, and Emily felt her climax unfolding, the pleasure rushing up and down her every veins and nerve endings, filling and covering her with so much pleasure! If last night’s climax had been great, this one was mind-shattering. She could taste her own milk on Triss’s lips. The devouring passion in the kiss made Emily’s head spin for a few moments. She shook and trembled around her own pussy but managed to keep her mouth against Triss, not wanting to break the kiss as her orgasm surged.

Eventually it crested and gently faded away. Pulling her hand from her pants, Emily leaned forward and hugged Triss tightly. She felt Triss’s breast against her own, soft yet firm, so big and so damned hot! Physically hot! The two of them remained this way for a long time. When Triss stood up and sat back on the bench, Emily could still see a faint glow in her eyes. As she was staring, Triss nodded. “Yes, they are glowing, my dear. I have to go now, but if you want to come back tomorrow, promise me one thing.”

“Anything.” Emily said, still shocked by the shared moment.

“Read up on the myths about this forest. The older ones.”

Emily frowned. “What?”

“Just do.”

“You’re going to leave?” Emily asked, dismayed.

“Soon, yes.” Triss said, getting up in front of Emily. There were drops of Emily’s milk on her glorious breasts. “But I’m not going to leave until you’re ready.”

Emily leaned forward and hugged Triss again, placing her head agains Triss’s chest. She could feel her hot skin on her cheek, and she could smell her scent, a mixture of gooseberries and wet earth. It was intoxicating. After a long while, Emily straightened up and looked into Triss’s eyes again. “So, like a schoolteacher, you’re sending me to the library?” she asked with a crooked smile.

“Or,” Triss said, smiling “you could go on the internet.” They both laughed. “I may live in the forest, but I’m not some backwards luddite!”

As they laughed, Emily asked “What are you?”

Triss smiled and shook her head. “Read up and, if you still wanna come, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

Comfortable and relaxed despite the mystery, Emily stood up and pulled of the brake on the stroller. Looking at Triss one last time, she said “You’ll be here tomorrow?”

“Will you read up on the myths?” she replied instead of answering.

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