Closing the Sale Pt. 01

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Bill adjusted his tie as he came into the kitchen. He inhaled deeply, smelling the freshly brewed coffee and the subtle fragrance wafting off his wife. As he took the steaming mug from her, he looked her up and down and sighed. “I’m the luckiest man in the world. A wife that makes the best coffee, can cook, always looks good and seems to always know what I want.”

Linda shook her head, “Give me a break. You say every cup of coffee is the best, you love anything as long as you don’t have to prepare it and,” she ran her hand across the front of his dress pants and licked her lips, “what you want is not that tough to figure out.” She turned and picked up her toast. “Though, I didn’t think you liked how I dress for work.”

Bill looked at his wife. Grey linen skirt, not too long, not too short, but snugly showing off her third best asset, her ass. As she turned to face him, he looked at the matching coat over a white silk blouse revealing her deep cleavage between those gravity-defying DDs, her second best asset. His eyes strayed down to her hips revealing the lack of panty lines knowing she wasn’t covering up her best asset, absolutely the tightest pussy he’d ever driven his cock into. Not fully shaved as she was proud of her super-soft golden fur. She loved the fact that she was a natural blonde and he thought back to the first time he saw that beautiful patch…tasted her. He looked back at her chest and knew she wasn’t wearing a bra since she had sales calls today and she had explained that her unfettered breasts bouncing as she gave her presentations limited the objections. Also, as she leaned over to point to items addressing their few questions, they accepted whatever she said. He also saw evidence of her unfettered breasts as he saw the quarter inch bumps of her nipples under the thin silk and linen coat. He wondered how much they’d be poking out as she felt excitement. For confirmation that it was a sales day, he looked at her left hand holding the toast and saw she’d taken off her wedding ring. He looked at her grinning at him as he studied her, “I can understand no bra, but I’d feel better if you wore the ring. I mean, I was fine with you keeping your maiden name, but…I don’t know. It just feels weird.

“Sweetie. You know I love you and there will never be anyone else. I need to sell the entire package. I’ve been the top salesperson at Nuxaware for the last few years and you know how cutthroat this business is. I need to get the clients sucked in. I need them to feel like they are getting the best Dev-Ops solution there is along with a strong relationship with the company.” She came over and gently stoked his cheek, “It’s window dressing. That’s all it is. We could sell our products in manila envelopes, but we put tropical background pictures on the packaging to attract attention.”

“Maybe you should just wear a bikini then, you know, continue the theme.” He stopped, seeing her look. “Sorry, I know. As long as you leave your jacket on then you are obviously very professionally dressed.” He sipped his coffee, so who do you have today?”

Linda reached for her leather-bound folder, “Let’s see, we have Salient over on the east side. Then Arbitech and last, closer to home, LMT. I don’t know them, but apparently they are opening up a new data center over on 35th”

“LMT? That’s us. I mean, that’s a new spin off and I’m the lead engineer. I’d love to have your software on our systems. Who are you meeting with?” Bill asked.

“Let’s see, Cal Ripkin and Eric Walters.” She looked up at her husband, eyebrows raised.

“Yes, Cal is actually Carl, but he likes to be called Cal, you know, for obvious reasons.” He saw the blank look on his wife’s face, “Um, a famous baseball player. Never mind. Both are good guys. They pretty much do all the procurement, so you don’t have to worry about them ‘Running it up the chain.'” He hesitated, “There’s just one thing, um, they are both single and they’ve been pretty vocal about how lucky they’ve been with a few of the Customer Reps they’ve had call on them. I mean, perhaps it would be good to wear your wedding ring, you know since they seem like they…you know…”

Linda laughed, “Seriously? Don’t you think I have a say in what happens? They can try all they want. You know there’s only you. Relax, I enjoy the games you men play to get between my legs.” She leaned over and kissed her husband, “Anyhow, for some men a wedding ring is like a red cape to a bull.” She put her plate in the dishwasher. She looked over at her husband, “Actually, this might be a problem. If this is your project, there’s a conflict of interest if you’re involved. I’d love the commission, you won’t be involved in the decision, will you?”

“Crap, I’m sure they’ll consult me. But, actually I don’t make these types of decisions so I’m sure it’s fine. And they’ll probably just forward the specs over to me. Let’s play it by ear.”

“Ok. I’d hate to give that asshole Bryan this account. I guess still having my maiden name should avert any questions.” She quickly pecked Bill on the lips, “Look, ümraniye escort I gotta go, I don’t want to be late for my 9 AM.” She turned and headed for the garage, “Love you.” She said as she exited.

“I love you too…” Bill said to the closing door.


Bill clicked ‘Send’ and got up to head into the datacenter. This was a big day. It’s finally all coming together. UPS fully up and tested. All the racks in place, waterfalls, fiber…all of it. Fully 10 Gb networked. He looked around feeling pride in the latest in technology. To his right, through the door were the pallets for the latest hardware, all fully converged network, storage…

He grabbed his phone as it went off, “This is Bill…yes, sure I can drive over. What’s up?…Sure…yes I’ve heard of that application. I’ll be right over.” He shook his head. How could he forget Linda was meeting with Cal and Eric? He looked longingly over where the new hardware was stored, wishing he could open them up and admire…


“Hey Bill, this is Linda Franks…Linda, Bill Lincroft. Come in, have a seat.” Cal slid over a stack of printed material to the end of the table. “We’ve been impressed with what Linda here has to offer and I think we’re ready to pull the trigger, but 35th is your baby and we aren’t pulling the trigger without your blessing.” Cal looked at Bill, “Do you have time to go over this?”

Bill paged through the familiar brochures and spec sheets. “Sure, I’ve checked this out already, but I can review what she has here.” He looked over at Linda who was assiduously not meeting his eyes, but instead looking at something on Eric’s phone. He could see most of her left breast as she leaned forward. He forced himself to look back at the pile of papers in front of him.

Cal stood up, “Great. Eric and I missed lunch, so we’re heading across the street to grab something. Linda, do you have another appointment, or want to join us?” He grinned at the beautiful blonde, “It’s happy hour and they have an incredible selection of microbrews.” He looked over at Bill, “We’d invite you, but you need to be able to focus.” Cal leaned forward and whispered in Bill’s ear, “She’s been flashing us the whole meeting. I can’t wait to get her over to the penthouse and out of those clothes.” He slapped Bill on the shoulder and slipped an arm around the gorgeous rep’s waist and guided her out the door, looking back at Bill and winking as he slid has hand lower. “Hey, buzz me after you’ve gone through that.”


Bill sat there fuming, watching the door to the conference room close. He knew his wife used her feminine charms to get sales, but knowing, hearing about it was different than seeing it. He unconsciously spun his wedding band on his finger as he recalled how Linda playfully nudged Cal with her butt as he stroked her right cheek. He knew she was aware he saw that, but stayed in character as the available single girl. He was never happy with her playing the role, but he had never complained about the $250,000 annual income she brought in. As he stared at the door, he replayed how many times she’d call and explain she’d be late, “You know, I have to wine and dine the clients. Make them happy. You understand. I love you.”

Bill tried to get rid of the images flooding his head and looked back over the tech specs. Soon, his left brain took over and he thought about how this very complete Dev-Ops application would apply to what he was building over on 35th. He really could see this as the best solution out there for their needs. He looked at his watch and saw it had been two hours. He picked up the phone and called Cal. “Hey. I reviewed every thing and I’d say it’s perfect. If you want to come back we can discuss the necessary number of licenses and which modules would be best…No? Seriously?…Ok, no I understand…What? I guess I could…Alright, I could use a beer.”


Bill walked into The Pub and looked around. He immediately saw where they were. Linda standing in front of a round bar table, surrounded by Cal and Eric along with a half dozen co-workers. Linda’s jacket was off and on the back of the chair next to her where Cal was sitting. He stopped and felt like leaving seeing Cal’s hand stroking this inside of her leg bare leg below the skirt. He looked at the other guys and most were trying not to ogle, but he saw their eyes flit down to his wife’s chest and he could easily see her hardened nipples poking through the silk. Linda was obviously enjoying the attention as she reached out and stroked the arm of the man talking to her on her left.

He started to turn around when he ran into Joe from HR. “Bill, leaving already? Cal called me and told me it would be worth my while to hop over for a beer.” He looked at his watch, “Damn, missed happy hour.” He looked over at the table and let out a low üsküdar escort whistle, “I guess that’s not a big deal. Come on, you’ve obviously never been to one on Cal and Eric’s parties.”

Bill followed Joe over to the table, futilely attempting to stay away from his wife’s line of sight. As he stood there, he saw her eyes flick over to him.

“Bill, isn’t it?” Linda pulled herself away from Cal’s hands and came around the table, “What are you drinking?” She looked over and caught the bar maid’s eyes, “I’m buying, or at least my expense account is…are you hungry?”

“Um, I guess I’ll grab a pale ale.” He found himself glancing down to her chest feeling instant arousal. He looked back at his wife, “Sorry, I’d love a burger. Thanks.” He felt the heat instantly leave when she smiled at him at turned back to the table. He turned to the girl and gave his order then felt Joe nudge him and nod at the table that just emptied and let himself be led over.

He chatted with Joe and two of his co-workers who came over since the other bar table was really crowded. He was amazed at how easily Linda made every one of the guys feel like he was her favorite. She turned to everyone when she was addressed and her body language expressed total interest, total focus on what he was saying. His stomach hurt with jealous feelings, but in his head he understood this was what she had to do. He couldn’t help seeing every one of his fellow workers spend more and more time looking down at the swell of her breasts revealed by the gaping blouse. If she were disturbed by their openly checking out her breasts, she wasn’t showing it. In fact, she alternated between leaning forward with her arms squeezing her breasts together, standing up and stretching, showing her hardened nipples and pressing her breasts against various men’s arms and backs as she reached over for chips. She turned from man to man, but apparently kept returning to Cal and Eric. At one point, she even sat on Cal’s lap, putting her ear to his mouth as he whispered something making her laugh. All heads turned seeing her chest heaving with her mirth.

The four men sat up straighter as she came over to their table, “Everything OK over here? Too bad Cal couldn’t have grabbed a larger table. This is kind of like the kids’ table at Thanksgiving.” She laughed looking intensely at each man at their table.

Bill laughed too, not missing the subtle demeaning nature of her comment. How could anyone not love this woman? He grinned when she came around and stroked his back. She slid onto the empty chair and took a swig out of his beer, her hand still on his back. “I hope you don’t mind. It’s really warm in here.” She put down the beer and pulled her blouse away from her body and flapped it to cool herself off. She turned to Cliff who was on the other side staring at her suddenly fully revealed breasts. She asked if there was anything he wanted. “Anything you want, just order it.” She said softly while patting his upper thigh. She looked over at each guy and told them she was really happy they were able to get away since she’d never had so much fun and she wished she could work in a place with such great guys.

It wasn’t long before the feelings of intense jealousy morphed into a combination of admiration and a desire for her attention to be focused back on him. He loved when she came over, when she pressed her breasts against his arm. When she looked him in the eyes as if he were the only man who mattered to her in this bar. Then, abruptly he felt the colors sucked out of the bar whenever she turned her attention to Cliff or someone else.

Linda loved Cliff’s bright blond locks and even jokingly suggested their kids would be so blond. Bill noticed Cliff having to adjust himself as she moved on. Finally, she got up and returned to the main table and this time sat on Eric’s lap. He looked at his watch and saw it was 9:35. He needed to get home, get some sleep, but it didn’t look like this party was going to break up anytime soon. He looked at the faces of all the guys and saw an eagerness…a hope that perhaps she’d be going home with them. None of them was about to leave while she was still here.

He got up and walked over to the pool area and pulled out his cell. He quickly typed, “It’s getting late. We need to get home. How much longer???” He hit send and waited until Linda reached for her phone. He saw her put up a finger to Eric and head over towards the front of the bar. Her slender fingers flew over the keypad and when his phone vibrated, he looked at it.

“Hang on. Don’t want to leave without a contract. Give me a few. You can head back if you want. Love you.” He read it and shook his head. Then he typed, “Ok, don’t be long. Love you too.”

Bill watched as she headed back to the table and leaned over and whispered in Cal’s ear. Seeing him nod and stand up, Bill headed back over and walked up to the main table. “Hey guys, Linda, nice meeting you, but I’m going to head home and get some sleep.”

“Hang on,” Cal said kadıköy escort putting a hand on his arm. “Do you have the number of licenses, modules you want, you know?”

“I do. They’re in my car. I’ll meet you back at work.” Bill responded.

“Never mind, just text me what you want. Linda agreed she wanted to see the penthouse and since we have VPN there, we’re going to head over and sign the papers there.” Cal winked at Bill. He looked at Bill’s ring finger, “You’re welcome to join us unless you have to get home to the wife.”

Bill shook his head, feeling the ache back in his stomach, “No, I do have to get back to the wife.” He said looking intensely at Linda, “Nothing beats having a great woman at home.”

Linda looked apologetically at Bill, “You sure? I guess you’ve seen the penthouse, but Cal made it sound amazing. Somehow it sounds a lot better than that conference room.” Seeing him shake his head, she came over and gave him a quick hug, “Nice meeting you. Hopefully we’ll see each other again.” She then hugged each of his co-workers, hugging each just a little longer than she had him..

Bill nodded, seeing he was being dismissed and headed out. He felt like throwing up as he headed back to the office to get his car. He was getting ready to drive away when he remembered he needed to get Cal the numbers. Reluctantly, he reached in, grabbed his bag and after putting all the numbers into a text and hitting send he started the car and headed home.


His dreams were full of images of Linda and Cal, sweating, writhing, grunting in animalistic passion. He woke and looked over at the clock. 2:13. He tried to get all the images out of his head but couldn’t. In fact, all he could think about was his wife with Cal, legs spread getting speared with his cock. That younger man looking down at his wife’s flopping breasts as he pounded her. Bill’s hand wrapped around his own rock-hard erection and began stroking while trying hard to rid himself of the graphic thoughts. He tried to think about past girlfriends or the first time he and Linda had had sex, but he kept coming back to Cal’s hands on her breasts…His mouth on her wet pussy…Linda begging him to fuck her, how she needed his cock inside her. Her mouth eagerly opening as Cal thrust his cock towards her face…those beautiful lips stretched wide as the purple fleshy shaft invaded her mouth. “Aaaahh…ahh fuck!” he cried out as jets of cum splattered on his chest and stomach. He thrust his hips up as he came, his fist a blur as he pumped rapidly, his cock never having felt as hard, his orgasm never so intense. He lay there, breathing hard, feeling his heart pumping hard inside his chest, his stomach hurting, creamy liquids cooling off on his torso. He rolled off the bed and staggered into the bathroom to clean up.

As he crawled back into bed, the images flooded back into his head, his cock hardened and as he stroked himself again he felt tears of frustration begin.


He woke up as 5:30 when heard the front door close. “Shit, she comes crawling back home at 5:30 in the morning?” He thought. He sat up seeing the light in the hallway go on and stared at the door. He saw Linda peer in and notice him sitting up.

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. We signed the papers, had a couple of drinks and when it was time to go I realized I had way too many to drive. Plus, my car was back at your office.” She came over and sat down next to him on the bed. She stroked his face, “I cannot believe I stayed out all night.” She suddenly giggled, “Sorry, it just reminds me of when I as in college. God, I’m tired.”

“You could have called, no, you should have called.” Bill said angrily, “I don’t think it’s funny. How did you think I’d feel? You letting all those men ogle you. Sitting on their laps, hell, going back and spending the night with another man? Tell me, how should I feel about that?” He pushed her upright.

“You should feel pissed. I should have called. I thought about it, but I didn’t want to wake you up. Nothing happened. They wanted to do…you know, but I was firm about it. I did spend the night with another man, actually two since Eric was there. Technically I slept with two other men as we all fell asleep on the king in the penthouse.” She turned around and showed the wrinkles in the linen skirt, “I would have preferred to sleep in the nude, but that would have been tempting fate. But you know I would never cheat on you. I love you way too much.” She stroked his face, “Look, if it makes you feel better, you have all the software you need plus I earned a huge commission.” She looked pleadingly in her husband’s face and not seeing any softening, “Here, see for yourself.” She stood up and pulled off her clothes and proudly stood naked facing him. She did a 360 then took his hand and pulled him between her legs. “See, no man has been inside me.”

Bill almost pulled his hand away, but instead ran his finger along his wife’s tight slit. Feeling no unusual slickness he pushed his finger inside. He was again amazed how tight she was. So wet and she was so tight. He buried his middle finger all the way inside feeling her pelvis push back against him, her vagina slick with arousal. As he pulled out, he felt so much suction it was an effort to pull free.

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