Janet – the A-team Programme Ends

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5 weeks later, morning

Janet woke up from having slept the full night. The packed sensation she felt in her backside was now becoming second-nature to her, although it now had dimensions that made it uncomfortable for her to sleep on her back. She preferred to sleep on her side these days.

The nightly dilator she was wearing was astonishing 14 cm. x 25 cm. and really made her feel ‘stuffed’. She had been following the A-Team programme for quite some time and was about to enter the last week of training. The 14 cm. nightly dilator was part of this programme.

She got to her feet with some discomfort and trouble, but had developed a way of getting out of bed, even though she had 14 cm. of butt plug in her ass and as such could not sit on that plug without losing her breath.

After having woken up Mistress Amalie by licking her pussy and the insides of her asshole; she was given 30 min. to herself to attend to her own wellbeing.

“Janet – today, you are entering the last week of A-Team training,” Mistress Amalie said. “We have the competition coming up in 2 weeks time, so it is all quite well arranged,” she continued with a tone of pride in her voice.

“This week, we go the ‘final mile’, if you get my drift,” Mistress Amalie said to Janet.

Janet nodded her head and said: “Yes, Mistress,” only full well knowing what that meant to her.

The day went by as normal and at 1 o’clock, Janet was collected by her mentor Miss Johanna from the A-Team programme.

“So, how are we feeling and what are we packing today…?” Johanna asked as she placed her left hand between Janet’s buttocks feeling the base of a large plug. She pushed it a bit further into Janet making her moan a bit in a mix of discomfort and pleasure.

“I’m with a 14 cm. plug today, Miss Johanna,” Janet said.

“It is the same I’ve been wearing all night, so my hole is definitely ready for anything that size. It has held it for 7 hours during the night and up until now…” she continued with a poorly hidden sense of pride in her voice.

“Good – let’s get going,” Johanna responded.

They both started walking toward the staircase leading to the basement as usual. Arriving at the base of the staircase, Janet saw ‘her’ wheelchair was ready already by the stairs.

It no longer had the normal studded dildo, but a version that looked like a Christmas tree with 3 ‘bulbs’ along the length of the dildo. It was obvious the user would be made aware of each bulb as the dildo was inserted and retracted from an orifice.

“Yes – this is your final week of the programme. You have graduated to the Christmas tree which will help you prepare yourself for what’s ahead of you this week.”

“In front of you is 30 cm. dildo with 3 bulbs of various diameters. It is to no surprise connected to the wheels of the chair, so you will become very familiar with it as I wheel you forward very soon. The tip of the dildo is 8 cm. in diameter which should cause you no problems whatsoever, but the bulbs have an increasing diameter,” Johanna informed Janet.

“The first is 10 cm, the next 12 and the last is 13 cm. As this will be going rather fast up/down inside your asshole, you will be made very much aware of the different sizes. You will feel your sphincter expand/retract rapidly as the bulbs of the dildo enter you. You will not have time to grow accustomed to the size like you do right now with the static plug you are wearing. It will be a literal and real fucking you will experience.”

Janet looked first at Johanna and then at the wheel chair.

“This is all for a reason, remember?” Johanna said and made sure Janet was made aware of the upcoming competition with Cell Block B.

“Bent over and I’ll help you take out the 14 cm you have inside you now.”

Janet did as instructed and bent over spreading her cheeks to allow Johanna a firm Escort grip of the base of the large plug.

It did take some effort to make Janet’s sphincter accept the outwards pulling motion it experienced, but Janet was able to relax enough for it to finally let go. Janet felt it as if her insides were pulled out of her asshole as Johanna pulled on the 14 cm. plug.

“Okay – that’s one. Next, sit in your chair.”

Janet placed her butt on the Christmas tree protruding from the seat of the wheelchair. It did initially go in easily as the diameter was a (to Janet) measly 8 cm, but soon she was made aware of the bulbs along the length of the dildo as she lowered herself further. As she felt the cold touch of the leather seat on her skin, she knew she was all in and correctly seated as Johanna wanted her to.

Johanna strapped Janet to the chair and started pushing the wheelchair. “Today, we start with a little jog along the hallway, shall we?” Johanna laughed. “It will do me good with the cardio”, she said with a smile in her voice.

Johanna flicked the switch on the wheel chair into gear connecting the dildo to the wheels on the chair.

Janet felt the dildo starting to move inside her. She felt the bulbs as they were retracted from her asshole pulling on her sphincter. As Johanna started to increase the speed, Janet felt very violated in her hole, but as she was strapped to the seat and could not move, she just had to accept her fate.

After having been cardio’ing for 10 min. running the wheelchair up and down the hallway, Johanna stopped the exercise and went in front of the wheel chair to see how Janet was doing.

Johanna was met with a woman with a face of having been ‘out-fucked’.

Janet had saliva coming out of the corners of her mouth unable to control herself. She had even pissed herself in the chair as everything was moved around inside her during the run Johanna had taken Janet on.

“Uh – I see you liked it,” she smiled at Janet. Janet did not answer, but only slowly looked up at her mentor/tormentor.

“I’m worn out already”; Janet snapped at Johanna. “You killed my asshole!”

“So so, easy does it,” Johanna reprimanded Janet. “No permanent harm is done. This is just the warm up, dear.”

With that, Johanna disengaged the dildo from the wheels and took Janet to the Arrival Room.

“I’ll help you get off that thing in your ass and I want you to stand on your legs here, changing into the gown to have you ready for Trainer Susan in the Engine Room today,” Johanna continued.

Janet did as told and was being dressed in the gown which left her open on the back. She was placed back on the Christmas Tree and wheeled into Susan for her session.

“So – welcome back, Janet,” Susan said as she saw Janet being wheeled into the Engine Room.

“I am looking forward to educating your asshole today.”

“We are in the final week, so we have big things ahead of us.” Janet only knew all too well what ‘big things’ meant in this context.

Janet was hung in her usual position from her wrists and ankles making her bottom being the exposed and vulnerable part, closest to the floor.

“Today, we have the final cone for you,” Susan said. We will again tear your muscle a little as in the previous sessions. This time the cone has a starting diameter of 12 cm. and ends with an impressive 18 cm. I’m not sure you will be able to accept the full length of 25 cm inside you, but if you do manage to get all inside you; you can be proud as you have surpassed your target dilation of 16 cm.!”

Janet was startled by it all. Yes – she had progressed quite nicely over the duration of the last 5 weeks, but going from 14 cm. to 18 cm. was quite a stretch (no pun intended).

“But, I’m only scheduled for 16 cm!” she desperately attempted to bargain with Susan.

“Yes – I know that, dear but we can Escort Bayan always surpass ourselves, right?” Susan said in a joking voice.

“To make you feel a bit more relaxed about it all, remember you are hanging freely. If you cannot accept the size, it will simply lift your body up into the air as you will then be sitting on it. Your asshole will literally be supporting your full body weight, so to speak”, she said.

“It does however also mean, that when you go back down, it will be with the added force of your own body weight as you land on the dildo. I could have been mean and could have strapped you down so you could not move at all. In that case, the dildo cone would have forced itself into you. I’m not a monster, dear. I’m only doing this because I like it,” Susan smiled at Janet.

Janet was tied up and could not change Susans mind. She felt the familiar tip approach the rim of her dilated asshole as the scheduled 60 min. ordeal began.

As the 60 min had elapsed, Janet was picked up by Miss Johanna to be wheeled back to the Resting Room. She was again feeling the distinct ‘ring of fire’ as her asshole had been violated and the small muscle fibres in her sphincter were torn in their effort to accommodate the training.

“Today, we are looking at the final adjustments,” she told Janet as they entered the room. You will place your literally tired ass on bench seat

which has a cone shaped dildo attached to it.”

“Go have a seat and have some rest,” Johanna lured Janet.

What Johanna did not tell Janet was that the cone was mounted on a hydraulic piston underneath the seat. The piston would push upwards on request and would either lift the person sitting on it, or simply enter the orifice. The piston would move 10-15 cm. upwards depending on the adjustment made by Johanna.

“As I’m informed by Susan, you were not able to surpass our expectations and accept all 25 cm. of the cone in the Engine Room. For this reason, I’ve now placed you on a short cone that is not that long, but has a very sharp diameter increase going from 6 cm. to 16 cm. over the length of 10 cm. If you manage to absorb the 16 cm. diameter by yourself, you are lucky, otherwise I’ll tell you how you will eventually do it!”

“The cone is placed on a hydraulic piston that will now lift your full body weight. You will therefore be resting on the cone shaped dildo solely supported by your tired asshole. This will mean that as your sphincter becomes more and more tired, it will expand more and more eventually allowing you to slide down and absorb the full cone inside you.”

“I’ll give you the next 30 min. to show me that you can place your buttocks on the seat below you, meaning the full plug is absorbed in your rectum. Effectively, we are wearing out your sphincter and helping it expand to 16 cm. in diameter. Just as we planned,” Johanna said with satisfaction in her voice.

“Only, once the pressure sensors in the seat feel your body weight again, the piston will retract and thereby reduce your stretch from 16 cm. to approximately 10 cm. dilation. It is all up to you, now,” Johanna said.

She pushed the remote and Janet felt herself being lifted from the seat she was resting on. Her body was now elevated free of the seat and a light next to the seat turned green. The timer was set to 30 min.

The ‘ring of fire’ feeling did not escape Janet. Actually, it was very present as she found herself elevated into the air. Everything burned in her holes between her legs.

Even her pussy had not seen a lot of attention the recent months, everything burned between her legs. She so wanted to absorb that cone into her rectum to end the ordeal she currently was experiencing.

The ‘fiery feeling’ numbed a bit as time progressed and after 12 min. sitting on the cone, she felt herself expand and sink a little deeper into the tormentor. Bayan Escort The ‘fire’ started again, as the sphincter was stretched now 15 cm. consistently due to the diameter of the plug.

“Please, stop this!” Janet begged. “I’m burning up between my legs and I cannot stand this anymore!”

Johanna looked at her and said: “You are destined for 16 cm. and it’s currently at 15 cm. I can see, so soldier up and make it happen, slut.”

Janet looked at her with a disappointed look. Hearing she was not that far from the goal, Janet accepted her fate and just sat back and relaxed.

That mental surrender did a change to her body as she to her own surprise felt herself slide 10 cm. downwards and suddenly felt the reassuring cold touch of the bench seat. She had in a pain infused haze taken the 16 cm. plug all inside her. Her hole was on fire as the muscle ligaments were stretched beyond their normal limits as having 16 cm. of matter in your asshole was nowhere near normal. To any person.

As she now touched the seat after having absorbed the conical dildo inside her ass, the pressure sensors in the seat were activated and thereby unfortunately for Janet made the piston retract.

To Janet that operation literally felt like having her guts pulled out through her asshole. She felt the edges of the cone pulling on her sphincter attempting to pull it away from her body. Not only did she feel the burning sensation of having the small microfibres in her muscles being torn, but now it also attempted to pull on the rim of her asshole and tried to pull it outside her body. That’s how she registered it; even that in reality did not happen.

Johanna was observing the whole ordeal from a distance. She quite well knew what was going on with Janet as she herself had been through the same programme the year before.

“You only become a mentor if you have experienced this yourself,” she thought to herself with a (by now) pleasant memory,

“Janet – I know how worn out you are feeling right now. As you are not really able to walk normally now, you will be brought back to your cell on a stretcher to be left to heal. We have now achieved our goal with you and your training programme is completed for this level of the A-Team programme. We have all been very satisfied with your progress and your attitude towards the treatments you have been receiving.”

Johanna looked at the collapsed woman sitting in front of her on the student bench.

She was not moving anywhere for sure, and she seemed like she had been through hell the last 3-4 hours. Which was kind of the truth.

Two inmates came in through the door to the Resting Room carrying a stretcher. They placed it on the floor and then directed their attention to Janet sitting on the student bench, not moving.

“Let’s get you off this stud,” they said.

Janet lifted her head and inaudible said “thank you” directed at the 2 saviours she saw in front of her.

Both inmates grabbed Janet under her arms and helped her get off her seat. She was unable to stand on her legs on her own and was only able to stand due to the two helpers standing next to her.

Janet was assisted to the stretcher and carefully laid down on the stretcher in her gown. They put a sheet on top of her to keep her from freezing.

“Janet – I’ll be giving you your protein shakes to help you recover. Trainer Susan and myself have been thoughtful and have together produced a combined 3 L supply for you to help mix your recovery drink for the next 48 hours,” Johanna said and placed a large jug in the hands of one of the inmates.

“Bring this with her to her cell,” Johanna said.

Janet was carried to her cell on the stretcher and when entering the cell, both Mistresses and Mariya were taken by surprise by the apparent condition of Janet.

“She is dead meat,” one of the inmates said jokingly.

“Yeah – I would say so,” Mistress Victoria responded.

Mistress Amalie looked at Janet and with satisfaction in her voice she said:

“Welcome back, my dear competition participant. I’m looking forward to learn of your results…”.

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