Becoming Abby Ch. 05

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Note from the Author:

I would very much like to thank everyone who has read along with this series, voted, commented, contacted me, and I encourage you to continue. For the first four chapters I was unsure where this was going to lead for a while, and I am sure that I have left many questions that you would like answered. Hopefully I will answer these questions over the duration of the next few chapters.

Next I would like to give a very special thanks to a very special gurl, who through her own writings inspired me and gave me the courage to offer my own.

Thank you Holly for being my inspiration and giving me courage.

If you would like to read some of Holly’s work, you can fine her two series, The Role Players, and Ms. Rhonda’s Finishing School here on the site.



The doorbell sounded and mistress lifted her hand from my head as I slid to my feet and hurriedly went to open the door. A large man in a driver’s coat marked with a stylized letter V filled the open doorway as I backed up curtsying. “Good evening, sir. Welcome to the home of my Mistress.”

“Good evening little one. I am David and I will be Mistress M’s driver for this evening.” His deep voice filled the room.

Mistress had placed the blood red cloak around her shoulders and tied it closed at the neck. She held another cloak of the darkest black in her hand as she approached with Mary and Chris in tow. A soon as she was close enough David bowed from the waist with a hand over his heart “A good evening to you, Mistress M.”

“David, wonderful to see you again. So proper, as always.” She waved a hand at Mary and Chris. “These are my honored guests this evening. Mary and her husband Chris. They will be NP.”

“As you say, Mistress M, so it shall be. If I may?” David asked holding out his hand for the cloak “Forgive me, but we are somewhat pressed for time, as your response was late in coming.”

She handed him the cloak and he draped it over my shoulders as Mistress stepped out the door pulling up her hood. I was right behind her pulling up my own hood and keeping my eyes down. Mary and Chris followed. I’m sure still in a world of confusion. Mistress led us down the drive to the limo that was parked on the street. Somehow David beat us there and was standing with the door open. He held out his hand, helping first Mistress and then myself into the back. Mary also got a hand in, but Chris was left to himself.

“What about locking up your house?” Chris asked.

Mistress held up the key that she had slipped to David with the cloak, and David had slipped back to her as she got in. “All taken care of.”

I pulled my cloak closed tighter and sat next to Mistress with my head down and my hands clasped in my lap. The divider window lowered and David’s voice floated back from over Mary’s head. “Ready, Mistress M?” he asked.

“Yes, David, as ready as we can be.”

The car pulled away and the divider window raised. Mistress focused her attention back on our friends who sat across from us. “Now I will tell you what I can about tonight. We are going to a club called Valhalla, where I am a member. I can’t tell you what to expect to see tonight as it changes each time the club is open. Understand, I didn’t come to the decision to take you lightly. The club is only open once a month and this will make exactly the second time I have attended in a year.”

She held out her hand and I placed a flute of champagne in it. My actions in preparing were so subtle Mary and Chris missed them completely.

Mistress took a sip. “Now everything Abby told you earlier is correct. Do not speak to ANYONE unless I introduce you first. This is a very exclusive members-only club and will take every bit of pull I have to get you in the door. If you are approached by anyone, you will call to me and I will deal with them. Other than that, you will have myself and Abby to take care of you.”

“How is Abby going to take care of us if she can’t speak or even raise her eyes?” Mary asked.

Mistress laid her hand on mine. “Abby sees more than you think. Just follow my lead and you should be fine. They will not expect you to know every protocol, as it is your first trip.”

“Exactly what kind of club are we going to?” Chris demanded.

“You are going to a fetish club. You will see others dressed the same as Abby, more or less. You will NOT speak to anyone wearing collar like Abby’s. Do you understand me?” She moved her eyes from one to the other.

They both nodded

“I asked you a question. A nod is not an answer. I said, do you understand me?”

“Yes,” they both said at once.

She continued “Good. You will see nudity. There are some masters that make their ‘property’ work for years just to earn the right to wear a pair of panties. Yes, there is every chance you will see open acts of sex, BDSM, and any number of other things. There will be drinking, dancing, and likely a paddling or two. The owner of the club tries to make sure that each time the club is open, there is a different experience to be had.” Mistress said.

Before any more questions could be asked, the divider window rolled down “We are arriving Mistress M.”

The limo pulled up outside a building with bright neon signing that read Leather n Lace. The door opened and David offered his hand to each of us as we exited. The protocols started here, so I was the last to exit. There was a woman standing at the side entrance watching us. Mistress stood waiting as I stood to my full height and took a deep breath. With a nod from her to David, he ripped the cloak from my body, exposing it to the cold night air. Mary gasped at the violence of it, but a stern look from Mistress quieted her.

Lowering her own hood, I reached out and took the cloak from her shoulders as Mistress basically stepped out of it. She continued forward to meet this other woman and I fell in two steps behind her, head down, cloak neatly folded over my arms.

When we reached the other woman, she looked from Mistress to me and back again. “Identification?”

She stood a good five foot two and her platinum blond hair was fashioned into a tight braid that hung from the back of her head down her back. From her neck down she was covered in molded red leather. It wasn’t any of this novelty pleather stuff you order of the internet, this was the real deal. It boggles the mind just trying to grasp the amount of time it must have taken someone with excellent leather working skills to design and mold just the chest piece. It looked like a second skin that was designed to show off everything in a very anatomical way.

The large breast cups stood up on the chest piece with proudly erect nipples. As if to show the world exactly what it was covering. As she took a step closer to us, you could notice that it all looked to be made of one solid piece of leather. She wore heavy red leather boots that came all the way up to at least mid-thigh. The tops of them were hidden behind a red leather skirt that looked like it was designed more for ease of movement then for fashion.

Mistress raised an eyebrow, but without missing a beat reached back, grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of her. Halfway there I was already on my way to my knees. “My Mistress offers her greetings and warmest thanks for her invitation this night, Mistress Jo. Please inspect my collar as proof of my Mistress’s membership.”

“Ahh Mistress M, if only my own pets where half as elegantly trained as this gem kneeling before me.” Mistress Jo said with a smile. “Please come inside. David called ahead and gave warning of who you have brought with you tonight.” She held the door open and everyone made their way inside. As soon as the handle latched behind me, she had me in the tightest hug.

“ABBY! Oh, my god it has been ages, gurl!” She smiled and hugged me, “How are you?”

Blushing I lowered my eyes, “I am well Mistress Jo, thank you for asking. May I ask, How is Holly?”

Jo grinned, “She is as wonderful as ever, I will have to speak with M and set up a play date for the two of you.”

“Thank you Mistress Jo, that would be very kind of you,” I replied.

She turned and hugged Mistress as well. “It is great to see you both again!”

Chris shook his head. “What the hell is going on? I can’t follow the personality changes.”

Mistress and Mistress Jo both snapped a stern look at him. “You will speak when given permission to speak, boy.” Jo snapped “Do I make myself clear?”

Chris nodded and slid closer to Mary, looking for the way out.

“I asked you a question, boy” she growled, producing a riding crop as if by magic.

“Y..yes, yes, I understand. I apologize.” Chris stammered out.

Jo smiled. “Oh another quick learner, where do you find them, M?”

“Oh, here and there,” Mistress replied “Joann, allow me to introduce some very close friends of mine, Chris and his wife Mary. “

Jo looked them up and down, even walking a circle around them, tapping her crop in her open hand. “David warned me that you were bringing two NP’s tonight. Are you sure you want to do that? You know what will happen if they can’t control themselves.”

“Yes, I know, and I have informed them in very plain terms of the rules they must follow tonight. If I didn’t think they could do it, I would not have brought them. Besides, Abby will be watching over them,” Mistress responded.

Jo stopped her circling in front of Mary and reached out running her finger down her chest. “You’re not taking them in wearing… whatever this is. Are you?”

Mary looked like she was about to say something when Mistress answered. “I was hoping you would be so kind as to open the shop for me. I know it is late, but I was pressed for time and they had no warning of tonight’s activities.”

“Of course. Ninety percent of the stock comes from your company.” She laughed. “Right this way.” She held out a hand.

“Jo, if you would be so kind as to take Chris and Mary ahead and get them started. I need to have a few private words with Abby, ” Mistress asked.

Jo didn’t even ask for a reason just shoved Chris and Mary along like sheep to the slaughter. Mistress turned to me and sighed. “Abby, I need you to look me in the eyes for this.” I raised my eyes and looked at her. “Tonight is going to be… difficult. Not just for Chris and Mary, but for you as well, I fear. They are here as my guests, which, in turn, means your guests. You are as much responsible for them and their needs as I am. Maybe more so. Do you understand what I am saying?”.

“I… I don’t know Mistress. I am to serve them as I serve you?” I asked

Mistress put her head in her hand for a moment. “Look. I need to know that you will do exactly what is needed tonight without causing a scene.” I frowned, not understanding. She stepped right up to me, grabbing my ass in one hand and my caged cock in the other.

“These are mine. I do not share them with anyone. However, our guests tonight may need… servicing.” My eyes widened.

“I see you understand… now.” She squeezed my ass and caged cock, “These are off limits. Now tell me my pet what is expected of you. Do not hold back.”

“I… I am to serve Miss Mary and Sir as I would serve you,” I stammered.

“Say it. I need to know you will act on command without a second thought. It could be the only thing that saves this night.” She demanded.

I took a deep breath. “My cock and ass belong my Mistress and no other. But should the need arise I will use my hands, my mouth, or any other part of my body that is allowed, to service Mary and Chris. I will lick pussy and suck cock as a good pet should without a second thought, my Mistress.”

It seemed as if a weight lifted off her shoulders. “Thank you, my pet. I don’t know that it will come to that, but I wanted us both to be prepared if it did.” She looked around to make sure no one was watching and hugged me tight whispering into my ear. “I love you.”

We turned at the sound of Jo coming back with Mary and Chris. The changes she had made were impressive. She had gotten Chris into a pair of black leather pants with a matching vest that was open in the front showing off his chest and belly. It looked like she had got him with the baby oil as well. Mary, the dress she had on was one I had been dying to see Mistress wear. The material floated in the air as she moved and was so light and transparent it was like she was wearing nothing at all.

Jo came up to Mistress and pointed at Chris. “This one is going to have a hard time tonight if even the thought of the naked human body makes him turn ten different shades of red.” She turned to Mary “And this one… This one is made to be owned. I simply cupped her breasts and I swear she had an orgasm. A day under my service and she would beg for a contract.”

“JO! These are my guests and NP,” Mistress admonished. “But, yes, she likes women and gets off easily.” She laughed.

I thought Mary was going to faint and Chris was looking for something to say back, but just couldn’t find the words.

Jo cleared her throat, “Well, if everyone is ready now, shall we go down?”

I stepped over to Mary and Chris, pulling them close. “You will walk side by side exactly two paces behind me. Do not speak.” Turning, I took my place two paces behind Mistress.

Jo lead the way to a door on the back wall and opened it. Behind the door was a wide hall and then a set of steps leading down. At the bottom of the steps the hall opened up twice as wide. You could see to the other end where stood a large steel door emblazoned with the stylized V logo of Valhalla. Lining the hall on either side were twelve more women ranging in height, weight, and race each wearing a leather outfit identical to Jo’s. These were the Valkyries, the guardians of Valhalla, those who chose the worthy to enter.

As we approached the door, Jo turned and faced our group. Two more Valkyries from along the wall stepped up beside her. “The Valkyries demand to know who approaches the gates of Valhalla!” they all called out as one.

Mistress looked back at me and rolled her eyes muttering just loud enough for me to hear, “Every fucking time.” Then looking back, she stated in a clear voice “I am Mistress M. I bring with me my property, Abby, who is marked by your house as mine.”

“We know you, Mistress M, and your property. Who are these others you bring with you?” They again called out as one.

“These are my honored guests, Non-Participants. I swear on my honor, they will obey the rules of Valhalla and bring honor to my house,” Mistress called back.

“You seek their entry on your Honor,” Jo said focusing her attention on Mary and Chris, “So be it. Step forth honored guests and receive the blessing of the Valkyrie, along with your marks of protection.”

Chris and Mary stepped forward, each being met by a different Valkyrie who took them to opposite sides of the hall. Jo approached mistress and spoke in a quiet voice. “All this pomp and circumstance… I’m glad I only have to do this once a month now.” She pulled a small bottle of spray out of a bag and held up a small sheet of paper. “With your permission M.” Mistress nodded and Jo sprayed water onto the left side of her neck, then lined up and pressed the paper to it before spraying the back with water. She rubbed her hand over it a few times to make sure it took, then pulled the paper away revealing the same V logo on the door as a temporary tattoo on Mistress’s neck.

Mary and Chris came back towards us. Each of them had a temporary tattoo as well. This time of a large NP on both sides of their necks, so that they couldn’t be missed. Chris started to say something, but I caught his eye and gave a small shake of my head and a nod behind me. He got it and took Mary’s hand pulling her back to the place two paces behind me. Mistress Jo stepped back to look at the group again, while her helpers resumed their positions guarding the room.

“You have been inspected and found acceptable. The marks placed on your necks will offer you a limited protection. Follow the rules of Valhalla at all times and your night will be one of pleasures untold. You devices will be returned to you by your driver when you leave.”

Ahh… I had forgotten about phones… Chris and Mary both must have had their phones with them.

There was a loud boom, and the large door in front of us started to open. The Valkyrie stepped to the side and Mistress lead the way. Valhalla waited.

We stepped through the door and slowly it closed behind us with another loud boom. The floor moved, dropping down slowly and taking us with it. After a minute you could hear the deep bass of the music from the club. The wall in front of us opened from the bottom as the elevator reached its destination. Mistress took a deep breath to prepare herself and stepped forward. Two more Valkyries met her there. One leaned in and whispered something into Mistress’s ear that I could not hear over the music. She gave a nod and touched her on the arm then looked at me and nodded.

I moved back and took the hands of Chris and Mary, pulling them along. I wanted to tell them to be discrete in looking, but with the loud music in this part of the club it was impossible. I squeezed both their hands trying to get their attention and finally they turned their eyes to me. I couldn’t blame them for the stares. The first time I had come here, I was overloaded.

Here we were, inside the door, and it was sensory overload. First, there was the music, so loud you couldn’t speak. Then there were the naked bodies. Slaves, both male and female wearing nothing more than the silver collars of Valhalla, running here and there serving their owners. Some where fetching drinks or food. Another was on his knees, the penis of his owner in his mouth, while the owner watched and drank from a glass of wine. In another corner, a woman was tied down to a table, writhing in orgasmic pleasure as two slaves obediently used various toys on her for their Master’s viewing pleasure.

A Valkyrie, in her telling red leather, would wander into sight from time to time. I looked up at Mistress. She nodded her head in the direction she wanted to go, and I pull on their hands, leading them deeper into darkness. I kept my eyes down, but open looking for trouble. It didn’t take long for it to find us. We had just crossed into another section of the club where the music was not so loud when a woman wearing skin-tight PVC but no club tattoos, approached Chris.

“My my my! What do we have here?” she purred. “A new master looking for his first slave?” She slid around me, reaching out to touch Mary on the shoulder “Or maybe a new mistress looking for a pet. I can be whatever your heart desires. Slave, pet, plaything…”

She cut off as Mistress stepped between her and her targets. “You dare violate the protection of Valhalla and the Valkyries?” she demanded

“I… I didn’t see… I didn’t see the tattoos! I swear!” she cried.



Mistress kept her tone level, “Leave. Now.”

The woman slipped away into the crowd without a backwards glance. Mistress looked at me and then continued our journey. In the very back corner of the club were the private booths. She had decided this was going to be the best place to start, if we could get there without incident. Mistress approached a Valkyrie who nodded and lead the way to a booth, opening the certain and holding it while we all stepped inside. There was no table, just two couches on either wall.

“Sit” Mistress said to Mary and Chris. She sat and I knelt at her feet. “I’m sorry about that back there. She was looking for a beating. It’s the only reason she would chance breaking club rules.”

“I didn’t see any tattoos on her neck” Mary said fidgeting around trying to get the flowing dress to cover more than it was supposed to.

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