Lori’s Story

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Author’s note: This story explores the origins of a young woman’s sexual desires. The character originally appeared in a previous story of mine, They Are AOK, Ch 20.


Lori Steele was a few months shy of her nineteenth birthday when she first discovered what would become her lifelong lifestyle. The summer after graduation she went on a trip with her best friend. Her friend’s father who was one of Lori’s parents’ oldest friends accompanied the young women. It was a month long car trip through the western United States.

Though she wasn’t a virgin Lori had led a fairly innocent life. Her parents were prudish about sexual things and preached abstinence on the few occasions when sex was mentioned in the house. Her parents views on modesty meant she had never even seen her mother less than fully dressed and she had little concept of male anatomy. She didn’t even see the one guy she had had intercourse with naked.

She lost her virginity on the night of senior prom. Being unaccustomed to drinking the wine she shared with her date made her very woozy. To make matters worse her date got drunk and began acting very aggressive. She enjoyed the kissing and allowed the petting thinking it would satisfy his needs. But when she refused to go further he forced himself on her. Despite her tears he ended up screwing her in the back seat of his parents Cadillac. She never even saw the cock that took her virginity and left her worried that she would be pregnant. Though she never spoke to him again she blamed herself more than her date for what happened. She had been warned not to give boys the wrong idea. In her mind letting him kiss and fondle her made him think she was a bad girl. So he just took what she was advertising. In addition she had been excited by his forceful behavior. He on the other hand never forgave himself for what he had done.

At first everything was very proper on the trip. She and her friend had a separate room from the father at the places they stayed. Frank Steadman who had always been like a second father to Lori was treating the girls to the trip of a lifetime. She knew that he was very strict with his daughter but figured that it was much like her own parents with her. In fact the only differences she saw between her Katie were that her friend’s mother had died when the girls were very young and Katie was still a virgin. Funny thing was it was Katie that always had tons of boys chasing her. They were both pretty girls but Katie’s well known unavailability seemed to make her more desirable. Katie had dated very little and skipped the prom.

About a week into the trip the girls were out after curfew. They were talking to some boys out by the motel pool, just innocent flirting. Mr. Steadman who they thought was sound asleep had taken a walk and came upon the girls hanging out with four boys. He took the two of them back to his room and started berating them calling them tramps, whores and dirty little sluts. Then he told his daughter that she knew what girls that acted like sluts got. She tried to protest but was silenced by her father’s harsh glare. Lori was stunned when her friend stripped naked in front of her father. As the naked young women went to bend over the bed the father’s attention turned to Lori.

“Well, Lori, what you waiting for. You need punishment too.”

Lori was too stunned to move. A man that she had always thought was kind and gentle and in a way like a super nice uncle was demanding she strip naked for a spanking. Her parents had never laid a hand on her and she doubted her father had seen her naked since she was out of diapers.

The clearly enraged man took a step toward her as he reissued his demand, “Damn you little slut. When you’re in my care you get the same treatment as my girl. Maybe if your own daddy had given you proper discipline you would still be a virgin like my Katie. Yeah I know all about you letting that boy do his business in you.”

“You told him that,” Lori yelled at her friend more pissed than scared at that point.

“Never mind that, slut. Get them clothes off and get over next to Katie. Time to take your medicine,” The older man snarled.

Lori realized she had no choice and reluctantly stripped as her friend’s father watched intently.

“Damn you are hot little thing just like Katie. Of course now that you let your cunt get used no decent boy is going to want you.”

Lori suddenly felt excited by the way the man was looking at her naked body and the nasty words he was using. She decided to try pleading with him.

“I am sorry, Mr. Steadmen. That thing with the boy though it wasn’t all on me. He took it farther than I wanted. I wanna be a good girl..please,” She begged in a sweet innocent tone.

“It is too late for that you lying little bitch. I saw the way you were teasing those young cocks out there. That boy you let fuck you, I bet you was teasing him. A young man can’t control himself once one of you sluts gets him worked up. Now get over there with Katie!”

Lori bent Starzbet herself over the bed next to her friend. She felt a mixture of loathing and pity for her friend. It turned to almost all pity when Steadman made his next move.

“Katie, I haven’t checked you in a couple of weeks now. You are still a virgin I hope,” He said calmly as he approached the girls.

“Yes daddy, of course. Just like I promised not until I am married,” Katie responded weakly.

Steadman casually stuck his hand between his daughter’s legs and examined her pussy for a hymen.

“Good girl. But I got to give you the belt just the same for what you was doing out by the pool; shoving your tits at them boys and all.”

Lori heard the belt crack against her friend’s bare ass and shuddered. She heard the sound four more times before she felt the sting of the leather on her own ass. Each of the girls got three sets of five lashes before he was finished. When it stopped Lori remained in place waiting for orders to move. As she did so with the heat of her ass setting her body afire, she contemplated the odd combination of feelings she had. At first it was only pain and humiliation she felt. But as the whipping continued she began to feel a tingling grow from deep inside her. She feared that the dampness she felt in her pussy was leaking out and he would see that she was aroused.

“Ok crawl up into that bed. I can’t trust you to sleep in a different room. So you can sleep in my extra bed,” Steadmen informed them before heading to the bathroom.

Lori didn’t realize it that night but looking back she knew he must have gone in the bathroom and masturbated. By the time he came out of the bathroom the girls were under the sheet and feigning sleep. The next morning everyone acted like nothing unusual had happened the night before. Except for having to be seen naked by Mr. Steadmen it could have been any other day of their trip. Since they were in the car together most of the next day Lori didn’t have a chance to talk to her friend about what had happened. She was happy to find out that they would be having their own room that night.

But Katie refused to discuss the punishment. She told Lori that as long as they behaved everything would be fine. It wasn’t really the punishment and proper behavior that was vexing Lori. It was the sexual desire that the experience had ignited that bothered her the most. As she had lain in the bed next Lori the previous night waiting for him to come out of the bathroom she half hoped that he would fuck her when he returned. Katie went to sleep early the next night leaving Lori to lay in the dark contemplating thoughts she did not understand. With no where else to turn she slipped out of the room and went to knock on Mr. Steadmen’s door wearing only her pajamas which had very skimpy bottoms. He came to the door wearing just his boxers.

“Oh Lori, I am sorry. What are you doing up? Is everything ok? Are you ill?” He asked as he tried to find his robe.

“Well, no I am not sick. Nothing is really wrong. I just couldn’t sleep and was hoping I could talk to you about something.”

“Well of course you can sweetie. What’s it all about? Did you have a bad dream?” He said as he slipped his robe on.

“I wanted to talk to you about last night.”

He eyed Lori’s scantily clad body. He had not been with a woman since his wife had died years earlier. He had shared a special bond and lifestyle with his wife. He didn’t know how to find a woman to replace her. So he settled for fantasy and masturbation. His life was raising Katie and making her a nice girl. The night before when Lori got naked old long suppressed feelings came to the surface. He managed to control his desires and just give her proper punishment.

“Not much to talk about there. Just a couple young ladies went astray a bit and needed reminding about how a lady should act.”

“Can I be truthful about things without fearing you will take your belt to me again?”

“As long as you show me the proper respect, I think your behind is safe. Now how about you start over and address me properly.”

Lori had always found it odd that Katie called her father sir, but if that what it took to make him happy and keep her ass unscathed she was willing.

“Oh yes. Sir. I understand. I am sorry I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

“That is much better, Lori. Now what did you want to say.

“Well I was hoping you could explain to me what was wrong with what we were doing. It didn’t feel bad. We were just doing what guys and girls do. We weren’t thinking about sex. We weren’t even going to kiss them guys.”

“That is a load of crap, young lady. I saw how you were teasing them boys. I bet you had their cocks in an uproar. No matter what you think you were doing they were thinking about fucking your juicy little cunts!” He insisted. “Good girls don’t go around acting all slutty to make boys think thoughts like that.”

Lori was shocked at the frankness of the man’s words. Her Starzbet Giriş father barely said hell in front of her and all of sudden she had an older man saying the nastiest words she knew like it was common language. She also felt a bit of shame over the feeling his talking that way started in her. Just like the night before she was beginning to think of him sexually.

“Oh, I am sorry then, Sir. I guess there are things I don’t really understand about men.”

“I will try to explain anything you want to know. Lori I gave you that punishment because I care for you and want you to be a good girl.”

“I know but you said I it was too late because of my one mistake.”

“Well you can never be a virgin again and will need to explain that to your husband before you march down the aisle. But a good man will understand if you are honest with him.”

“Thank you for caring for me so much, Sir. There is one other thing that is bothering me. I am pretty embarrassed about it though, not sure I can talk to you about it.”

“Of course you can. I am like your parent on this trip. You should be able to talk to your parents about anything.”

She went on to nervously tell him about feeling aroused during her beating. He listened patiently without offering comment or changing his expression. Her admission aroused a desire in him. He and his wife had lived the BDSM lifestyle. They loved each other deeply and were perfectly matched sexually. She loved to serve him and feel his punishment for the slightest infraction. He was rough and dominate sexually and loving and tender at all other times.

“Lori, I think maybe I was wrong about you. I believe that you are a different kind of woman. There are women who have different desires than most. They like things that good girls don’t go for.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Some women are more sexual. They were made to please men and do things that most can’t do. They get their pleasure from serving a man and letting the man do things to them.”

“Are you saying that there are women that like their men to spank them and things?”

“Spanking is just a small part of it, Lori,” He answered as he stood up and opened his robe. “Have you ever really looked at a man’s cock?”

She stared fascinated as he slipped off his boxers and began to fondle his genitals. His cock quickly went from semi-flaccid to fully erect. Though he was only a little larger than average, his thick erection seemed monstrous to Lori.

“Come here girl,” He insisted.

Lori hesitated. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do and worse she couldn’t be sure that he wasn’t just testing to see if she was a good girl or not. Part of her wanted to run away and hide. Another part wanted to go over and touch his cock. But her biggest desire all of a sudden was to do anything he asked of her. It was that desire that won out. She walked slowly across the room until she was standing only a foot in front of him.

“Get down on your knees so you can get a good close look,” He said firmly.

Frank Steadman was quickly slipping back into his long dormant personality. Even though Lori was frightened and trembling, somehow she found the strength to obey his command and went down to her knees. He smiled at her as he moved even closer.

“Give me your hand, slut!” He barked.

The harsh tone and the use of the word slut set a sudden jolt of excitement running along Lori’s spine. She obediently reached her hand out to the older man. He took hold of her proffered hand and gently caressed her delicate fingers.

“Such a sweet flower you are,” He sighed in deep tone.

“She smiled up and him and cooed,” Thank you, Sir.

“I am going to teach you to be a good little slut,” He said softly as he brought her fingers to his throbbing cock.

He used her finger to trace the flared ridge of his cock head before guiding her to wrap her fingers around his rigid shaft. She felt a tingling in what he would soon insist she always call her cunt. She had seldom even thought of it as a pussy, which was a word that he thought was too cutesy to describe a slut’s fuck hole. Most often she thought of it in cleaner euphemisms such as privates or in the way clinical people referred to it, vagina. Though she knew the word cunt, other than accidentally hearing some guy in school use it to deride another guy just before a fight she didn’t remember having heard it spoken aloud. Once he had shown her how to stroke his cock he let go her hand. Without prompting she continued to slide her fingers slowly up and down his twitching vein covered organ.

“Mmmmmm, I see you like touching my cock, slut,” He commented casually.

“Yes, Sir it is very handsome.” She replied not really knowing what to say in such a situation.

“Kiss it and show me how much you like it!” He demanded.

She was not prepared for that request. Blowjobs were something that the girls talked about occasionally, mostly because the boys often teasingly Starzbet Güncel Giriş asked for one. A couple girls she knew admitted to doing it with their steady boy friends. For them it was a way to keep their guy happy without giving up their virginity. Most of the girls that hadn’t done it thought it sounded disgusting. The ones that had said it wasn’t too bad once you got used to the idea but it didn’t seem to do anything for them. Lori had all but decided that it was not something that she would do just to make a boy happy. But at that moment she had a man standing in front of her demanding what she was certain would lead to her sucking his cock. She wanted to make him happy so she leaned forward and softly kissed the head of his cock several times. Afterward she looked up at him smiling like a puppy wanting its head patted.

He touched her cheek softly and gave another order, “Lick it!”

Lori froze. She had never even imagined the idea that a guy would want his cock licked. The girls had always talked in terms of sucking. There was never any talk of using their tongues.

“Sir, I want to make you happy, but don’t really know what to do,” She said in a halting way.

“Just stick your tongue out and lick my cock like it is the sweetest Popsicle you ever had,” He instructed.

She held the base of his cock and leaned toward him while slipping her small pink tongue out. She tentatively touched the tip to his cockhead. She was surprised to find that it didn’t have an unpleasant taste as she began to run her tongue over his glans. The spongy texture of his helmet fascinated her. She marveled at how a thing could be so soft while at the same time rock hard as she got more into licking his tool. Reluctantly she moved past his large mushroom and began to explore his shaft. She quickly found that it too had an interesting texture. The large numbers of pulsating veins made the silky flesh feel bumpy. Again she noted the combined feeling of hardness and softness, though it was different from the softness of his cock head.

He began to caress her head as she let go his cock and licked all the way to the base. Impulsively she rubbed her cheek in his surprisingly soft pubic hair. Suddenly she wanted to experience it all, but somehow knew she had to wait until told to do so.

“Keep going,” He insisted as he pushed her head down lower and squatted slightly providing access to his heavy ball sack.

Quickly realizing what he wanted she moved her head so that she was under his cock. Lori tentatively moved her fingers to his ball sack. Though she had no way of knowing it his balls were unusually large and hung very low. Remembering an incident from her past where a boy was badly hurt when he was hit in the nuts as it was described she very gently lifted his sack. She was only able to bring herself to kiss Frank’s hairy scrotum. Though his cock did not taste unpleasant now that her face was almost between his legs she could smell the heavy musk of the man for the first time. That combined with the thick hair covering his sack made her hesitate.

“Come on, now, be my good little slut and get to licking and sucking on them balls,” He insisted as he pushed her head into his crotch.

“No, I can’t,” She protested softly.

Her refusal set off something in him he had not felt in a very long time. He yanked her to her feet and stared hard into her eyes as he gripped her shoulders.

“You aren’t saying you are refusing me are you, you fucking dirty little bitch! What’s wrong my balls ain’t sweet smelling enough for you princess?” He growled.

Lori was terrified and wished she could just get back on her knees and start licking his balls. But she could see by the fire in his eyes that it was too late for that. Something bad was coming and she had no way out.

“Please, Sir, I am sorry. I will make it up. I will do whatever you want,” She began to plead.

“Too late for sorry, you worthless little cunt!” He roared as he reached down and ripped her pajama bottoms from her body.

She managed to stifle the scream that threatened to erupt from her throat but there was no stopping the tears.

“Don’t fucking cry! You brought this on yourself you stupid whore! Fuck all you had to do was do as you were told and I would have made you feel better than you ever felt. Now I have to fucking teach you the hard way!” He screamed as she stood there trembling.

“Oh god, please, Sir. I want to be a good slut for you; please I promise I won’t say no again.”

“Shut up!” He barked as he slapped her face. “I don’t want to hear your fucking lies. Sluts always lie to get out of their just deserves.”

He made her bend over and grab the back of a chair. Then he stuffed her torn pajama bottoms in her mouth to stifle he screams. She was glad that he was only using his hand to spank her. She knew if her hit her that hard with belt the pain would be unbearable. As it was her ass was soon burning and stinging. However at the same time her pussy was quivering and juice was leaking out onto her thighs. He stopped spanking her after a long while and slid his hand between her legs.

“I knew you were a fucking horny slut! Your cunt is so wet I bet you would cum if I spit on it.” He said in the nastiest voice she had ever heard.

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