Martin’s Easter

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A Special Edition

This is a special holiday edition of Martin. It isn’t actually part of the Martin Hastings story line, but uses existing circumstances in the story to present this short story.


“Well I think it just lovely Mrs. Vargos,” Leanne said admiring Martin’s Easter dress that was designed for him by Felix.

“It is childish Leanne. It’s a little girls Easter dress made in my size to humiliate me in front of all those people out there.”

“Oh now Mrs. Vargos. That’s a little strong don’t you think?”

“Have you ever seen a grown woman or man wear a dress like that. It has a petticoat, big bows, it’s a joke.”

“Well, you are the fashion trend setter you know. Maybe the other women will want to wear something similar just because you wore that one in public and at a major function.”

“Oh I’m sure. Especially with the white lace ankle socks and white lace gloves. I’m sure they will die for a dress just like it.”

“The high heels are nice too. Elegant pink 5″ spike heels with a rounded baby doll toe. How pretty Mrs. Vargos.”

“This is jerk off material for perverts,” Martin huffed.

“Girls can’t help…” Leanne caught herself before she said it and started over. “Girls and pretty male brides like yourself can’t prevent other men from looking at them and admiring them. Some of the men do go home to jerk off with fantasies of our images in them. It’s all part of being pretty and attractive. In some ways you should feel flattered a man wants to jerk off looking at you.”

Leanne was taking the rollers out of Martin’s hair as they talked.

Martin’s hair was falling in ringlets of curls. She began parting his hair in the middle rather than teasing it as she usually did. Martin wasn’t sure what she was doing till she began gathering his hair together on the back left side of his head. She brushed the hair tight allowing the curls to hang.

“Damn it Leanne. Are you doing pigtails?”

“Yes I am. Pigtails and long streaming ribbons tied in big large bows on each side of your head.”


“It’s Easter, and as you stated and it matches the little girl dress you will be wearing today.”

“Look Leanne, I went through the humiliation of taking the Vow of Chastity. I suck that man’s dick every morning without fighting him,” Martin said making a point.

“As you should, you are his wife after all” Leanne said tying off the pigtail with an elastic tie.

“So why must I be further humiliated today. I should be allowed some dignity even if it is that of a woman.”

“Mrs. Vargos, it wont be that bad I promise. After you get back from church service we will…,”

“CHURCH!” Martin yelled out. “You expect me to wear that dress to church?”

“Of course, it’s Easter.”

“Please Leanne, don’t make me do that.”

“I am not the one who dictates the clothes you wear. Felix designed the dress just for you. He mentioned you wanted something that when people looked at you, you would want to just die from embarrassment.” Leanne looked at Martin in the mirror.

“Did you really say that?” she asked him.

“I was being a sarcastic Leanne. It would be like me asking you to corset me tighter after you had already crushed me.”

“Well maybe you need to be a little more selective, because you get to wear this beautiful dress as a result of it. To church I might add.”

“I can’t believe the Baron would want to be seen with me dressed like this in public much less church.”

“Your husband will not be attending. I believe you will be attending with one of the ladies church groups.”

“No! I’m not doing this.”

“Then we will have the Easter egg hunt in the back with dinner right afterwards. After dinner everyone will head home, and you can pick any dress you want to wear the rest of the day.”

Martin was forcibly taken down the hallway as he was being ushered quickly to meet with the ladies church group. He then would ride together with them to church services.

“My, my, my sweet. You are adorable,” Martin heard the Baron’s voice say.

Martin daintily walked over to the Baron making sure he wiggled his hips so his petticoat and skirt moved back and forth.

“Darling,” Martin managed to spit out at the Baron, “They say I have to wear this ridiculous outfit to church.”

“It is cute my love.” the Baron said as he chuckled taking in Martin’s Kartal Olgun Escort pigtails tied in ribbons.

“Darling, please tell them I don’t have to wear this childish dress to church. I would be mortified if I were seen like this in public,” Martin said sounding frantic. “People will take pictures of me darling, and that evil woman Phoebe will publish them in her tabloid with her own sinister take. Please Baron, darling.”

The darlings were so difficult for Martin to say, especially in front of the help or anyone for that matter. Terms of endearment almost were needed at time to persuade. Martin felt so embarrassed as he was close to almost begging his husband to excuse him from this public excursion.

“Marcia, you need to have more confidence in yourself.”

Martin took the Baron’s hand in his. Martin’s red fingernails daintily caressing the back of the Baron’s hand trying to use gentle tactics to get his own way.

“Please darling, I don’t want to wear this dress in public. I feel so humiliated dressed like this. Please, don’t allow them force me to do this,” Martin said.

The Baron looked at Martin and smiled.

“Step inside here for a moment,” the Baron said opening the study door.

Martin walked in and the Baron followed him.

“So you don’t want to go to Easter service with the ladies church group?” The Baron asked. “I think you are a very attractive woman Marcia.”

Martin fumed inside as the Baron referred to him as a woman. His first reaction was to lash out about the fact he was not a woman, but he needed the Baron’s help here.

“Thank you darling,” Martin said in his male voice as he lay his hands on the Baron’s chest and eased up against him. “I just would prefer to wear something more conservative if I have to go. You know what I’m saying?” Martin said looking up into the Baron’s eyes. Martin didn’t want to say it, but he had no choice.

“What do you mean?”

“I want to dress like a woman for you darling not a little girl.”

The Baron sat Martin down in one of the leather high back chairs. Martin crossed his legs seductively and looked up to the Baron again. The Baron unzipped his pants. Martin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He couldn’t believe what his husband was about to do. Martin was seducing his husband so he would not have to be completely mortified in public by being dressed like a little girl and going to church with a woman’s church group, and the Baron wanted something else.

Was this the price to pay not to go out? It would almost be acceptable in a strange way.

The Baron pulled his cock out through his zipper.

Martin took the Baron’s cock in his hand and began to gently massage it. His long red fingernails and large cocktail rings, gave a very sexy appearance as they performed the task that a woman would perform as she pleaded her case. Martin had no choice but to masturbate his husband or go out in the little girl outfit.

“Look at the way I’m dressed darling,” Martin said looking up to the Baron as he massaged the man’s penis. “They have me dressed like a silly little girl and I feel so humiliated. I deserve better than this. I am your wife,” he said trying not to show any since of panic in his face as he could feel the Baron’s cock hardening in his hands.

Martin took a deep breath and put his lip over the now half erect cock. Martin worked his lips up and down the shaft as seductively as he could.

The Baron enjoyed Martin’s warm moist lips as they slid up and down the length of his penis. Martin pulled off and continued the gentle stroking with his hand while he addressed his husband again.

“Does it feel good baby?” Martin said as he looked up to the Baron.

“You are so talented my sweet.”

“Please darling, I just can’t wear this dress out in public. Stand up for me. Your wife,” Martin said running his tongue seductively around the large mushroom head of the Baron’s hard cock.

The Baron stood Martin up and had him turn around.

“Wha…What are you doing darling?” Martin said stumbling with tiny steps as he was turned around.

The Baron then eased Martin forward so he was bent over holding the arms of the chair.

“Darling no. Please, this is not the time or the place for this. There are people just outside the door waiting for us.” Martin said looking about franticly. Martin’s dress and petticoats Kartal Sarışın Escort were then flipped up on his back and his panties were pulled down aggressively.

“Marcy, would you step in for a moment please,” the Baron called out for the head maid. Martin started to stand but he was held down by the Baron’s hand on the back of his shoulders.

“Just stay still my love.”

One of the maids stepped into the room. Martin was bent over the chair with his bare bottom exposed. The Baron was behind the chair so his exposed erection was not seen, but it was obvious what was about to happen in this room very soon.

“Marcy, please apologize for our tardiness. My wife and I need a few moments alone. Marcia will be out in a moment.”

“Yes sir,” she said with a curtsy as she closed the door.

The maids in the hallway were in quiet anticipation. Three of them stood out side the door waiting to hear Martin and the Baron making love. The visuals would be left to the imagination, but they knew that Martin was bent over a chair.

Martin turned his head to look at his husband.

“Be alone with you? That the last thing I want right now,” Martin said disgusted with the fact he had asked his husband to help him not be humiliated. He asked him like a proper wife, even pleading to the point of begging and now he was about to be fucked for his efforts.

“We don’t have to be alone my dear,” the Baron said.

“Marcy!” The Baron called out.

“Yes sir,” she said opening the door slowly.

“Please have my concubine Tiffany come here please. She is still here I believe. Check my office.”

The maid left to find Tiffany. Meanwhile Martin remained bent over the chair in anticipation of receiving his husbands passions.

“What are you doing? Why do you need Tiffany,” Mart asked adjusting his feet to relieve some of the stress of standing bent over in 6″ spike heels.

“Don’t you worry my love,” he said patting Martin’s bare bottom with the palm of his hand.

Martin just looked straight ahead now and spoke not as a wife but as a man that was in a helpless position of being used as a woman. He had begged, but that had only got him bent over the chair. He had been coached in his etiquette classes that he should start talking to his husband using a high falsetto voice all the time, no matter how silly he felt doing it, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

“You called for me stud?” Tiffany said walking sexily into the room then noticed Martin bent over the chair with his dress up and his panties own around his ankles. She walked to the Baron looking confused and amused at Martin’s curly pigtails tied up in ribbons.

Tiffany saw the Baron’s huge erection sticking out of his mats and immediately took it in hand and massaged it.

“Yes my sweet. Please go over and stand in that corner for me please.”

“Sorry? Stand in the corner?” she looked at him for further understanding.

“Yes. Just stand in the corner and don’t turn around till I tell you.”

“You mean with my nose in the corner. Like a child’s punishment?” she asked looking at the corner he was pointing to.

“Yes my dear.” he said.

“Have I done something wrong sir?” she asked looking back as she walked to the corner.

“Oh no, I just want you to stand there while my wife and I make love.”

Tiffany thought of this as very weird. She had slept with couples before and had been to parties where a couple were fucking on the couch that she was sitting on while talking on the phone. She wasn’t new to the scene, but the Baron had never asked such a thing before as this.

She walked to the corner and put her nose in it touching the wall.

“Is this ok?” she asked on sure.

“Yes my sweet. Snug yourself a little closer and put your hands behind your back for me.

Tiffany followed the instructions.

“You’re not really going to do this,” Martin said turning his body to look back at Tiffany in the corner.

“Of course my love. You are too tense and need to have sex to help you relieve your tension. I understand.”

Martin turned his head back around.

“You know I love and care very much about you Marcia,” the Baron said placing both hands on Martin’s butt cheeks now and spreading them as he prepared to enter him. “You seem happier as of late,”

“Quick learner,” Martin thought. When Kartal Şişman Escort you are having your balls beaten with a wooden spoon and two women are telling you they will stop when you talk like this and say that and do it the way they want, yeah he was a quick learner. Martin had been forced to watch movies of female porn stars having all kinds of sex with men, and he was suppose to immolate their seductive actions and the groans, and sighs of pleasure.

Martin was to be a screamer. His balls ached most from those lessons. His husband liked women who screamed out uncontrollably during sex. Even if it was all faked. The one thing Martin was told that faking it all was one step closer to being a woman.

“Darling please listen to me. I know you are about to fuck me, can I just be spared going to church dressed like this after you’re done?”

“But you are so tense,” the Baron said.

“Please, tell me I don’t have to go.”

“AWWWWW!!” came Martin’s voice through the door.

“Oh Baron please,” he said as he tried to participate so the Baron would listen to him.

Martin grunted loudly on each thrust, then in a very high falsetto voice Martin yelled.

“YES!! OH YES!!” Martin yelled as he grimaced and his nails digging in the chair arms.

The girls outside giggling at the groaning from Martin and the Baron.

“Aww…Owwwww!” slipped out a moment as the true nature of Martin’s emotional; distress manifest itself.

The Baron continued the hard pounding. Tiffany lowered her head listening to the sounds of the Baron’s thighs and pelvis slapping up against the back of Martin’s thighs and bare butt cheeks and a very quick rhythmic pace. She felt very uncomfortable standing here listening to this married couple have sex.

Martin didn’t know how long the would last. Finally Martin screamed out in a high falsetto voice.

“OH YES!! Fuck me Baron! Fuck my butt hole! HARDER!! HARDER!!”

It worked. The erotic element of that unexpected scream caused the Baron to immediately go into an uncontrolled orgasm. Martin felt the deep plunge and screamed again in an uncontrolled high pitch from the sudden plunge and resulting discomfort.

“Oh my love that was wonderful,” the Baron said pulling his cock out quickly.

Martin remained bent over the chair while the Baron zipped himself up.

Martin tried to stay in character.

“That was wonderful darling. Do I still have to wear this silly dress to church?”

“Not if you don’t want to my love. You may stay home if you wish.”

“What?” Martin thought. It had worked. He had persuaded the Baron through sexual favors.

“Go ahead and take the dress off my love and have a lovely day. I must attend to a few things,” the Baron said kissing Martin on the lips. Martin gave no resistance.

The Baron left the room taking Tiffany with him.

Lisa entered and looked at Martin with a grin.

“You must have been very persuasive Mrs. Vargos.” she said walking over to him and unzipping the childish garment, pulling it off his shoulders and allowing him to step out of it.

She then pushed the petticoats down and he stepped out of them as well. He felt Lisa unsnapping his bra. She pulled it off his chest and then suddenly pulled his panties to the floor.

“What are you doing,” Martin demanded.

After a heated discussion Martin stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. He was naked except for the white lace ankle socks and the 6″ high heels. He didn’t even bother to walk properly as he walked through the house naked, in much the same way he had insisted his step mother Missy do.

The domestic help watched him as he walked by, dick hanging and gently swinging back and forth. They’d seen it before in different situations, Martin having to expose himself in some way around the house.

“If this is somebody’s idea of a joke, it’s not funny,” he said in a huff as he entered his dressing room where Leanne waited to help him get dressed.

Martin didn’t have to go out in public Easter because he had persuaded the Baron by being a woman to him. Martin felt disgusted by the acts he had just done with his husband and the appearance of acceptance. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The worst part of it all though, was it had worked, and Martin realized it and knew that he would probably have to resort to such tactics again.

To my readers. I am currently working on a blog and with another person on a forced feminization site that will have some exclusive material. I will let it be known when it is ready to view.

It is my intention at this time to finish the Martin series here as I build my archive.

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