The MILF Next Door Ch. 02

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It was her third time reading the same page. Realising that she could not remember a single word Samantha Dalton closed the book and took off her reading glasses. She massaged the bridge of her nose, sighed, and put the book aside.

Her thoughts were dominated by one thing, her young lover Stephen, and everything else seemed to be an interminable waste of time. She leaned back against her pillow, feet stretched out under the covers. She was wearing a white flannel nightdress of a style that her husband David had laughingly described as “granny wear”. It was comfortable and warm though, and she appreciated that when sleeping.

Stephen. She had seen him grow up, go through the gangly stages of adolescence, and grow into young manhood. She smiled as she remembered the way he carried himself, the unconscious swagger that he had inherited from his father. That turned her mind to John Prester, an older image of his son, the same dark hair and blue eyes, equal in height but more heavily muscled. David and he had spent a lot of time together in their respective garages, sharing an enthusiasm for cars, and after David’s death John still came over regularly to service her Trans Am. She could imagine John as the lead in an Italian drama playing a Sicilian don, the aura of machismo he radiated was palpable. He was a kind man but there was an element of the Lothario in him that she was wary of. Her thoughts then turned to Sophia, Stephen’s mother, an imperious copper haired beauty with piercing green eyes. The two women had spent a lot of time together, at the gym, going out for coffee, family barbeques. Of the women in the neighbourhood she could claim to be Sophia’s closest friend. She wondered how the redhead would react if she found out Samantha was fucking her son. She sighed again.

The buzz of her phone interrupted the blonde’s reverie. Flipping it over showed her who the caller was, and she injected levity into her voice as she answered. “Hello honey.”

The voice of Alice Dalton, her eldest daughter, came through the phone speaker. “Hi Mom. I just called to say that Mary and I are settling into camp. The tent went up easily, and the mattresses you had us pack soften the ground enough to sleep on.” Samantha laughed at that. On her first school camp she had not taken a mattress and she had barely slept for a week. That was one lesson never forgotten.

“Hi Mom.” Mary’s voice. “The food is good.”

“Then it’s improved since my day.”

“Mom, everything has improved since your day.” Samantha rolled her eyes at that, some of the best things never changed.

“And you guys are behaving yourselves? You’re not causing any trouble?” A chorus of no’s from her handset. “Alright then. Be good. Remember I love you both.”

“Aw Mom.” The two girls made gagging noises, but Mary’s voice followed. “We love you too Mom, sorry about leaving you home alone for a week.”

“It’s okay honey. I have a book or two to read, I’ll do some swimming, and I’m sure there’s housework that needs doing.” She could imagine her girls rolling their eyes at that.

“That’s way too exciting for us Mom.” Alice was speaking. “We’ll call you every night to tell you how the day went. Tomorrow we have a hike through the forest, looking at trees.”

“That sounds like the kind of thing you’d see in the forest.” Samantha deadpanned.

“Yes Mom, we know Mom.”

The two girls spoke together. “Goodnight Mom. Sleep well. We love you.” The line went dead, and Samantha sat staring at the blank screen, a soft smile on her lips. She loved those two more than life itself.


The phone buzzed again, and this time the number was unknown. Samantha suspected she knew the source though, and her suspicions proved correct as she accepted the call.

“Good evening. Samantha speaking.”

“Hi Samantha.” Stephen’s voice, and she made the mental shift from mother to lover. It was something she had learned with David, ensuring that while she provided for her daughters as a mother, she didn’t neglect her husband as a wife.

“Stevie, sweetie. How is my favourite man?” Samantha glanced at the time. She had gone to bed early, and it was only quarter past nine.

“I kept thinking about you, and about earlier.” She fancied she could hear excitement in his voice. “I was just laying here and something came up.”

“Ooh.” Samantha’s pulse quickened. “A lovely thick hard something?”

“Yes.” She smiled at the thought of her young lover laying naked with his rigid cock thrusting up. “It just seems to be so inspired by you that it doesn’t want to go down.”

“Have you tried… um… relieving the pressure yourself?”

“Yes… but… it didn’t help.” Samantha’s smile broadened. Thank heavens for the insatiable sexual appetite of youth.

“So you’re lying there, naked, stroking your big hard cock for me?” She heard his muttered assent. “Thinking of me, my naked body, spread open so you can impale me on your big hard cock?” She drew out the last words in her sentence balıkesir escort as much for her own enjoyment as his. Being his object of lust was incredibly arousing. She pulled her gown up to her waist, then pushed her briefs to mid thigh giving her fingers access to her pussy. He grunted his agreement and she went on. “You want to impale my tight little pussy… my tight little cunt on your big hard cock?” He groaned. “Stevie sweetie, I have my fingers in my cunt, and it’s so wet thinking about your big hard cock being forced into it, making me scream because I’m so fucking tight and you’re so fucking big.” She inserted two fingers into her dripping slit, her thumb finding a familiar position beside her clit. This was another game she’d played with David, something to console them both when he had had to work late, or had to be out of town on business. “Keep stroking that big cock sweetie. Think of my tight dripping cunt taking your cock… your big head so deep inside me… using your naughty little slut… your cum hungry naughty little slut…”

Stephen groaned again, “oh God Sammie, I’m going to cum.”

“Yes baby, pump that sweet cum in my tight little slutty cunt.” She heard his grunt, and could imagine his cream spurting over his belly and chest. That thought pushed her over the edge, and her hips rose and fell as she orgasmed. “Oh God.”

Samantha slumped back against her pillow. “Are you still with me Stevie?”

“Yes,” his voice was hoarse. “That was… intense.” Samantha giggled.

“Have we relieved the pressure?” She heard his tired chuckle.

“For the moment.” He hesitated. “Thank you Samantha.”

“Oh believe me sweetie, it was my pleasure.” She could imagine his smile.

“I should get some sleep. I’m sure we’ll have a long day tomorrow.”

“Oh believe me sweetie, you are going to have a long, hard, day.” She licked her lips. “A very long, hard, day.”

“Goodnight then Sammie.” He hesitated. “I’m not sure how to say this, but I’m very happy we’ve become… closer?”

“For what it’s worth sweetie, so am I.”

Samantha saved his number, put down her phone, and returned her sleepwear to its original, more decorous, arrangement. Speaking her thoughts out loud. “I am glad Stephen, but I hope I don’t do something stupid like fall in love with you.”


It was nine on the dot when Samantha heard the doorbell ring. She actually rushed to the door to pull it open, her enthusiasm to see her young lover surprising even herself. Stephen stood on her doorstep, and she was struck by how well groomed he appeared, especially compared to his casual dress the previous day. His dark hair was combed, and he was dressed in a navy twill blazer over a white dress shirt and black slacks, with his black shoes so polished she fancied she could see herself in them. She found herself feeling decidedly underdressed in her white bathrobe.

Stephen did not wait to be invited but simply stepped forward, left hand in the small of her back, the other behind her head as his lips sought hers. Her hands hooked under his lapels, clinging to him as she kissed him back.

When they broke their embrace both were breathing more heavily, and Samantha could feel the flush in her cheeks. “Damn Stevie. I think I missed you.” She felt his fingers run through her hair, and leant her head into his palm. He reached back and closed the door.

“Me too.”

“You’re dressed up today.” Her hand rose and fell, indicating his dress.

“I wanted to make a good first impression.” His tone was dry. She laughed lightly and kissed him again.

“Oh sweetie, you made one hell of a good first impression yesterday. Your second impression last night wasn’t too bad either.” She cupped his groin with a soft hand. He was already hard, and she suspected he wasn’t wearing anything under the slacks. “How many good impressions can I expect today?”

“A dozen, maybe?” Stephen sounded hopeful. “I told the girls I might be out all day.”

“Oh God, Stevie.” Her breath caught at the thought of his strong young body against hers all day. “What else do you have in mind?”

“Well…” his hand found the belt of her robe, and unfastened it. Samantha giggled as she let him turn her, unwrapping her from the towelling. When she was naked before him she heard his voice, husky with lust.

“You are so beautiful Sammie.” She smiled in pleasure at his words. He stood behind her, drawing her body back against his, his hands sliding down from her throat, over her breasts, down over her flat belly to the bald folds of her sex. Her right hand fell to cover his, revelling in his delicate touch. She reached the other over her shoulder, drawing his face into her neck.

“Oh Stevie… please… yes…” She felt the heat of his breath against her throat, the graze of his teeth. His fingers explored her sensitive cunt, finally settling into a slow circular motion over her clit. “Oh my God… oh my God… oh my God…” balıkesir escort bayan Part of her marvelled at how quickly he was learning to push the right buttons for her. Another part, the larger part, was simply focused on enjoying his nascent skills. The roughness of his clothing was another stimulation against her soft skin as she ground her firm buttocks back against his hardness.

Samantha gasped sharply as she peaked. She exhaled slowly, savouring the constant pressure against her sensitive flesh, shuddering as the steady stimulation kept her at that peak, goosebumps breaking out over her arms. “Oh Stevie.” She sagged in his arms.

Stephen turned and lifted her, left arm under her knees, right around her. She wrapped her arm over his shoulder, snuggling her head into his chest. She giggled at the sensation of the flannel against her cheek.

“Where are we going sweetie?” She asked dreamily as he started walking.


“Bed… my new favourite word.”

“You have favourite words?”

“Oh yes,” she nodded her head. “Cock, cunt, cock-sucking, cunnilingus, coitus, cum… I really like that one. Now bed.” She heard Stephen’s chuckle rumble through his chest.

Stephen lowered her onto the bed, and she fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Take your clothes off sweetie. I want to see you naked.”

“You did say you wouldn’t be subtle.” The young man unbuttoned his blazer, hanging it over the back of her dressing table chair. Kneeling he untied his shoes, slipping off both, then removing his socks.

“David always said I should say exactly what I want, rather than expect him to guess.” Samantha watched intently as he unbuttoned his shirt. His lean torso had clearly defined muscles, and the skin was covered in dark curls. He unfastened his belt, unbuttoning his trousers and unzipping his fly. Released from restraint they fell to the floor, revealing that, as she had surmised, he had not bothered with underwear. She licked her lips as his rigid cock was exposed. “Yummy.”

Stephen joined her on the bed and they kissed again. She rolled him onto his back, looking down into his eyes. Lips met softly. Her slender fingers ran through his hair and he closed his eyes, a euphoric expression on his face. “You like that?”

“Yes.” Kissing him again.

“Roll over sweetie.” She straddled his taut buttocks, and leant forwards until her stiff nipples were pressed into his back. “We have all day sweetie. No need to rush.” He murmured and she sat up once more, her hands sliding over the flat planes of his muscled back. She absentmindedly noted the lack of hair on his back as she started to rub her hands over his neck and shoulders. He exhaled slowly, as if all tension was leaving his body, and Samantha smiled fondly. This too was something she had done for David many times. Sometimes he had even fallen asleep as she rubbed his back. Perhaps Stephen too craved the intimacy this provided.

She leaned forward again, so that her body rested on his, and her head lay alongside his. “It’s nice.” She heard him whisper.

“I know sweetie. I love doing this.” She adjusted her breathing until the two of them inhaled and exhaled at the same rate. She let her mind drift, half dozing, as Stephen lay quiescent beneath her.


Samantha awoke with a startled gasp. Stephen’s chuckle seemed loud in her ears. “You fell asleep.”

“Sorry… I didn’t mean too…” She still lay on top of Stephen, and he seemed completely unperturbed.

“I thought you might need some sleep, and I didn’t want to disturb you.” He shrugged. “Having a naked woman for a blanket is rather nice too. I’ll recommend it to all my friends.” She nipped his shoulder and he chuckled again. “Although if you want to move I’d like to visit the bathroom.”

“Of course sweetie.” Rolling off him Samantha glanced at the clock. “I was lying there for nearly two hours?” Stephen glanced back at her as he walked into the ensuite.

“I didn’t want to disturb you.” He paused. “I might have dozed off myself. It was very relaxing.” The door closed behind him. Samantha shook her head, then laughed.

“Well, I guess that means we’ve officially slept together.”

The swish of the toilet flushing was followed by the sound of running water. Leaving the bathroom, Stephen lay back down on the bed. Reaching over he drew her lips to his. “Where were we?” He asked.

“Well I was going to make mad passionate love to you, but I fell asleep.” She noticed his eyes almost sparkled when he laughed. His strong hand caressed her back and she squirmed contentedly against him.

“I think that that was a very good plan. I suggest we pursue it.” Her hand found his swelling cock as he kissed her again.

“You are becoming a very good kisser.” Samantha observed as they broke away again. The young man grinned broadly.

“I guess you could say I was inspired.” Samantha responded with a smile before her lips enveloped his cock. escort balıkesir She heard his soft moan, and felt his hand rest lightly on her head, stroking her hair. She used her tongue under the head of his shaft, where he was most sensitive, and he squirmed underneath her. “Oh God.”

Samantha rose onto her knees, straddling him. “Now tab A goes into slot B,” she intoned in a matter of fact manner as she reached behind her, guiding his rigid tool into the folds of her sex. As she sank down on him she exhaled slowly. Stephen met her gaze with his own, and she caressed his cheek with her soft hand. She closed her eyes for a moment as she took his full length into her body. When they opened again she lay down, kissing the young man again.

She heard his growl, suddenly felt their positions reversed as he rolled over. Now she was the one looking up at him, her arms sliding around his shoulders to hold him to her. “Alright Stevie,” she breathed. “Fuck me.” He took most of his weight on his elbows, but she could feel the pressure over her hips, and the fullness imparted by his thick shaft. He moved, sliding back then sliding forwards, and Samantha herself moaned. “You can use your pelvis against my clit…” Stephen looked confused for a second, then tried circling his hips experimentally. Samantha gasped, he had hit the right spot on his first try. “Just like that… slowly… haste makes… oh…” They kissed, Samantha’s short manicured nails were digging into his back, but he was beyond all pain. Stephen thrust in and out, driving his cock deep inside her, then rotating again to hit her clit.

She braced her feet against the bed, forcing her hips up to meet his thrusts, her hands grasping his buttocks, pulling him closer. Her body told her she was close. “Keep going Stevie, sweetie… sweetie…” She cried out incoherently as her orgasm hit, Stephen’s cock thrust into her as deeply as he could sheath it.

Samantha went limp in Stephen’s arms, her hand at the back of his head, drawing him close for another kiss, savouring the closeness of his young body. His expression was one of gentle concern and tenderness as he stroked her blonde hair. “Okay?” He asked.

“Very much better than okay, Stevie.” They kissed again. “Reckon you can go again?” Stephen chuckled and flexed the shaft still buried inside her. “You didn’t?”

“No, I wanted to please you.”

“Oh Stevie,” she kissed him. “You’re going to make some woman very happy one day,” giggling. “Well you’re already making one woman very happy at the moment… You know what I mean.” She purred as he began to thrust again, her ankles locking behind his hips, tensing her buttocks and thighs as she pulled him into her.

Stephen’s own movements were sure and steady, again combining thrusts with rotation. Samantha flexed her inner muscles, trying to milk his cock, and was rewarded with his startled gasp. She giggled again. A natural cocksman he seemed to be, but this was still only his second time in the saddle. She would love teaching him everything that she knew… purely because of her altruistic concern for his future girlfriends and wife, she assured herself over mentally crossed fingers.

She closed her eyes, breathing slowly, resisting the impulse to pant, as she tried to focus her attention solely on the body moving above her, the sensation of his cock sliding inside her, the heat and scent of his young flesh.

“Oh my…” Again her world became a thing of spasming flesh and incoherent moans.

Samantha exhaled weakly, her hand flat against her young lover’s chest. “A minute please…” Stephen slid out, rolling beside her. His arms enfolded her and she clung to him. Her emotions surged, tears coming to her eyes. Stephen asked no questions, he simply held her until the storm abated.

“Thank you.” Their lips met in a tender, and given the circumstances surprisingly chaste, kiss. Samantha smiled and glanced down his body to where his rigid cock still jutted out. “Damn, are you still hard? Have you been taking Viagra?” Stephen’s chest vibrated with his laughter.

“I think you’re all the Viagra I need.”

“Stevie, you do say the sweetest things.” She pushed him onto his back. “I can’t let you run around like that, you might put somebody’s eye out.” His laughter was interrupted when she took him into her mouth once more. Blowjobs had not been just a wifely duty for Samantha, she genuinely loved the feel of her man’s cock in her mouth and the control of his pleasure it afforded her. When Stephen reached for her head she took his hand and placed it on his flat belly. Taking the hint he placed his hands behind his head and left her to run the show.

Samantha’s tongue caressed his balls, working from his base up to the tip, then down again. When his cock was in her mouth she massaged his sack with gentle fingers, while she licked the soft skin below her hand slid up and down the full length of his shaft. She teased him unmercifully until his hips were rising involuntarily off the bed. At that point the woman used hand and mouth to completely envelop his length, her hand wrapped around the base of his shaft, moving as her head rose and fell, always holding his eyes with her own.

She heard him cry out, and an instant later felt the first gush of his seed in her mouth. She swallowed repeatedly, making room for the series of jets that followed.

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