Friend of the Family

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It was her. I was sure. My heart was sure. My body was sure, oh yeah, my cock definitely sure. I’d been jacking off to thoughts of her since before I knew what jacking off was. I haven’t seen her in almost fifteen years when she moved out to California. Lorelei Rausch, still beautiful still worth a jack off or two. She still stood about 5’8″, but then I only came up to her waist, now my chin would rest nicely on the top of her head if we were to be hugging. I’d have to tuck in to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her. Her figure was full, mostly tits and ass. Her deep red hair had lightened with age, and sported a gray streak flowing back from the widow peak, which kind of had a Bonnie Raitt flair. All this time and now she was going to serve me coffee.

“What can I get you, little man.” She asked with a bright smile. Every guy in the house loved that smile, my mother always hated that smile.

‘Your tits in my mouth’ I thought, but I said, “Extra large American, black.” I shifted my text book over my growing cock.

“Not many like you!” she said with a little drawl as she ground my beans.

“What?” I surprised hear it. I knew that drawl, Flo Rence, a role playing character she brought out to flirt when digging for information. Was she flirting with me?

“Most guys take longer giving their orders than it takes me to make it.” she said.

“Yeah, what can I say, I’m a simple guy.” I tried to sound cool.

“Not so simple from the looks of the book.” She pointed at book covering my crotch, “Advance Econ, Haskins?”

“Yeah, the undergrad version.” I lifted it a bit, but not to far, “I didn’t mean stupid simple. I just know what I like.”

“Ah, sweetie, nothing is stupid about a big boy like you, I was just makin’ some jaw.” If she had gum in her mouth it would have snapped. It was pure Flo, and would have had my Uncle Rolly and dad rolling on the floor. I smirked as she handed me my coffee.

“Thanks Flo, see you later.” I said in best trucker voice, turned and walked away. I knew she was staring at my ass.


It was a busy time on the floor. Customers were lined up six deep at all four station. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t place him. No, just one of the many college boys that hung out here at the Brew and Stew, a coffee shop that wasn’t Starbucks. He’s tall, a head taller than my five eight, that’s what six-six or eight. Even in heels I’d have to stand on my toes to kiss him. He’s a school boy, girl, behave. But he’s tall, I like them tall. Nice long legs, bet he’s got cute knees, too. What can I say I have a thing for knees and shoulders. Man in kilt, cute knees just peaking out I get wet. He looks so familiar. Maybe he’s been in before. No, I would have remembered those come fuck me eyes.

Behave, Lorelei, maybe he can introduce you to his dad or maybe an uncle, they’d be more your age. He’s next, what do I do? Got it, pull out Flo Rence, a character from my gaming days.

“Hi, what can I get you, little man” I don’t chew gum, it’s a nasty habit, but Flo chewed and snapped.

“Extra large American, black.” A man after my own heart. Plain black coffee.

“Not many like you.” I laid Flo on real thick.

“What can I say, I’m a simple man.” No so simple, the text book he held in front of him was Haskins’ Advance Econ. One of the college’s hardest classes. Mary Merry, one of my workers, was taking the class and doing nothing but complaining about it. “I’m not stupid, just know what I like.” he said flatly, but in my head I heard ‘And I like you.” My heart did a flutter.

“Aww, shucks sweetie, nothing stupid about you. I was just making a little jaw.” I handed him his coffee.

He took it with a little smile. Damn, I know I should know him from some where. He gave me exact change and said, “Thanks Flo, see ya later.” He turned and left. My jaw dropped. I tried to say something snippy, but nothing came. I couldn’t think. Who the hell was this kid? Nice shoulders and a very nice ass but who was he to call me Flo? Maybe, Mary Merry would know, they were in the same class. But she didn’t start that day until after my shift. Oh well, I could find some paperwork to hang in the office till she came in.

“Hey, what you doing here, bursa otele gelen eskort boss?” Mary Merry asked when she she saw me sitting at the desk. She was a cute little goth elf, just barely over five feet in her Docs. Short, spiky red hair bleached bright yellow at the ends, she looked like her head was on fire. Pale make up, heavy black liner and multiple piercings and tats she didn’t mind showing off.

“Mary Merry, quite contrary how does your classes go?” An old personal joke. “I’m just doing some book work. I could leave for you if you want, you’re the one taking advance econ, right.

“Econ, not accounting,” She pulled off her shirt, like I said she had no trouble showing off.

“How’s it going?”

“Better, I joined a study group,” She slipped on a bra and her Brew and Stew button down from her locker.

“I had one of your class mates in today. Really tall guy, medium brown hair and …”

“Come, fuck me eyes?” she said as her own eyes brightened.

“I don’t know if I’d put it that way, but yeah.” Yes, I know that’s exactly what I said, but I wasn’t going t o tell Mary Merry that.

“Cuz you’re such a fucking prude sometimes, boss.” I stuck my tongue out at her. “I know him, Lane”

“Pollaski” We said at the same time, her out loud and me under my breath. He did have both a father and and uncle to introduce me to, but been there done that, sometimes at the same time.

“Everyone in the class is lusting after him, but he has no clue. He’s so polite and nice, some of the guys were saying he was gay, but Joe made a play for him and nothing. Hell, the Pope would put out for Joe. I gotta get out there,” She pointed to the floor, “You OK?”

I shook off my shock and said, “Yeah, not off with you wench or I might have to whip that little ass of yours.”

“Yes, please.” She said wiggling her ass as she left.

Lane Pollaski, no wonder he looked familiar, no wonder he called me Flo. He was the one to name my sassy southern character. I played D&D with his dad, Del and his uncle, Rolly. Rolly was DM and often was in need of a female character to pass on information to the adventurers. Flo evolved as serving wench- shop keeper but never had a name until Lane gave her one. Most nights Lane hung out in the living room watching old reruns as we gamed in the dining room. He couldn’t have more than seven at the time. It was getting near his bed time and he came in to watch the grown ups. He would often climb on to my lap for a cuddle. It annoyed his mother. I didn’t mind because it annoyed his mother. But that night she had been at work.

He laughed when he saw the sassy serving wench and said “She’s like Flo from Alice” and so she was named. So when my turn was up I told Del I’d put Lane down so he could game. Del thanked me with a hug. As we went up the stairs and got ready for bed we talked about Flo. Instead of Charlotte’s Web that night we rolled up Flo Rence’s character sheet. She was a drop in non playing character. Every time she was needed Lane would greet me at the door with a stick of gum and my instructions from Rolly. I think Rolly and Lane had fun dropping Flo in so the could hear me say “Kiss my grits!” like Flo did on Alice.

I hadn’t seen any of the Pollaski boys in almost fifteen years. I dated Rolly, we even talked about getting married, but then a job came up in California. Rolly died a couple years back. I sent flower and called Del. He had divorced what’s her name and took custody of the two boys, Lane and Win. I had never met Win. What’s her names desperate attempt to save a marriage that was never meant to be. Talking to Del I promised to hook up with him when I came back to town. I had been back for six months now and I hadn’t called him.


It was unbelievably slow at the Brew and Stew. Only two stations opened. I didn’t see her there. Mixed reaction. I really wanted to see here, but it might be easier this way. “Morning, Mary Merry.”

“Hey Lane!.” she smiled, “Extra large American, black right?”

“No, I think I’ll have a peppermint chia.” I looked over the pastry case and ordered a chocolate biscotti also. This was really different for me, but Mary Merry took it in bursa eve gelen escort bayan stride and continued to flirt with me. As I waited for my change I finally asked, “Is your manager in?”

“No, Lorelei is doing a bank run. She’ll be back in a few. Looking for a job Lane?”

“No, I just remembered she used know my family and I wanted to say hi properly. I wasn’t really with it when I was last here.”

“Yeah, she said you were here.”

“She knew me?”

“No, she asked. When I said your first name, she said your last. I don’t think I supposed to hear it but,” she stopped.

“But what?” I prodded.

“You can’t tell her I said this, but it was like she was having a mini orgasm. You know: ‘Pol-laski’,” I almost laughed at her as I remembered hearing her and Uncle Rolly a couple times. Now, that I’m twenty I can honestly say that when Lorelei said my uncle’s full name “Ro-Land Pol-laski” she was getting off big. “I’ve never seen her face that loose. I think she might like you.” Mary Merry said.

“Really, well I might wait for her then.” I drank my Chai and read over the letter I had written her. Mary Merry went back to her station. It was about five minutes later when I knew she would either meet the invitation, or just avoid me. I looked up and saw her coming down the street. No, it had to be Tuesday, not that day. “Mary Merry, I can’t stay any longer. Can you give this to Lorelei the minute she comes in?” I shoved the envelope into her hand and bound for the back alley entrance.


My dearest Lorelei,

When I saw you other day my heart stopped. I couldn’t believe you were back in town. The last time I saw you was at the airport. You hugged my Dad and Uncle Rolly. All three of you had been trying to be brave, but by the time you pulled away from them all three of you had tears rolling down your faces. Then you bent to me and smiled. I wiped a tear from your face. I didn’t want to see you cry. You kissed me on each cheek and said, “Be cool, little man.” And then you were gone. I was almost nine and my heart was breaking.

For years I thought about you. I’d get hard thinking about you. I’ve had three women in my life, all were just pass troughs’ because they looked like you, or laughed like you. The last one was a little scary, but after I decided I wait for you because Rolly said you would be back.

OK, I can see your eyes crossing and head lolling about as though you think I’m crazy. Read the letter- accept my offer and you can tell me I’m crazy.

About six months before Rolly died he took me for a picnic at Wizard Hat. It was a hard slow climb. He didn’t talk much. I told him maybe we should eat at the lower level. He said no, because what we needed to talk about would be more appropriate at the peak. When we got there. He started to tell me about the one he let get away. You. He told me about making love to you the first time at Wizard Hat, in the warming house in the middle of January. Then about a summer night when my Dad was going through shit with my mom and how you both helped him out. About the little heart shape mole one inch above and two and a quarter inch to the of your ass crack, which is a hot spot for you. Now, don’t think Rolly was losing it, he never lost it. No, he was telling me this because one day he caught me jacking off looking at a picture of you at Star-Con.

He was hurt that you hadn’t called in all your years in California, but then he didn’t call you either. He said “In couple years she’ll be back, she will have found what she was looking for, or maybe she’d realize it was here at home all this time. Lane, she is part of our family, you know that don’t you?” I could only agree. “When she gets back I’ll be dead, your dad will be too busy, cause that’s how he deals with stuff, and you will be ready. She’ll fight you all the way, because it’s not proper. Don’t give into her proprieties, I did and it’s about my only regret with this life. Love her, Lane, she needs a Pollaski man in her life.”

When I came into the Brew N Stew and there you were and I could only think ‘love her, Lane’. I do, I always have. Don’t freak. Don’t run away. I know our age difference may be a challenge, bayan eskort bursa but love knows nothing about age. Lorelei, I am a consenting adult. I’m no longer a little man, but I am willing to be your little man.

I’m going to pack a lunch on Tuesday and take it up to the peak of Wizard’s Hat. I hope you will join me, for conversation, a bite to eat and whatever else you can think of. I remember how your mind works and I’m smiling from ear to ear.

Love always,


PS- forgive the gum- a papa bird told me you never like to chew gum, but I noticed that Flo didn’t have any the other day when we talked.

I wiped the tears from my face. I wondered if he knew how much this was like both his father and his uncle. I still had the letter Del had written to me asking me to him get on with his sexual life. And the two binders filled with erotic writings from Rolly, which always came in the mail on Tuesday. He thought the age was going to be a problem. It wasn’t, my last serious, Kip, had been twelve years younger than myself, what was another four on that?

“Hey, why the tears?” Mary Merry came into the office/lounge. Her shift was over. “Did Lane writing a complaint. Should I cut him off at the knees.” She did a lousy kung-fu kick and showed off her muscle.

“No,” I had to laugh, “He’s asked me out.”

“He put it in writing?”

“Yeah and it’s beautiful.” I wiped my eyes.

“It’s sweet, but kind of pathetic too.” She pulled her t shirt and sweater form her locker and started to change, “I never knew Mr. Got-it-together was so twisted. I kind like him more.”

“Yes, you do have a tendency to date twisted boys, but Lane isn’t a boy.”

“Yeah, I know, he’s all man.” She came over and gave me hug. “So, you’re going right?”

“Yeah, I don’t think I can turn him down and live with myself.”

“When? Where? And whatcha gonna wear?”

“Tuesday afternoon, you want the hours.”

“You’re off on Tuesdays.” She said indignantly, “Besides I want to watch.” She had been trying to watch me making love since we had met five months ago.

“Sweetie, love you to death, but no.” Mary Merry swore she wasn’t gay and had no interest in us having sex, but she just liked to watch. “I’m not telling you where, but is special. You can help me figure out what to wear.”

“I got to know where, before know what to wear.”

“Outdoors picnic.” I hoped it was enough, but I doubted it.

“Fucking in the woods, great, he’d never see me.”

“No one said anything about fucking,” I frowned at her, “And no you don’t get to watch me and Lane make love, ever.”

“Ever is a long time” She pouted, but as I sat down next to her she got over it. “Will you be walking?” I nodded. “No panties?” I shook my head. “I know your blue gingham dress. Very Dorothy Gale, but smutty.”

“How do you know about my blue gingham dress?” I hadn’t worn that since leaving California.

“Those picture of you and Kit you brought in. You remember, the where he hugging your tits under the bodice.”

“No,” I blushed. I really needed to go through my pictures. “That’s for Kit, not Lane. I’m thinking something casual, kind of Katherine Hepburny.”

“Nah, you’re more Mae West than Kate.”

“Fitted bodice sequins and a big hat?”

“If he were Joe.” She said thinking really hard, ” I know, that one you wore to the company picnic. The red flowing skirt and tank with the blue bolero jacket. Very understated, but not far from come and get it.”

I slugged her but said, “You’re right. I can walk in it, but it’s kind of easy access for those big hands of his.”

“And we know what they say about men with large hands.” She raised and lowered her eyebrows

“Big gloves.” I said wiggling my fingers at her.

“Yeah, right.” she laughed.

Wizard Hat was perfect. It had special meaning for Lorelei, and I had to hope I could add to that special meaning. She and Rolly had their first encounter in the warming house on a cold Tuesday in December. Then she took my Dad while hiking one of the trails. Or so I was told by Rolly.

I checked everything at the Temple. It was said if you came up here on a seasonal solstice you could find a bunch of Wiccans in a glorious fuck fest or on any weekend you could find teens drinking, fighting and fucking. On a Tuesday during the day it was empty, especially since it was the middle of October. The early frost

I didn’t see him or anyone as I came over the rise from the parking lot. It was a Tuesday on the middle of October. The play ground was empty even the picnic tables.

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