Confessions of a Cleaning Lady Ch. 05

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The work week began. I had to get up early for my job at the gym, arriving there at 5AM. I continued with my schedule of cleaning the showers and dressing rooms, watching Davis swim and then cleaning the offices. After work, I dressed and hurried to University to attend my classes and work on my dissertation. Sometimes, I would be in the library until late, researching and laboriously writing, anxious now that the end was near.

Through it all, there was Davis. Smiling at the pool, bringing me a picnic lunch at the library, driving me home in the evenings. His car became our refuge. We spent hours holding each other, kissing, touching, driving each other crazy with desire and need. But, his plan seemed to include waiting. So I waited.

Most nights, after he walked me, and my wobbly legs, to my door, I would take my bath and wrap in his sweater, so soft against my naked body, smelling like him, feeling I was in his arms. I dreamed of him, thought of him, saw him everywhere. I knew that something would have to happen soon. I knew I had to be with him or go crazy.

Sue didn’t have such problems. She and Mark had hit it off the first day and had progressed to sleepovers. She was deliriously enamored with him, her conversations full of little comments about what he said or did. I felt backward, having nothing to say about my love life except some heavy necking sessions.

Then, just when I despaired of ever being with Davis, things did change.

It was the Saturday night before Easter and the gym was going to be closed the next day. Davis and I had spent the entire day together at a Cary Grant film festival. We both loved his films and quoted entire scenes to each other. We also ate great junk food, sipped wine and kissed extravagantly. The man drove me crazy. There was never a person who looked as good in jeans and a knit shirt as Davis Scott. He had a beautiful mind and body, a killer combination. He was the perfect gentleman, yet knew when to take control. The festival was in a huge old ballroom, and everyone brought quilts and pillows and stretched out on the floor while watching. There were trivia contests throughout the day, and we handily won several. I loved the fact that he was as much a geek as me! Supplementing the snack bar food, we brought a basket full of our favorites, plus several bottles of a light white wine that was delicious.

When the final film ended, we gathered our stuff and started out the door. I was giggly and light-headed and Davis held my arm to guide me to the car. As usual, he assisted me in, carefully closing the door behind me and walked around the car. Sliding into the car, he pulled me close and kissed me. I generally melt into his kisses and I did this time too. My body pressed against him, my hands slid around his neck, holding him close. Our mouths molded together, his tongue entered me, swirling, making me ache for him.

Pausing, he sighed. “Alex, tonight would be the perfect night, but I don’t want to take advantage of your slightly….um, inebriated condition. I shouldn’t have let you drink so much, my baby.”

His words nearly sobered me. Tonight? Tonight and I was going to miss it because of some wine? Oh, no! No way! I had been waiting too long, wanted this too much to wait any longer.

I struggled to sit up straighter, gain control of this situation. “Davis, I am fine. I am perfectly alert and aware. I want you so much, please, Davis, please, tonight?

Davis smiled at me, not really inclined to refuse me. “We’ll go to my house and see how you are doing, baby. Understand, Mouse, I want our memories clear and wonderful.”

On the drive home, I gathered my wits about me, the poster child for sobriety. I was doing a fine job, talking about the festival as Davis maneuvered the streets home. In the parking garage, I was able to walk alone to the elevator.

We held hands, but I was clearly capable of making the distance.

When he opened the door and turned on the lights, I was immediately grateful I had never invited him into my hovel. His apartment was lovely. The large living room was well-decorated with warmth and charm. The furniture was masculine, but not forbidding. He had a huge fireplace against one side, a wall of windows leading to a balcony on the other. I settled into bahis siteleri a leather chair, feeling secure and comfortable, as he moved around the room, starting the fire, opening the drapes, clicking on the CDs. I loved watching him move. He had a grace about him, a confidence that whatever he did was well done. Then he reached for my hand and led me through the apartment. It was all arranged in the same charming style. The kitchen was large, neat and obviously well-used. The bedroom did not look like it belonged to a swinger, rather to a man secure in himself. Here the wall of windows continued, the balcony outfitted with comfortable furniture and lovely blooming plants. It looked like Davis. He had made his mark on every room, every feature of this space.

We walked back into the living room in time to hear the theme to “Charade”. He opened his arms to me, pulling me close. We danced. Now, I was completely sober, intoxicated only by the proximity of this man. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart, feeling his warmth, the indescribable heat of his hand on my back. The now-familiar ache between my legs began again, and I sighed.

He placed his finger under my chin, lifting my face, looking intently at me, before leaning in for a kiss. Our mouths fitted together, our tongues sought and found, and our breath mingled. I felt his hands sliding up and down my spine, as I leaned into him, molding to him, becoming one with him.

The only light in the room came from the blazing fire and the skyline. But it was enough. I could see the reflected desire in his eyes and was grateful we had waited this long. This was not just coupling from lust, this was a joining of two people who truly cared for each other.

We stood before the fire and began this new dance. His fingers moved up my back again, this time finding and opening the tiny buttons on my dress. I never doubted his ability to open them, I remembered well his skilled hands. I felt my dress loosen and then fall from me, leaving me in just the pretty lingerie I was so fond of wearing. Davis caught his breath as he gazed at me. The pale blue demi-bra and panties left little to the imagination. Against my tanned skin, they glowed in the firelight. With one finger, he traced my full breasts, making me shiver with delight.

“Oh, Mouse, you are so lovely. I have wanted you for such a long time, but I wanted to wait. I hope you understand, that when I make love with you, I want it to be just that. Love. Not lust, not fucking. Tonight is going to be so wonderful. I love you, Mouse.”

My heart was pounding, I was afraid he would see it against my bare chest. I stood before him, allowing him all the time he wanted to touch and admire me. As his fingers trailed my naked flesh, I trembled. Looking into his face for permission, I reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head, exposing the chest that I so admired. His jeans slid off easily, leaving him in silk boxers, also blue, which made me chuckle. We were nearly twins!

We stood there for a long time. My eyes feasted on his fit body, his smooth skin, his wonderful face. Finally, I reached for him, to trace the flesh, feel the warmth, linger over the bumps and valleys that made Davis. He reached too, and his fingertips were welcomed. I stood quietly, allowing him to touch and learn. I mentally urged him to find all my sweet spots. And he did. Each place he touched seemed to be perfect and I continuously thought, “Yes, right there, I want to be touched only there!” Then his hand would move and I would silently marvel at that spot, the perfection of that caress.

Finally, the touching was not enough. We both needed more. We walked together to the large sofa, sinking into the cool, smooth leather, our arms entwined. Rolling toward each other, we began kissing again, this time so different as bare flesh touched bare flesh and fires ignited throughout. It was as if we couldn’t get close enough, touch enough. He pulled me onto his lap and held me close, his hands claiming my needy flesh, his mouth covering mine. At times, his hands stilled, and only his mouth moved on mine, lightly, roughly, gently sucking my lower lip between his, thrusting his tongue into me. It was dizzying, the things he did to me. I couldn’t keep up canlı bahis siteleri with him, with the variety and variations.

My body thrust against his, my hands held him as if my life depended on it. I was growing frustrated with the wisps of satin that separated us, but Davis was enjoying them. He stroked, with just one finger, around the edges of my bra, making the skin tingle and heat, moving me closer to total oblivion. My eyes were closed and I inhaled his scent, filling my mind and heart completely. I followed his finger as it leisurely traced the fabric, marking me. I couldn’t move. I totally surrendered to him, and I felt the joy of knowing we would join. His kisses became lazy, little licks and nips, deliberately driving me insane with desire. I arched up to him, but he ignored me, continuing his slow exploration. His fingers lingered on the tiny bra clasp, and I stopped breathing, but he didn’t open it. Instead, he ran his fingertips over the smooth fabric, making my nipples engorged and pucker.

Now he paid attention! He scraped those erect nipples with his nails, causing me to moan. He delighted in them, even sucking them lightly through the cloth. I could feel his erection under me, pressing through two layers of silk to warm my ass. His mouth moved back and forth, nursing my rosy nipples, making me squirm with desire. I was so intent on those sensations, I didn’t even notice his clever fingers reaching, finally, for the clasp and releasing it. Suddenly, the bra was loosened, the skin exposed to the warmth of his breath. With his mouth, he pushed aside the fabric, kissing the soft slopes of my full breasts, licking them with long strokes. Then, oh, then, he found the hardened nipple and closed around it. I cried out, called his name, clasped his head to prevent him from changing directions. I arched my back to him, offering him my breasts, my nipples, my entire body was his now.

I moved my hips on his lap, causing his already-erect cock to throb even larger. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could wait to feel our naked bodies pressed together, the ache between my legs was nearly unbearable. Finally, he seemed to be in tune with me. With one final kiss to my distended nipple, he turned his attention to other things. His hand slid down my hip, pushing my blue panties down and off. He lifted me off his lap and stood. His cock was straining against his boxers, making a wet spot. I sat forward, my hands on his waistband, and I pulled gently, lifting them over his manhood and lowering them to the ground. He stepped gracefully from them while I feasted on the sight of his beautiful cock, all pink and hard and dripping with precome. I leaned forward more, sliding my tongue over the purple head, catching precious drops of his excitement and bringing them into my mouth. I closed my eyes and savored my first taste of him.

He stepped closer and I licked the velvety head repeatedly, swirling around it, enjoying, finally, his cock in my mouth. Then I corrected myself. It was my cock. I had waited patiently and it belonged to me. I wrapped my lips around the head, allowing my tongue to circle. I flicked over the tiny opening, enjoying the precome that was now pouring out and down. To his credit, he did not grab my head or push me down. He allowed me my own rhythm, my own pace. I slid my lips further, moving them slowly down the shaft, feeling the distended veins and the incredible tautness. It took some time, but I was finally able to close my lips around the base, holding his entire length inside my mouth. Then I began to suck, so softly at first, then with more insistence. My fingers found his balls and began to massage and knead them, molding them with my hands, enjoying the weight and mass. His hips began to dance with me, slowly thrusting forward and filling my mouth even more. His fingers lightly caressed my scalp, gently combing through my curls. Honestly, I could have remained here forever. Now, I slid my wet lips up and down his shaft, moving to the very tip and then plunging down again. I had waited so long to taste him, to feel his…my cock in my mouth. it took a moment for me to realize his fingers had tightened in my hair, that he was pulling me back, stopping me.

I looked up at him and he slid his hands to my shoulders, güvenilir bahis helping me stand. Now, for the first time, we pressed our naked bodies together, flesh to flesh, molding together and fitting perfectly, as I knew we would. A soft love song filled the air and the fire crackled. He wrapped his arms around me and began dancing. Only Davis could dance totally naked and still look incredibly graceful and perfect. He continued to kiss me as we moved slowly around the room, his cock hard and hot against my tummy. The kisses turned deeper, harder, more demanding. When the song ended, Davis smiled at me. His voice was deep and sensual as he held me close. “I want you, my sweet Mouse. I want you to spend the night with me and share the delight we have been waiting for all this time. We belong together and tonight I would like us to be together. I love you, Alex. Come with me now, please?”

Please? As if there was any doubt that I would follow him to the ends of the earth! I had never wanted anyone as much as I wanted him, had wanted him for weeks! We walked hand in hand, stopping to kiss, into the bedroom. He had a huge bed, warm and very inviting. Davis scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed, lowering me into the softness and following me. Now, we were horizontal, pressed together, our mouths matched, my toes barely reaching his knees. We kissed, caressed, moved together, enjoying finally being together with unlimited access. His hands moved languidly, touching and finding every sweet spot I had ever known and some new ones too. When he moved down my body, I was suddenly embarrassed by my eagerness. He kissed and licked, moving slowly, as if every inch of me was important, not just the well-known hot spots. I loved that about him too. I was a complete package, not just some breasts and a pretty pussy.

Then his tongue reached out and touched me, sliding through my wetness and finding my engorged slit. I wanted to remember everything about tonight, but I couldn’t focus. The sensations were too exquisite, too intense. I just know I fell deeper and deeper into Davis, wanting and receiving all I could ever hope for. I felt myself gathering up, growing stiff and ready, almost immediately. It seemed seconds later when I cried out his name, my body spasming against his face, his tongue buried deep inside me. Over and over again, he brought me to orgasm, until I felt weak and totally sated.

Only then did he make the trip up my body, lingering and caressing my exhausted body. I could feel his cock, my cock, still distended and hot against my flesh. My legs, my very rubbery legs, had a life of their own. They fell open and my hot little hand reached for him, wrapped around him, and guided him into my swollen, wet pussy. Just the feel of him in my hand brought me back to a feverish level. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with desire for him, wanting him deep inside me, plunging and thrusting.

He began slowly, gently. But I growled his name, buried my fingers in his ass cheeks, wrapped my legs around him, pulling him deeper. Still, he toyed with me. I thrust up against him, matching his strokes.

Then I stopped. I looked up at him, into his face that was so dear to me, and spoke carefully. “I love you, Davis. I knew I did from nearly the first, but each minute has increased my love for you. You are kind, sweet and loving. You are intelligent and thoughtful. And your body makes me wet with desire. I love you. I want you. I need you. I’m glad we waited, but I can’t wait any longer. Now it is my turn to say ‘please’. Please, Davis, now! Make love to me now!”

Maybe he was waiting for those words, maybe the timing was right. But his cock began to plunder my depths, probing and thrusting harder and faster. I reveled in the feel of him inside me for the first time. This I would remember forever! He moved gracefully as always, deeper and deeper into my pinkness, sliding through the silky wetness. I continued to murmur to him, my nails gently raking his back, his spine, his ass. Then, he stopped, holding himself poised above me for the smallest instant. I watched his face as he made his final thrust, his cock ready to explode. I felt the heat as his come filled me and his eyes stared into mine. He leaned to kiss me at the final moment, holding me close as he poured himself into my sweet pussy. My legs remained wrapped around him, holding him flush against me. I felt his throbbing slow and finally stop as he collapsed on me. We remained immobile for a few minutes, marveling at the joy we had found tonight.


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