All Bark , Little Bite Ch. 06

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Over the next few weeks there was an almost palpable change in the atmosphere at work. Donald was considerably more relaxed and his employees enjoyed working in a calmer environment. Although Donald and Saundra were relatively discreet, the office workers knew something was going on between them and hoped whatever she was doing for him didn’t stop. If they had asked him, he would have been in complete agreement with their sentiments!

At the office Saundra maintained her professionalism. She noticed the way folks looked at her and whispered amongst themselves. Glancing around the office she would grin to herself. If these people only knew what was going on between her and Donald there’d be some slack-jawed, eye-popping expressions on their faces! She liked the changes in Donald. He was still powerful and persuasive in his dealings but had become more amiable with the office workers.

The big deal with a group of Japanese business men and the financial institute in Chicago was coming to a close. Donald was more than ready to get the final contracts signed and sealed. He was tired of having to put up with the crap from Martin Cook. That lawyer’s cocky attitude was incredibly obnoxious. He half-heartedly wondered if a good whipping from Saundra would put the weasel in his place. But he had no desire to share his new-found love with anyone, let alone with that creep. Donald had noticed a slightly tense air about Saundra whenever Martin’s name came up. He was mildly puzzled about it, but didn’t dwell on it thinking she was just reacting to his own negative vibes about the lawyer.

It was Friday and it had been a long week for her. Although she knew Donald was hoping they’d spend the evening together all she really wanted to do was just go home and zone out for a while. She needed some downtime to relax without having to think of job or personal responsibilities or of what to do with Donald. She needed “Saundra time”. Just as she was wrapping things up for the day the phone rang and she begrudgingly answered.

“Parsons Incorporated,” she tersely answered. She pulled her message book open as she knew he would not want to take a call just before he was about to leave.

“Hello, Miss Williams, this is Miss Tanaka. Mr. Yoshima would like to speak with Mr. Parsons, please.” Saundra looked up to see Donald just coming out of his office, briefcase in hand. She pressed the mute button and told him who was calling.

“Crap, what the hell time is it in Tokyo? Must be 8:30, already. They work late, don’t they? Just hand me your phone.” Donald sighed and listened for a moment. “Mr. Yoshima, nice to hear from you…hm, mmmm. Yes. You want to meet here? Oh, I see…that’s fine. Yes, I have accommodations to hold the meeting at my office. All right, then I will see you here on Wednesday at…” Donald paused and pointed to the appointment book on Saundra’s desk. She opened it to Wednesday and pointed to the first available time. “…11:00 a.m. Is that suitable? Good, I look forward to seeing you and your associates then. Good bye.” He handed the receiver to Saundra. “Seems Mr. Yoshima’s wife wants to join him and have a little vacation. They want to go down to San Francisco after the meeting on Wednesday. He said he’s already arranged for the folks at Monaker Financial to meet him here, instead of in Chicago. But, I guess if they are eager enough to get the deal done they don’t mind meeting the buyers here. Whatever works. I just want to put this baby to bed.”

Saundra was in a slight turmoil. Now that the meeting place had been changed to Seattle that would mean Martin would be there with his clients. She couldn’t believe this turn of events! It was bad enough that he was involved, but to have him physically in Seattle, to have to be near him suddenly put her in a quandary. All the time she had spent getting over their relationship seemed to mean nothing. She felt frustrated with herself that she was still allowing Martin to influence her feelings in any way.

Throughout Donald’s dealings with him she’d only had to speak with Martin long enough to put him on hold then transfer him to Donald. Every time he had called she had kept her voice steady and reserved, even though her stomach turned and her anger flared. All she could think of was him standing over her ravaged and beaten body cruelly berating her that she was merely a whore for his clients. His voice had stung her with angry sarcasm that she was nothing, a nobody, and her only purpose was to be used by anyone he deemed would gain him a higher position in life.

“Is everything ok?” Donald’s soft voice broke into her thoughts. “You look a bit pale.” Although she tried to hide it he noticed the anxious look on her face. He felt concerned and wished she would confide in him.

“Oh, yes. I’m fine, just tired.” Saundra couldn’t even look at him. What would he think of her whoring herself, even though under duress, to Martin’s clients to increase his business and social status? She wondered why she was feeling a melt down in her self-confidence. She knew Donald respected and Kartal Ukraynalı Escort cherished her. But if he found out what she’d been through she considered that he might view her in a less esteemed light. The phone rang again, startling her. She answered as Donald stood there and waited.

“Hello, Ms. Williams, this is Martin Cook. Is Mr. Parsons available?” Martin quietly waited for her response. Each time he heard her voice he was reminded of his ex-wife, his beautiful, ungrateful Saundra. He had been furious the night he’d come home early and found her packing to leave him. In the years that followed their divorce he was upset that he’d gone crazy in his rage. But that stemmed more from the fact that a weakness had been revealed to her, rather than always being her self-controlled master.

He did not try to get her back, sure that she would come crawling to him, begging him to let her return. How could she live on her own, after having everything she needed provided for her? When he was served with divorce papers he justified his loss of her by believing she was an ungrateful bitch who had never been good enough for him anyway. Although his clients were unaware of his maneuvers they had enjoyed his lovely wife in any fashion they cared. In the back of his mind he was convinced she enjoyed being a whore and fucking any man to whom he directed her. This, in turn, caused him to feel disgusted with her thinking of the different cocks that had used her pussy, mouth and ass. Sometimes he’d watched in secret and he would become so horny he’d fuck her hard and furious as soon as she was alone. But he’d always thought of her as a used, dirty body merely to get where he wanted in life, and to vent his own sexual needs upon.

Martin wasn’t sure where she had settled but could not imagine that she’d gone very far from Chicago. He had thought so little of her he had no idea of her inner strength. He would have been surprised that she might have done well for herself, or dared to move away from her hometown, let alone to another state. Of course he had no way of knowing that she’d taken back her maiden name, either. Since their divorce he’d had a few girlfriends, but none so easily manipulated to bend her to his will, as Saundra had. If he’d had the time he would have found himself some pretty, unknowing, middle-class bitch whom he could mold to his needs. But after Saundra had left him he’d become absorbed in his work and built it into a highly respectable law practice, specializing in corporate law.

“Ms. Williams? May I speak with Mr. Parsons?” he prompted, his voice was deep and unemotional. She looked up at Donald and switched the phone on mute and told him it was Martin.

“Hell, just how I want to start my weekend. I’ll take this in my office. God knows how long that idiot will want to discuss things. You go ahead and leave, I’ll call you at home later, if that’s ok with you.”

“Sure.” Saundra waited for Donald to be seated at his desk then transferred the call. She shut down her computer, grabbed her belongings and quickly left for home. She couldn’t get there fast enough, to her safe haven. She needed to regroup and deal with her turbulent thoughts and emotions, relieved to have the night alone.

Donald watched as she hurried out of the office. He distinctly had the feeling something was wrong. He felt disappointed that they weren’t going to be together later, and was even more so because he knew she was disturbed by something. But not wanting to push her he gave her the space she insisted on. They’d learned a lot about each other over the past few of weeks. Her intelligence, sweetness, and sense of humor enchanted him. He was falling in love with everything about her, mentally, emotionally, as well as physically. She treated him like a king, that is, until they were in the bedroom. Then he was her most willing servant eager to please in whichever way she chose. Even on the nights when they just cuddled and drifted off to sleep he was joyfully content to wrap his arms around her and dream together. Donald felt this might be a night when simply relaxing in each others arms may have eased her anxiety.

They had so many interests in common such as books, music, favored sports, even their outlook on current events to their philosophy on life. Donald wanted to tell her he was head over heals in love with her but he held back. He knew in his heart she was the one for him, his soul mate. But he didn’t want to scare her off. It seemed that Saundra was holding part of herself in check as at times she was reserved with him. He needed to be patient and let her come to terms with her feelings toward him. Donald knew she was deeply fond of him, hoped it was the beginnings of love, and he didn’t want to chance extinguishing that flame.

“Hello Martin, I suppose you’ve already spoken with Mr. Yoshima.”

“Yes. Seems his wife is pulling the strings to get in some sightseeing. Interesting that a Japanese man would let his wife dictate his plans. I thought the men in that culture always ruled Kartal Üniversiteli Escort the roost, so to speak,” Martin feigned amusement, but his laugh sounded sarcastic. When Donald remained silent Martin cleared his throat and continued, “Ed Nelson wasn’t too pleased. But he and his partners are ready to get it over with. They have their minds on other matters and are anxious to liquidate some of their assets.”

“That’s fine. I’ll have everything ready to go on Wednesday. The meeting is set for 11:00 a.m. We’ll be meeting in my office conference room.” Donald fidgeted with a pen on his desk, his mind still on Saundra.

“Sounds good, Don. I’ll be flying in on Tuesday. How about we go out to dinner?” Martin asked. Donald frowned, not really wanting to spend casual time with this man.

“All right. I’ll fax the final documents to you on Monday. Then on Tuesday night we can go over them at dinner,” Donald conceded.

“You know, Don, it’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to get away from work. I thought I’d come by your office right from the airport, my plane lands at 3:30, and we could review the contracts then. I’d like to just go out to dinner and relax, not have to think about business for a few hours. Would that work for you?” Martin pressed him.

“I’ll check my calendar for Tuesday and get back with you. Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll talk with you on Monday.” Donald’s tense voice revealed his impatience to get Martin off the phone. He stood up and rested his finger on the disconnect button.

“Sure. Take it easy,” Martin replied and signed off. He sensed Donald’s reluctance to having dinner and he smiled to himself. Donald had been very much in command of the entire deal, so far, and Martin had resented that. So any chance he had to make Donald uncomfortable was an opportunity to make himself feel less intimidated by the hard-assed businessman.

Donald tried calling Saundra when he arrived home but only got her answering machine. He left a message then went to make a drink. Her demeanor when she left the office bothered him. He called her twice more throughout the evening but she never picked up. He wondered where she could be and his imagination played with him. She was so distracted and rushed from the office earlier. Was it possible she was out with another man? He quickly squashed the thought as she was fairly solitary and he felt their relationship was exclusive. But he was so much older than she was and sometimes he worried that he wasn’t enough for her, that she might feel he was lacking in some way. On his last message to her he said that they needed to meet at the office at 10 a.m. to go over the papers and make sure everything was in order. Then he went to bed, enduring a restless night alone.

The next day he found Saundra at the office before him. She was just getting his PC booted up when he walked into the office. He stood and watched her for a few moments and she seemed like her usual self. She smiled at him as he entered and came around the desk to hug and kiss him.

“Good morning, darling! We can sit at your desk and go over everything. There was a fax from Mr. Yoshima this morning with a few changes in the contract verbiage, but I don’t think it will be any trouble as far as the settlement goes.” Saundra pulled away from him to move a chair next to his behind the desk. During her night she had tried to convince herself to stop borrowing worry over seeing Martin again. She braved the idea that she would deal with things in a courteous but cool manner and just keep her distance from him. Donald was relieved by her calm manner. She was wearing a low-cut, pale blue tee shirt that hugged her large breasts. Her jeans were just tight enough to show off her round hips and plump ass. The last thing on his mind was working on the contract; he badly wanted to touch and play with her body, instead! “Here, sit down. I’ll get us some coffee.” He watched her saunter from his office, admiring her wonderful, round butt cheeks.

As they sat at his desk he found it difficult to concentrate. Her fragrance was so light he had to lean closely to smell her, and he could not get enough. His gaze kept drifting from the computer screen to her smooth neck, down her chest, and into the creamy cleavage his view afforded. His hands ached to touch her, his tongue thirsted for her. Every now and then she sat back and smiled at him, redirecting his attention to the matters at hand. He wished she would just give him a signal to let him caress her. He reached out and gently let his fingers graze across the back of her neck.

“Did I give you permission to touch me?” her voice was suddenly low and firm. Donald jerked his fingers from her as if he’d just been burned. Without another word Saundra got up and went out to her desk, bringing back a ball of string and scissors. “Pull out your penis, present it to me.” He hesitated and she sighed impatiently. “Now!” she yelled. He unzipped his jeans and pulled his dick out, not sure whether his embarrassment was that he was only Kartal Vip Escort semi-hard or the fact that it was beginning to swell at all. “Put both of your hands around it. I’ll show you how to keep your hands to yourself, literally.”

He wrapped his right hand around his shaft and felt flustered that it was quickly becoming erect. Then he wrapped his left hand over his right. Saundra held the loose end of the string in one hand and deftly looped it around his hands several times, imprisoning his cock in his palms. Once she felt he was secure she used the scissors to cut the string from the ball, the steel blades flashed menacingly, and tied the two loose ends tightly together. She took the string and scissors back to her desk then returned to stand over him and look down at his crotch, noticing the head of his cock sticking out of his cupped hands.

“Look at you, show off!” She lightly brushed his crown with her fingertip and watched him close his eyes. “You’re pretty proud of your prick, aren’t you?” The tiny drop of dew on the tip of his cock confirmed his excitement but she decided he needed another demonstration of her dominance over him. She scratched his sensitive skin with her nails and he moaned, not sure if he wanted to pull away or thrust towards her. Saundra unbuckled his belt and pulled it free from the loops, folding it in half. “Stand up.” He was quick to obey and she pulled his pants down to his legs. “Turn around and bend over the desk, stick that sweet ass out for me. You forgot yourself and I am not pleased at all. Not at all, Donald.”

“Saundra,” he whispered but she shoved him face down against the desk. He would find no mercy with her. She slid her palm over his ass to the small off his back to hold him still then sharply whacked his cheeks with the belt. The air was immediately forced from his lungs at the feel of the leather burning his skin.

“What is the golden rule, Donald?” she asked as she landed another blow to his pale ass. He flinched but had no room to squirm away. He could only lie there and involuntarily press his cheeks together.

“No hands!” he grunted as the strap smacked against him again. His grip momentarily tightened around his shaft and the pleasure of it caught him off guard.

“When are you allowed to touch me?” she slapped his ass again pleased with the pale shade of pink spreading across his skin.

“Ugh! Only when you give your permission!” he groaned loudly as he felt the leather bite into his tender flesh. His hands squeezed around his cock with each smack of the belt. He could feel the heat of each blow spread to his balls and groin. The pain of her chastisement mingled with the sensation of his hands gripping and releasing his shaft caused him uncomfortable pleasure. His mind flashed on the thought of this taking place during regular business hours with the employees there, possibly the blinds slightly open that someone might chance upon the view. His arousal grew and he felt his scrotum tighten up in anticipation of having an orgasm.

“That’s right, you bad, horny boy!” Saundra struck him again. The sight of thick welts just barely rising excited her. She paused and reached between his legs and felt his cockhead. The precum oozed onto her fingertips and she wiped them on his sack then squeezed his balls. He cried out and pushed his hips down. “You want to come, don’t you? But this is punishment, not for your pleasure!” She slashed his ass hard with the belt one final time as she did not want him to let him go over the edge and climax. “Now, sit back down and let’s get our work done.” She dropped his belt on the desk and sat in her seat. His ass was bright pink and she reached out and pinched his right cheek. He jerked away from her then turned around. She laughed and patted the seat of his chair.

He was so close to coming he couldn’t think straight. The burning pain of his ass only caused him to be increasingly turned on as his hands held his rock hard dick. He eased down into his chair grateful for the soft, cool leather soothing his tender skin. Saundra proceeded to review where they had left off as if nothing had happened. But he felt exasperated and wondered if she had continued the beating if he’d have climaxed from the lash of his belt on his flesh. He almost asked her for more, just so he could find out!

Finally, at noon they were finished and she printed out the necessary documents. She untied his hands and shoved his cock back into his pants. The feel of her hands on his shaft made Donald want to grind against her fingers as they pressed him back into his pants. She pulled the fly of his zipper up and buttoned his waist band closed.

“Time for lunch! I’ve brought a picnic for us. We can sit on the carpet and enjoy the beautiful view from your windows.” Saundra stood up and stretched, easing her back muscles. Donald relished the way her breasts lifted and bulged from the top of her tee shirt as she lifted her arms above her head. He wondered what it would be like to have her in that position, her hands captured above her head, even her feet secured wide apart. Ah, to have her helpless and at his will. He would delight over every inch of her! As she walked out to her desk he could feel his cock throbbing. As much as he enjoyed her dominance over him he couldn’t repress his fantasies of taking her and teasing her into ecstasy.

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