A Little Revenge Story

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It was two weeks before Valentine’s Day, and Brian was bowled over by his girlfriend of three years’ confession that she’d been unfaithful with a prior lover and was now leaving Brian for him.But that wasn’t the worst of it. Christina told Brian that she and Shane were now engaged and planning to marry on Valentine’s Day.  Brian drove home with tears rolling from his eyes at the news. He never was confrontational and took everyone at their word, believing that most told the truth. He didn’t understand the need to lie and assumed the same of others. His Mother always told him that he was too trusting of people and that they would take advantage of him because of that. Once he got home, Brian grabbed a beer and zoned out into the television while trying to make sense of everything.The following morning, he awoke to the sound of his cell phone ringing and found himself sprawled out on the sofa, still wearing the prior day’s clothes. It was nine-forty-five in the morning, and the call was from his boss, concerned that he was sick. He gave Dave, his boss, a synopsis of the previous night and said he’d take a quick shower and be on his way. Dave told him to take the day off, but Brian insisted on coming in to occupy his mind.After a quick shower and change of clothes, Brian made the short trip to his job as a salesperson for the local building supply company. He was well-liked there and was very good at his job.  Once in the office, Brian felt at home and let the previous night’s events slip away as he put all his focus on the job and the people that worked with him. At one point, he went to talk to the boss about a particular customer and what sort of pricing tier he should offer them. Walking to his office, Brian was greeted with a warm smile from the boss’s secretary Sandy. She was a couple of years younger than Brian’s thirty years and was recently divorced with a son, and was a sweetheart to Brian.Sandy’s smile was everpresent and always a welcome distraction from the sometimes all-consuming work of negotiating contracts with prospective clients. This day, however, it carried a hint of sadness. Obviously, Dave had told Sandy of his woes, or she had overheard the conversation. Either way, it hurt a little to know that she felt sorry for him. Walking into Dave’s office, he closed the door and bluntly asked, “Did you tell Sandy?””Of course not,” Dave replied calmly. “I would never share your private business with anyone.””Sorry, but I had to ask because of the way she looked at me. I know that she knows.””If she does, it’s probably because she cares about you and knows how poorly Christina has treated you and put it together herself. You’re never sick, and you’re never late. Plus, we all knew that you were popping the question very soon.””Okay, that makes sense,” he replied as they moved on to the business of the new client. But Dave’s remark about Sandy caring about him stuck in the back of his mind like candlelight in a very dark basement. Her smile always warmed him even when he thought things were going good with his ex. Walking back out of Dave’s office after the new client discussion, Brian made a point of smiling broadly when Sandy looked his way. When she did lift her eyes to his and saw his smile, her face lit up like a kids on Christmas morning.Brian went back to his desk, grinning like a man who’d never had any bad news in his life. The rest of the day flew by as he thought about Sandy’s beautiful smile.  Unbeknownst to Brian, Sandy decided it was time for her to take Brian for herself and help him get a little revenge in the process. She’d been enamored with him from when she started working for the company three years ago and always thought he was too good for his ex. Sandy also knew some things about his tramp ex and her family that would help with Brian’s retribution. The first thing was that her Mother, Lizzy, had severe lust for Brian, and so did her two sisters, and not because he was a nice guy. You see, Christina had bragged to all of them and any other female, including Sandy, that he had a ten-inch cock that would leave you a multi-orgasmic wreck.Sandy knew that Brian would stay late to make up for the time that he missed this morning because that’s just the way he was. She also knew that everyone else was leaving early, including their boss, Dave. With that in mind, she called her neighbor Karen and asked her if she could grab her son from the bus and keep him at her place until about seven. Their two sons were in the same class and got along very well. Oftentimes Karen’s son was at Sandy’s apartment while the boys played. After answering a slew of very private questions about why and with whom she’d Üsküdar Escort be spending this time, Karen agreed happily.Sandy’s next move was to call Brian and tell him, “Dave needs to see you for just a moment before he leaves. Can you come by in five minutes or so?”Brian replied, “Of course, I’ll be there shortly.”Only Sandy knew that Dave and all the other employees were already gone for the day. Sitting at her desk in anticipation of his arrival, Sandy was on pins and needles, hoping her plan would work. She would do whatever it took to help him get his vengeance and then have him for herself. You see, Sandy wasn’t going to let Christina’s treatment of Brian slide. She was determined to teach Christina a lesson she’d not soon forget.Brian approached her desk, and Sandy hopped up and opened the boss’s office door allowing him to walk inside. She then closed the door behind them. Brian spun around to ask where Dave was, and Sandy took that moment to place a soft kiss on his lips as she wrapped her arms securely around him. The kiss took on a life of its own, and soon Brian was squeezing Sandy’s firm little butt to her obvious enjoyment. The soft coos that exited her mouth when it wasn’t affixed to his were all the proof Brian needed that this girl wanted him.Wanting to slow things down long enough to talk, Sandy offered, “Would you like to go over to Riccardo’s for a little dinner? My treat!””Absolutely! But I can’t let you pay. It’s on me,” Brian retorted.”How about we split it since it was my idea?” Sandy countered.”How about I pay since I’ll have the prettiest girl in town on my arm?” Brian replied as he wrapped an arm around her waist and gave her another kiss.She gathered her purse and jacket before Brian led her to his office for his things. Since the restaurant was only a block away, they went straight there, hand-in-hand. Riccardo was working that night and was delighted to see them together in a romantic way. He always thought that they would make a perfect pair.Riccardo led them to an out-of-the-way table, and he served them himself. After getting their drinks and an appetizer on the house, Riccardo let them be for a while. They already knew each other pretty well from all the conversations at work, but Sandy’s attraction to him took Brian entirely off guard. He knew that had it not been for meeting Christina when he did, he definitely would have jumped at the chance to date Sandy after her divorce.Holding both of his hands in hers, Sandy began to speak, “I’ve wanted to be with you since we first met, Brian. And now that we have our chance, I have to say that Christina did you dirty. I know my ex was an ass, but she knew that you were going to propose and still led you on until after that dirtbag Shane did. I know it’s not in your nature to seek revenge, but I don’t think you should let this go without a little payback.””Listen, I don’t care about any of that now. I’ve wanted to be with you for a long time now, even when things were good with Christina. Doesn’t the saying go something like the best revenge is living your best life, and I believe you are that for me.””There’s the other one too that is something like revenge is a dish best served cold. I think this one is more applicable given how Christina treated you,” Sandy retorted.”Do you really think that getting back at her will make me feel better?” Brian replied sullenly.”Maybe not. However, it sure will make her feel a whole lot worse, and that is the goal of revenge, now, isn’t it,” Sandy explained with an angry fire in her eyes.Taken aback, Brian almost squeaked out the question, “How?””You’re going to fuck her one more time, and I’m going to record it all. And you’re going to fuck her Mother, too, and I’ll record that as well. Of course, you’ll be wearing a condom with both of them. We don’t want any errant sperm finding themselves an egg to fertilize, nor do we want any diseases that those two skanks might be carrying around.””Assuming that I agree to all of this, what will we do with those recordings once we have them? And the more important question is, will you be able to handle all of this because none of it is worth it if I lose you in the process.”Pushing in close and kissing Brian with passion, Sandy lingered there as her hands caressed his thick package through his slacks. She gripped his swelling manhood as their tongues dueled for supremacy and smiled to herself at the sheer size of his battering ram. It had been many years since she’d had anything near his size, and she couldn’t wait to feel it stretching her past her limits.”Oh, there is no chance you will lose me, Brian. I’ve wanted you for too Üsküdar Escort Bayan long, and this little payback thing is as much for me as it is for you. See, your wife was the cause of my marriage breaking up. That bitch couldn’t stand to see me happy with someone that she dated back in High School, so she went about doing whatever her slutty little self needed to in order to steal my husband.””As much as I wanted to dislike you when we first met because of your association with her, I quickly realized you were a wonderful human being. Our daily interactions only solidified that. It was a somewhat odd experience as I found myself gradually falling in love with you.””You have fa… fallen in love with me?” Brian stuttered as he stumbled over his words.”Yes! And I want you to make love to me tonight. Take me to your home and love me like I know you want to,” Sandy breathed seductively in his ear.Brian quickly stood while helping Sandy to her feet and waiving Roberto down. With a handful of cash pushed into Roberto’s hand, Brian excused the two of them as they made a quick exit from the restaurant. As they walked back to the parking lot, Sandy offered, “You drive,” as Brian was practically carrying her with his arm around her waist.The ride was short, and before they knew it, the new couple were half naked, lying on Brian’s bed. Slowing just a little, Brian finished stripping himself before doing the same to Sandy. Nude and on fire, he pushed her legs apart and dove face-first into her succulent puss. Her taste was sweet and a bit musky, and he couldn’t get enough. Bringing her to her first climax, Brian eased up a little to let her enjoy the journey.Sandy’s hands were clasped tightly to Brian’s head as he continued soft licks across her swelling labia. With her focus back, Sandy directed, “On your back, you pussy destroyer!”Brian complied by moving up her torso to kiss her lips and lifting her with one arm while turning them both over effortlessly. Their kisses continued in earnest as Sandy rubbed her slick labia against the tip of his swollen stick. Even with her lubricious entrance, this thing would take some patience, especially since it had been so long for her.Pressing the head between her labia, Sandy whimpered at the pleasure-pain mix emanating from her womanly entrance. It was an agonizingly slow and sensuous process as he stretched her like she hadn’t been in far too long. Sandy bottomed out, feeling the pressure on her cervix, and opened her eyes to see that there was still some of him not inside her. The thought of having more than she could handle sparked a climax that left Sandy a quivering mess as she slowly folded onto Brian’s chest.Brian held her tight to him while her orgasm rolled through her petite form. As Sandy began to recover, she muttered, “Roll me over and fuck me until you cum. I want to feel your seed filling me after you’ve used me for your pleasure.”Brian did as she asked and pumped her languidly through three more of her climaxes before he finally gave her what she wanted.In their post-coital bliss, Brian inquired, “So, did we just make a baby?””God, I hope not!” Sandy spouted before realizing how that may have been perceived. “Not that I don’t want to, you see, but I’m gonna need a lot more practice before I am willing to give this up for any length of time.””No worries, I understand completely,” Brian replied with a massive grin on his face.Taking Sandy back to her car, Brian asked about the plan for getting his ex back, “So do you really want to go through with this?””Even more than ever now that we’re together. I know it seems kind of weird, but with the video, we can really screw her the way she messed with both of us.””But why bother with her mother?””Because she’s even worse! And, we’ll need something to keep her Mother at bay when this all comes to light. Besides, Lizzy’s a bigger tramp than her daughter.””But how will I get close to Lizzy?””Oh, that’s the easy part. She’s always at Benny’s Bar on Thursday nights, cougaring her way through all the young man-meat. All you have to do is show up there and walk over to her. She’ll probably try to fuck you in the damn bathroom. When she does come on to you, all you have to do is take her across the street to the Penguin Motel and into your room, where I’ll be waiting in the closet. You fuck her good and hard while I record it all and then take her back to the bar. Easy peasy.””Okayyy, easy, huh? So what’s your plan for Christina?” Brian questioned.”Two words. Bachelorette party.””How?””There will be strippers attending, and you will be one of them.””Again, how?””I have a friend who runs the business Escort Üsküdar they will be using, and he hates Christina more than either of us. He’ll send you and two other guys that will all be wearing masks. Neither of the others will be nearly as well endowed as you, and I’m sure it won’t be long before the sluts will all want some. But, since it will be Christina’s party, she’ll get first dibs which I’ll be ready and willing to film. Once you’ve used her, then we’ll both make a quick escape.””Okay, so we’ve got the home movies, but what will we do with them then?””You’ve never hurt anyone in your life, have you?””Well, not intentionally, no.””We’re going to replace the video of fake crap that she was going to run at the reception. She’ll run one of her and her bastard having the perfect dating life, but we’ll replace it with the one of you fucking her as she screams out with multiple orgasms in front of everyone attending the wedding.””Oh, damn! That’s good!””What about the one of her Mother?””That one we’ll hold in reserve in case her parents figure out what we did.””Ahhh, insurance.””Yes, and then some!””So, when is all this supposed to take place?””The bachelorette party is next Friday. As far as her Mother goes, I think you should try with her tomorrow. That way, if she finds someone else and isn’t available, you can always try next Thursday. And if she’s too busy tomorrow, you can return to the room and take me again,” Sandy suggested as she hugged him firmly.”Now that sounds like a whole lot more fun to me,” Brian responded as he reciprocated the close snuggle.”I hate to leave you, but my neighbor is watching my son, and it’s nearly his bedtime.””No worries,” Brian said before moving his lips to hers for one last kiss.***The following morning they were both at work and trying desperately to avoid each other so as not to fuel the rumor mill. Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be anyone that knew or had figured it out yet, which aided in their plans in coaxing Lizzy into the Motel room tonight. Around lunchtime, Brian made a quick trip to the Penguin and got a room for the night with two keys. Upon arriving back at the office, he very subtly slipped one into Sandy’s hand when no one was around.At the end of the day and at home, Sandy texted, “I’ll be at the Motel at about nine tonight.”Having just walked into his front door, Brian replied, “Okay, I’ll get to the bar at about nine-fifteen and text you if I get unlucky.”Sandy’s sexy comeback was, “Well, you can have me either way because I’ll probably be very hot and bothered after watching you in action!”  Sandy sent the text without even thinking about what it might say about her and, frankly, didn’t care. She was with Brian now and would do anything he wanted.”Well, that makes this whole thing a lot more fun! I’m not even going to cum while I’m with her. I’ll only pretend to until you have enough video, and then I’ll get rid of her.”  Brian’s return text conveyed his true feelings about the situation. He was surprised by how much his interest in sex had increased after only one night with Sandy.”Oh, God! Don’t take too long with her, or I’ll throw her off the bed bare-ass naked and fuck you right there in front of her,” Sandy typed and sent as her fingers moved across her inflamed clit while lying across her bed at home. Stopping just long enough to push her jeans and panties down past her knees, she attacked her open slit with plunging digits. Fingering herself into a frenzy, Sandy barely heard the beep of the incoming text.Walking into his bedroom, Brian released his raging hard-on and began stroking it to the vision of Sandy doing that very thing. Not wanting to cum too fast, he typed back, “Oh my God, you are so effing hot! I’ll help you throw her off and fuck you silly as she watches. All I want is to be between your thighs with my mouth or cock!”Reading Brian’s text through unfocusing eyes, Sandy came hard, envisioning being fucked by Brian in front of that skank Lizzy. Her eyes slammed shut as the convulsions overtook her. Panting for several minutes afterward, she wondered whether Brian had pleasured himself as she had. Typing slowly as she quivered, Sandy questioned, “So, did you take care of yourself the way I just did?”Still stroking his prick haltingly, Brian read her text and responded.  “I was going to try and save it for you, but now I’m even more turned on knowing that you got yourself off.””If you save it, I’ll let you cum in my mouth,” Sandy teased, knowing that he would have a hard time resisting that proposition.”Oh, fuccckkk! You dirty little girl,” Brian typed as he stopped stroking and stuffed himself back into his pants.  “Only for you!” he added before grabbing a beer from the fridge and switching on the television in search of something sports related.”I promise that it will be worth the wait,” Sandy pledged before dropping her phone and plying her nether regions again while thinking of his big cock fucking her silly.

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