Holiday Mischief

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Holiday Mischief

“It’s a nice Hotel isn’t it,” said my pal, Ronnie. And I had to agree. We’d booked at the last minute and had got a bit of a bargain for a week’s stay at the 4 star Dolphin Hotel on the Algarve in Southern Portugal.

“You’ve done well, Ron,” I had to admit. “We’ve saved about £150 each on the deal.”

“Too right,” he replied, waving his hand lazily. “More to spend on other things like booze, girls and nightclubs”

“It seems a nice quiet hotel,” I pointed out to him. “Great view, wonderful beach. I’m really glad we came.”

“Yeah, but not too quiet, I hope,” He added.

Later, we were out sitting by the swimming pool on a sunny afternoon in June. We hadn’t even unpacked yet, but the flight had been a tiring one and we had been up since 5.00 a.m. in Huddersfield where we lived together in a pokey little flat.

Ronnie was one of those individuals who you couldn’t pigeon hole as regards age or background. We were both in our twenties. I was 24 while he was 26. However, if he said he was 30 or even older you would have had to believe him. He had been to a good public school, but you just couldn’t tell. He had the ability to be anything he wanted to be and nothing or no one ever fazed him. He was the most complex and interesting person I’d ever met.

His success with women was quite impressive, but what they saw in him was beyond me. However, he certainly had the gift of the gab and was smooth and impressive when he talked to them.

I enjoyed being his pal. I certainly enjoyed more contact with the opposite sex, because of his undoubted confidence and self-belief.

“You’d be a sad bastard, if it wasn’t for me, Jeff old boy,” he often said and harsh though it sounded, I had to agree with him.

Now that we were here, we did what we always did when on holiday, survey the availability of desirable females. Unfortunately, we were beginning to realise that we had picked the wrong hotel if we were looking for nubile young ladies. All the women here seemed to be married or with partners and we couldn’t see anyone who looked under 30.

“A bit disappointing, totty wise,” said Ron, after he had wandered around the hotel grounds and public rooms. In that respect, I had to agree with him.

Anyway, later on we went down for our evening meal in the hotel restaurant. We dressed, smart, but casual, as was our normal practise.

Looking around, all we saw were older couples. We looked at each other and sighed. “Looks like we’re going to have to look further afield,” I said, sadly.

“Maybe so,” said Ron, “but surely, there must be someone here we could fancy?”

Just as he said this, an elegant lady and her partner, came into the dining room. She was very attractive and you could see at a glance she had a superb figure and great legs. Ron’s interest picked up, as he watched her sit a few tables away. It was a buffet style arrangement and we got up to see what was on offer, food wise.

At the same time we were able to check her out.

She wore a white summer dress and out of the corner of my eye I saw her sway past on her way to the buffet table. I caught a slight whiff of expensive perfume and admired the way she filled out her dress. Slim, but curvaceous was our joint verdict

“I like the look of her,” Ron said. “Let’s pencil her in as our main target. If we don’t see anything better, we’ll try for her, what do you say?”

“Well yes,” but what about her husband?” I pointed out.

“Leave him to me,” he winked, confidently. “I’ll think of something.”

I smiled and shook my head thinking that we were over reaching ourselves. Even for Ron, it seemed like a tall order.

The next morning, we were out on our balcony enjoying the view. Ron had brought his binoculars and was busy studying the birds i.e. the ones lying on sunbeds. “They are all older women” he observed, “every last one.”

“I don’t think……..hang on,” he said, “take a look at this.”

He handed me the binoculars and guided me until I focused on a couple of sun beds in a corner on the far side. The magnification was excellent and at first I thought the lady in question was looking right back at me. It was only when I looked without the binoculars that I realised she was too far away to be aware of us. Re-assured, I looked again at the close up image. It was her, the lady we had seen last night in the dining room. And a pleasing sight it was. She was wearing a pink bikini and was stretched out on the sun bed with one knee raised; A classic pose and she looked superb.

While I was looking, she stood up to adjust the elastic on her briefs. She remained standing and I passed the glasses back to Ron. “Have a look at that,” I told him.

“Oh yes,” he drooled, “that’s our girl, alright.”

We continued to scrutinise her for a few more minutes before going inside. We spat on our hands and slapped them together in the air. She was going to be our first target, at least in this Hotel.

Later, Ron watched from the balcony, having gone back outside to have pornolar another look. He was listening to his music on his portable C.D. player as well as enjoying the sunshine. He sipped at his drink and rubbed a bit of sun cream on his chest. “This is the life, Jeff, don’t you think?”

Before I could answer, he had quickly got up and grabbed his shirt. “Back soon” he said, as he hurried towards the door and disappeared. I peered over the balcony to see what had caused his sudden departure. Then I saw that the only person moving out there was our target’s partner, a big bloke with a bit of a paunch who was heading towards the poolside bar. I watched a bit longer, then saw Ron appear beneath me as he headed for the same destination. After another minute or two, I saw them chatting together. Twenty minutes later they were still talking as they perched on their stools. I decided to shut up shop and join them.

As I got up close, Ron hailed me. “You’ll never guess, Jeff, Barney here is a big Arsenal fan.”

“Really,” I said, “that’s great.”

I pulled up a stool and ordered drinks.

Ron had obviously kept the conversation focused on football.

All Barney seemed to want to talk about was Arsenal football club, including the Arsenal manager, the players and how good, or bad, they were.

Barney was really into it and bored the pants off us for another 15 minutes.

Then out of the blue, SHE joined us. “I’m waiting for my drink, Barney,” she complained. “A girl could die of thirst out there.”

I gasped, audibly, seeing her at such close quarters. She was still wearing her sexy pink bikini; which in turn, showed off her impressive breasts, slim waist and an outstanding pair of long, tanned, shapely legs. I couldn’t help but stare.

“Oh sorry, love, I got on talking.” said Barney, apologetically. “This is Ron and Jeff.” We nodded at her and said hello.

“And this is my wife, Joanne,” he said, finally introducing her. There were more smiles and nods.

Then, she collected her drink and moved away. She was obviously unhappy with him, but, nevertheless, gave us a nice view of her swaying hips and well-shaped bottom as she went back to her sun bathing spot.

Barney, seemed unperturbed. “I think she’s still a bit miffed that I’m going to Lisbon tomorrow to see Arsenal play Sporting Lisbon. It’s just a friendly game, I know, but I wanted to see it once I knew it was on this week. To be honest, it was one of the main reasons we came to Portugal on holiday. I’ve always wanted to go to the Stadium of Light. I booked my ticket on the internet and I’m meeting one of my pals in Lisbon before the kick off and he’s putting me up overnight.

Then Ron got in the vital question, before our man got back into full flow about his favourite team.

“Is your wife going with you, Barney?”

“Are you kidding? She wouldn’t be seen dead at a football match, it would bore her intensely. No she’ll happier here, just lounging around the pool and doing a bit of shopping.”

We bought him another drink and then he took his leave as he sauntered back to join the lovely Joanne. At least our female target had a name now.

“The Gods have smiled at us” said Ron, later, rubbing his hands.

“Well, it’s a break,” I agreed, “but we’ve a long way to go yet. She might not want to come out and play, have you thought about that?”

“It’s just the way you handle them,” he observed wisely. “I’m not worried about her yet. Let’s concentrate on old Barney and see what more information we can get out of him.”

As it turned out, we didn’t see him until the following morning at breakfast. His wife disappeared into the hairdressers and we got the chance to buttonhole him again. Ron walked out to the marble floored reception area where he was sitting and started chatting to him again. Once again, I saw they were lost in conversation. After half an hour, Barney left and went looking for his wife. I went and sat down next to Ron.

“He’s going straight after lunch. There’s a taxi picking him up at the hotel. He won’t be back until late tomorrow night. So, we’ve got a day and a half to play with.”

Ron took a sip of his drink and continued.

“Apparently, he’s 43 and Joanne is 36. She likes gin and tonics, that’s her tipple and she likes to go dancing and stay up late. I told him we’ll have a dance or two with her and see that she’s O.K.”

“You’ve got a nerve,” I said. “It’s a wonder he didn’t smell a rat.”

“No chance,” he replied. “All he can think about is that bloody football match. He’s not so much bothered about her. On the other hand, she’s pissed off with him, big time. I got that loud and clear. And that could work nicely for us.”

We hung around the lobby area reading magazines and hoping she would come and see him off. We were rewarded when we saw them walking out of the lift. They walked towards the entrance and Barney’s taxi was already there.

“Hope you enjoy it,” called Ron and gave him a wave.

Barney got into his taxi and xhamster was gone. Joanne started to walk back past us.

“So, you’re a football widow,” said Ron in a friendly tone.

“Yes,” she said with arms folded. “Wouldn’t you think he would give it a miss when we’re on holiday? We’re only here for a week and he’s going to be away for 2 days in Lisbon.”

“Not cheap either,” volunteered Ron. “The expense of it, I mean.”

“Yes, that’s another thing,” she added, no doubt glad to have the opportunity to share her annoyance with someone else.

“How could he go and leave a lovely lady like you on your own?” I asked.

She seemed to brighten up a bit at this and I thought how sexy she looked in her beach dress.

“Well at least there’s one gentleman around” she said, smiling at me.

“If you’re on your own tonight, we would be pleased to have your company,” volunteered Ron.

“Maybe have a dance and a drink or two,” I added.

“Well, thank you,” she beamed. “I was just going to read a book in my room, but that would be much better…………I’ll see you boys later.”

Then, she turned and walked elegantly away. It was a pleasing sight indeed.

That afternoon, we watched her sun bathe through Ron’s binoculars. We took turns to go over and chat to her and ogle her lovely body at close quarters. She was as friendly as could be. It was a lazy afternoon and seemed to drag by. She wanted to go in the pool, so Ron and I left her to have a swim and cool off.

Later on in the evening, we met her in the dining room and found a table for 3. Then we had a very pleasant meal with plenty of chat and a couple of bottles of wine. After an hour or so, she decided to go up to her room for a change of clothing, explaining that she had brought clothes with her that she otherwise wouldn’t get to wear, but for a night like this. Top marks to us then, I thought, hoping she wouldn’t take too long.

In the meantime, we made our way to the entertainment area to wait for her.

She eventually turned up about an hour later and looked absolutely stunning in a dark green dress. Her dark hair was tied up in a bun and she wore a jade necklace which emphasised her elegant neck and shoulders. Barney had told us she was 36, but, with makeup, she seemed to look younger. The dress was a tight fit and my mouth was watering at the sight of her lovely curvaceous figure. She saw us sitting at a table and slowly walked over with that undulating sexy sway of her hips. Oh God, I thought, mesmerised. We had definitely made the right choice in focusing on this lovely lady. Whether or not we got anywhere with her was another matter, but it would be fun to try.

She sat down and I called across the waiter to order a fresh round of drinks. She wanted a gin and tonic and we had our usual beers. Ron kept the conversation going along very nicely, as he always did and I could tell that she was enjoying the attention of two young men. We took our turns to get her up for dances and I was thankful that we had learned how to dance properly at night school just recently.

I got her up for a slow one and got my arm around her. Her perfume was intoxicating and I tried hard to avoid alerting her to the stiff erection that I just couldn’t get rid of. Fortunately, the music quickened and Ron took over for a quickstep. I took the opportunity to get another round in while they were on the floor.

She seemed to be really in the swing of it now and all thoughts and grumbles about her husband’s absence were forgotten. A little later, she disappeared to the ladies and I had a quick word with Ron.

“Well,” I said, “how do you think its going?”

“Just great,” he replied. “She’s fun to be with.”

She came back and found another drink awaiting her. “I hope you boys are not trying to get me drunk?” she laughed.

“Well, we promised to give you a nice time said Ron “and we’ll be up to tuck you in later.”

She laughed again. “Oh no, I’m not letting you two into my room, no way.”

“O.K” said Ron. “You can come and tuck us in then.”

She laughed, again, obviously enjoying the banter, “You are full of naughty ideas, you two, aren’t you?” She teased. “But, don’t lie awake waiting for me, you could be up all night.”

We all laughed at this. This was what Ron was good at. He was so smooth at charming the ladies.

“I suppose a goodnight kiss would be out of the question,” he added, sort of jokingly.

“Oh, well, we’ll have to see about that,” she teasingly replied and I wondered if that was the first sign that we were getting somewhere.

There was another slow dance and since it was the only type of dance I could do, I got her up for it. As I held her close my erection came back with a vengeance. There was no way I could hide it, as this time we were dancing close to avoid the other couples. She suddenly started to giggle. Maybe, it was all those gin and tonics we’d been plying her with.

“You always seem pleased to see me Jeff, either that, or you’ve got japon porno a stick of rock down your trousers.”

I cringed with embarrassment. “Sorry,” I apologised, “I can’t seem to help it.”

“Oh it’s alright” she assured me. “It’s nice to feel desired. It does my self esteem a power of good. Just remember, though, I’m a married woman.”

Shortly after that, we sat down. Ron started to tell a few jokes. He got her laughing and giggling with a few of the naughtier ones. Then they were up on the floor for a few of the upbeat numbers.

I looked at my watch. It was getting on for 1.00 a.m. The Band was just about ready to pack in. Joanne came back with Ron. “That’s the best time I’ve had since I’ve come here. I’ve never danced so much. Thank you boys, it’s been great.”

We got up and walked together to the lifts. “What room are you in? We asked her.

“I’m in room 482,” she said. “Not that you are going to see it.”

Ron was unperturbed. “We’re in 419” he said. “We’ll go up with you.”

We got in the lift together, chatting amiably. We had the lift to ourselves and it soon got us up to the 4th floor. We all got out and started walking along the corridor to our rooms. Soon, we got to our room. Hers was a little farther down the corridor.

Ron opened our door and looked at his watch. “How would you like a nightcap, Joanne? We could do you a coffee and brandy or just a brandy.”

We waited hopefully for her decision, while she hesitated, weighing it up.

“O.K. “she finally said. “I’ll come in for one last drink, seeing as you’ve been so good to me tonight, but only if you leave the door open.”

It occurred to me that if Ron had been on his own she might have had second thoughts, but, whatever the reason, her decision turned out all right for us. Safety in numbers, I suppose.

Ron got out the brandy and poured out some generous helpings. We soon had a good atmosphere going with plenty of laughs and good conversation. When Ron went to the toilet, I sidled up to her. “How about that goodnight kiss now,” I asked.

“I told you,” I’m married, she whispered, turning away. But then she shyly looked back at me and I seized my chance.

I kissed her full on the lips. Then her lips parted and I kissed her again. Her lips were soft and she tasted of brandy. I pulled her up from her sitting position on the bed and kissed her again, full on. My erection was back and pressing into her. Ron appeared then and claimed a kiss, then as she sat back down on the edge of the bed, he claimed another one.

She stood up unsteadily, “I don’t want to crease my dress” she announced. It cost me £200.

“Take it off then,” we said, almost in unison.

“Oh no, no, no……….she giggled, waggling a finger at us. It looked like the long succession of gin and tonics were finally having their affect. “I’m going to back to change” she slurred……. “I won’t be long.”

She swayed back out of the room and down the corridor. I watched her go and prayed she’d come back.

“What do you think?” I asked Ron. “Do you think she’ll come back?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows,” he said. “If she doesn’t we’ll go and knock on her door.”

Twenty minutes later, there was still no sign of her. “Do you think we should go along and see where she is?” I asked.

“Give her another couple of minutes” said Ron. “A girl needs to choose what to wear, then put it on, do her make-up, put on perfume etc. It all takes time”

He proved to be right, as always, because a few minutes later, she put her head round the door frame. “Did you miss me?” she whispered, seductively.

We gasped, as she stepped into the room. She was wearing a short white nightdress creation and with her back to the light, you could just about see right through it. She had also put on some pink lipstick and had let her hair down to her shoulders.

Ron and I were gob smacked for a few moments. She looked so sexy and amazing. The half hour wait had been well worth while.

She came into the room and closed the door behind her. A fact not unnoticed by Ron and myself. She sauntered past us in a haze of exotic perfume and picked up her waiting drink. “Now then,” she whispered, huskily. “where were we.”

I was the first to react. I went over and put my arms around her and gave her a kiss. This time she didn’t hold back. I got the works. Our tongues flicked against each other and my erection was back in an instant. This time she pressed herself meaningfully against it. I slipped my hand under her dress and felt up the outside of her smooth thigh. She didn’t object, so I let it travel upwards and glide over her bum. Then she put down her drink and put her arms round my neck as our passionate kissing continued. Ron moved behind her and untied her flimsy dress all the way down at the back. Then he slipped it off her shoulders and it just slithered off her frame and ended up at her feet. Next, he unhooked her bra and I pulled it off at the front.

“You boys are very forward,” she said, as I kissed her lovely big breasts. Then I sank to my knees and tugged down her pink lace panties as Ron stood behind and reached forward to cup and feel her breasts. I kissed her thighs and pussy and I heard her moan softly, as she surrendered to our double assault.

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