The Pizza Drive Delivers

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This is the continuing account of Will’s visit to Kelly’s apartment recounted in Beer, Pizza, and Stories, Oh My. Will and Kelly were hanging out, and Will told Kelly about his experiences with her friend, Sally. As the evening progressed, Kelly repeatedly reminisced about their shared sexual experience the year before, a topic they had vowed never to discuss. As a result, their sexual tensions escalated with unforeseen results.

The story picks up when the pizza finally arrives.

Kelly wipes my cum from her right eye and licks it from her fingers. Two lines of my white cream streak through her brown hair and smear her beautiful face. I see it drip from her chin. She reaches up, grabs my waist, and pulls herself up until she stands.

“You’re welcome. Did you like that?”

“Holy crap…, that was…”

I have difficulty finding words; my hands grip the table edge as I steady myself. Kelly smiles and turns to grab a towel from her kitchen counter. Turning back, she sees a woman’s face staring through the kitchen door window.

— Why Don’t We Do It in the Road?” —

“Good timing, the pizza is here.”

I never heard a knock.

Kelly moves to the door while wiping her face. She doesn’t bother to cover herself.

Even with my brain muddled by the intense orgasm and the accompanying endorphins, I think this is a little weird.

“Shouldn’t we get dressed?” I ask but make no move to do so.

She looks through the window at the reddened face of the delivery driver.

“Why?” Kelly says dismissively. “Let’s add some excitement to this girl’s mundane job.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good…” I start to say.

Opening the door wide, she motions the delivery woman in.

“Come on in, please excuse…,” Kelly almost laughs when she glances back at me. “um… the mess.”

A shit-eating grin rises on Kelly’s lips, and it seems she wants to play exhibitionist with the delivery driver. Kelly is in rare form tonight and has been since I got here.

A tall young woman in a red Pizza Hut ball cap quickly steps into the kitchen. The young woman doesn’t seem particularly fazed by the scene but appears excited by what she sees. She is easily four or five inches taller than Kelly. The Pizza Hut hat sits high, cockeyed on her head, and looks stupid. She wears a matching red Pizza Hut Polo shirt, tan khaki shorts, and red Vans without socks. The thin black strap of her purse crosses her chest from her left shoulder to her right hip and pulls in her already tight shirt between her breasts, accentuating their fullness. Holding a large, red, insulated pizza bag, her wide green eyes and knowing grin adorn a face almost as red as her outfit. Her ample breast heaves with her heavy breathing. I know it’s cold outside, and she has to be cold in only shorts and a polo shirt. It’s no surprise her hard nipples are poking through the red material.

There is something familiar about this woman; her glowing green eyes and dark eyebrows trigger lost memories. But my addled brain can’t seem to make a connection. I know that face.

Kelly, cum soaked towel in hand, shuts the door and, brushing past the woman, leads her into the small kitchen. My foggy, endorphin-dosed brain gives no directions to move as I stare at the tall female delivery driver. In the tight space of the room, the three of us form a triangle, within arm’s length of each other. Kelly and I must have been a sight. Kelly, half-naked, the top of her brown muff and pussy exposed and wiping cum from her face. And me, a sweaty tall naked guy with blue sweatpants around his ankles with a semi-hard cock, hanging between his legs. Cum drips from its tip and coats the shaft and matted bush.

“Come in. Please excuse us; you caught us in the middle of something. You can set the pizza on the counter. How much is it?”

“Yeah, no worries, I see this all the time,” the woman smiles but doesn’t put the pizza down.

Kelly takes a moment to wash her hands and dry them with a paper towel. The woman stands slackjawed as Kelly cleans her hands, and I stare at her dark eyebrows and green eyes. The beer, weed, and endorphins conspire to keep me just on the edge of the memory. Tossing the paper towel in the trash, Kelly picks up her purse from the counter. Fishing out her wallet, she opens it and faces the driver.

“Sorry, I needed to wash my hands,” Kelly pauses, looking at the woman. “So you walk into these situations often?”

The woman stands transfixed, her mouth forming a slight grin, and her eyes dart between Kelly’s half-naked body and mine. Lifting her gaze, she returns her focus to Kelly.

“I appreciate that… it’d be a pain dealing with the sticky bills. And, no, I was joking. But it seems more like I caught the big climax. You know, so to speak.”

Fuck, that voice. I know that voice. I close my eyes for a moment, trying to make the connection.

“Heh, good one. That you did. So, how much?” Kelly asks again.

I’m staring at the woman when she shifts her gaze to me. escort I imagine I have the same expression on my face that’s on hers. That look a person gets when they see someone they should know, are sure they know, but can’t place them or remember their name.

I’m confounded by the unforeseen circumstances I find myself in. One minute Kelly is giving me a fantastic blowjob, and the next, a young woman, whom I’m sure I know, is standing in front of me, staring at my naked body. Maintaining my composure, I lean against the table, legs slightly spread and outstretched, gripping its edge tightly. Self-conscious because the woman’s gaze lingers on my body; I am also excited for the same reason. To my chagrin, my cock responds to the sexual excitement by involuntarily twitching and jerking as it becomes erect. The young woman gasps, and Kelly giggles as my cock begins to rise. I groan, knowing I’m putting on a show. With a smile and sigh, the woman’s all-too-familiar eyes return to mine. Caught like a rabbit in a snare and not knowing what to do, I try to act cool: I smile and nod. My cock nods, too, and points at her.

“You have to excuse Will; he’s an excitable boy,” Kelly laughs. “Was that 13.99 or 14.99? Never mind, a twenty should cover it and a tip.”

The woman’s attention is on a different tip; her eyes widen, and her mouth drops open as she stares hard at my face. She looks at Kelly and then back at me.

“Will? OH MY GOD! Will Fornier, is that you? Holy fuck, it is!.”

Kelly’s eyes grow wide as her head snaps back and forth between me and the delivery person.

“Huh? You know each other?”

When the woman speaks again, the lightbulb finally goes off in my head. The recognition causes my stomach to turn over.

“Oh my god, I expected to see you some night delivering pizza, But…, goddamn, not like this. Fuck, I didn’t recognize you. Probably because I wasn’t looking at your face. How are you doing? Pretty good by the looks of it. It’s been forever since I last saw you. Well, I never saw you like this. I have to say, damn, you look good.”

Typical Cari, her mouth runs like a broken toilet when nervous or excited.

“Who…?” Kelly tries to ask.

“OH MY GOD, you guys were so fucking hot!” the woman tells Kelly.

Kelly can’t get a word in edgewise; her eyes express confusion and surprise as Cari becomes very animated and questions Kelly as if asking about her secret sauce.

“Holy shit, girl! How did you make him cum like that? You only used your tongue, and you made him cum so hard. And so much… Fuck, you never even sucked his cock. That was fucking amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Finally, Cari takes a breath. Kelly fixes her brown eyes on the delivery driver. Kelly and I speak simultaneously, but our tone is very different.

“Who the fuck are you? How long were you standing at my door?”


— I Knew You Were Trouble —

Cari doesn’t answer and sighs again, focusing her eyes on my naked body. My brain finally gives some direction. Self-consciousness wins out, and I move to cover myself with my hands. Throwing my upper body forward to push myself off the table, I simultaneously bend over to pull up my sweatpants. But my forward momentum, coupled with my sweats wrapped around my ankles, causes me to stumble and fall forward between Cari and Kelly. With my hands at my ankles, I see the black and white tile floor rapidly approaching, and I close my eyes, expecting a hard faceplant on the floor.

Cari jolts forward to help and almost drops the pizza.

Kelly catches my shoulders to keep me from smacking my face on the tile floor. But my head snaps forward, and my forehead bounces off the floor as I land hard on my knees and elbows. I grunt in pain, and Kelly yells at Cari.

“Put that down and help me!”

Cari quickly sets the pizza on the floor and helps Kelly. They each take an arm, get me back to my feet, and lean me against the table. Kelly holds me up, and Cari drops to her knees and pulls up my boxers and sweatpants. She manages to get the back of them over my ass, but the front catches under my scrotum, causing my cock to point straight at her face. She stares momentarily at my glistening erection, hesitates, and then cups my balls before pulling the waistband out from under them. Her warm-long fingers release my nuts and slide up to expertly wrap around my semi-rigid shaft. Cari tightens her grip around my sticky-wet cock, and her hand moves slightly up and down my length as she momentarily pauses her task. Cari’s eyes widen when, even though I’m stunned from my fall, my cock throbs in her hand. Cari gasps when my erection jerks, causing her hand to move further up and down my shaft. Unblinking, she gets lost in the moment and mindlessly strokes it. Carie’s smile grows as she feels me grow thicker.

“Mmmm, nice,” Cari coos.

Kelly clears her throat, shaking her head in disbelief. Cari flinches and glances up at her.

“Quit playing with his dick and escort bayan pull up his pants,” Kelly barks with a small laugh.

“Sorry, He’s just…, I didn’t mean…, he’s so…”

“He’s a fucking horndog; I’ve seen him get hard when unconscious. A little bump on the head ain’t gonna stop him. Now stuff that in his pants and get up here and hold him.”

Cari feels my cock throb one last time before pushing it inside my sweats and pulling up the waistband. She stands and holds me up while Kelly pulls out the center chair. I feel shaky and unsteady as the two women help me sit down. Kelly tells Cari to sit, picks up the pizza, sets it on the counter, and then locks the kitchen door. Cari appears stunned as she picks up my sweatshirt from the chair and lays it on the table. She slowly sits where I had been sitting earlier. Facing me across the corner of the table, Cari stares blankly at her upraised hand covered with my cum.

Kelly sees me clutching my forehead. She quickly grabs a clean towel, zip-lock baggy, and then opens the fridge. My friend fills the bag with ice, zips it shut, and wraps it in the towel. She lifts my hand, and her fingertips tenderly feel the small bump below my widow’s peak. Kelly gently places the makeshift ice pack against my forehead, puts my hand on it, and tells me to hold it. Fuck, it’s a big bag of ice; she must have grabbed a gallon-size.

Kelly remains at my side, her hand gently rubbing my back, and her big brown eyes are wide and concerned. Her fingers glide along the skin between my shoulder blades, and electricity tingles through my spine as they slide up my neck. Her fingertips thread through my thick hair and move along my scalp as she softly caresses the back of my head. She still doesn’t bother to cover herself.

“Are you okay?”

I turn my head towards her, and her right breast is inches from my face. Her nipples are no longer hard and have almost disappeared into her areola. Looking past Kelly’s breasts, I see Cari’s eyes fill with concern.

“Yeah,” I say with a bit of disgust. “It’s just a little bump on the head; thanks for saving my face. I’ll be fine. What a clumsy, dorky move,” I say with a little laugh.

“It looked like a Steve Martin bit, except your dick was hanging out. You’ll never see that on Saturday Night Live,” Cari laughs.

I think it’s funny and laugh softly. Kelly does not. Her wrath can be swift and harsh. Her eyes flare as she glares angrily at Cari. Cari’s smile fades, and she looks down at the floor.

“Who the hell are you, and how long were you watching us?”

Cari looks up at Kelly but doesn’t speak.

— Pop Song 89 —

Kelly glares at Cari with her fists on her hips, and Cari looks like a deer about to be hit by a Mack truck. I intercede by placing my hand on Kelly’s arm.

“Kelly, this is Cari. Cari, meet Kelly, one of my two best friends.”

Kelly glowers at Cari.

“Kelbell,” I say softly, trying to de-escalate the situation. “Cari is John’s little sister, and we’ve known each other since we were tiny tots. She’s a freshman this year..”

Kelly continues to run her fingers through the hair on the back of my head, softly caressing me; I can feel her relax and her anger lessen.

Cari lifted her green eyes to Kelly. Her expression reminded me of the look she had when she broke a window when she was twelve.

“I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have spied on you. But I couldn’t help it; it was so hot watching you…” Cari said apologetically.

“How long?” Kelly’s voice is tempered.

Kelly seems calmer and even a little excited.

“Um, well…,” Cari’s voice stumbles.

“Come on, spit it out. There are no secrets between friends.”

“Well…, when I got here, you had your top off, and Will’s hands were on your tits. Of course, I didn’t realize it was Will at the time. You looked like you were really getting off on what he was doing. That was so hot. Then it looked like he made you cum; just playing with your tits. He made you cum, didn’t he?”

I knew I heard something earlier. It was Cari, I heard on the stairs.

Cari’s apology ends as she becomes excited. Cari can’t contain herself and questions Kelly, who seems pissed, but also surprised and excited. I know she has a fantasy about being watched when having sex.

“Jesus! That was a long time.”

“I know. Again, I’m sorry. But when I arrived, you were so getting into what he was doing that I couldn’t help but watch. I got so turned on watching him play with your lovely breasts. And then you came… I’m right; he did make you cum? Right?”

Kelly doesn’t immediately answer, and I feel her hand grip my hair. Her lips turn up, and her eyes reflect a demure expression, almost shyness.

“Yes, he did,” Kelly says in a throaty whisper. There was no anger in her response.

“I knew it! That was so fucking amazing I almost dropped the pizza. I didn’t know I was watching Will; I was watching his hands on your body, not his face. All I could think about bayan escort was that I wished I knew a guy as skilled with his hands. I got so turned on watching you react to his touch. I stifled more than one moan. But after your orgasm, you guys stopped and started talking. So I collected myself and was about to knock when you reached into his pants and started stroking him. You guys got me so turned on I had to see what you would do next. I hoped you pull out his cock and fuck him. But what you did was even better. I’m not sure what you’d call it. Not a blowjob… but it was amazing to watch. He was so hard. I was so surprised you only used your tongue, and more amazing, how hard you made him cum. I creamed my panties when he exploded into your face.”

Cari breathes rapidly, and a flush rises on her neck.

“But now, knowing it was Will… Fuck, that thing you did to him. That was amazing.”

Cari takes a quick breath and glances at me.

“Seeing Will again after so long brings up some old memories. I had a crush on him when I was younger and always wondered what he was packing. Well, when I was old enough to think about those things, anyway. When he’d come over to swim at our pool, I’d steal glances and wonder how he looked naked. He was the object of many of my teenage fantasies. But that was long ago, and things changed. John never told me he had a girlfriend.”

Cari’s frank description of what she witnessed surprises Kelly but not me. I haven’t spoken with her in years, so her explicitness is new, but not her motor mouth. Cari’s been like this almost since she said her first words. John used to call her diarrhea mouth when she got like this. She wouldn’t or couldn’t stop talking, even if it got her in trouble.

My surprise came with the last part: Her admission of how she once felt about me.

After a long pause, Kelly responds in typical Kelly fashion.

“Well, Cari, you just fondled his cock when you stuffed him back into his pants, and you saw him naked, so you can cross that off your bucket list. I can’t believe you stood out there the whole time spying on us. I hope the pizza isn’t cold.”

“Oh, no, those bags are amazing. It’ll still be hot. And I’m sorry, please don’t narc on me. Watching you was so erotic; I couldn’t help myself. I think I came in my panties just watching you. I haven’t had sex in weeks, except giving my boss blowjobs. Oh, and your neighbor lady was watching, too. That was hot; I’m pretty sure she was masturbating.”

Kelly stares at Cari and shakes her head. She turns and looks out the kitchen window at the neighbor’s apartment. There are only about four feet between the windows. No one is there, so she turns back to us and remains silent for a moment. I don’t know what to say and do the same. My head feels better, and I’m not as woozy. Kelly’s caress feels good; I want to feel that all night.

I’ve known Cari most of her life, but she’s been such a bitch in the last few years we hardly talk. When she was little, she was an annoying pain in the ass. When she got older and filled out, I didn’t mind her hanging around. In the summer, it was even better. Her bikinis always had trouble containing her growing curves. I secretly lusted after her, and I had my own difficulty containing the erections she caused.

But in high school, she fell in with a click of girls and acted like John and I were lepers. Like Cari, the girls were cute and popular, but they were stuck-up bitches. She and her friends would be polite but distant when I was at her house. In public, it was like I didn’t exist or, worse, suffered their humiliating wrath. Since then, I thought Cari was an unapproachable bitch, and didn’t like me or so I thought. She’d hardly spoken to me in years, but now she says she had a crush on me, fantasized about me, and had been ogling me for years. Now, Cari sits here in Kelly’s kitchen. She watched as Kelly made me cum and played with my dick briefly. Fuck, this is too weird. Why is she even here? Kelly interrupts my internal dialog.

“Crap, there’s a lot to unpack there. So you stood at my door for what? Fifteen minutes or more? Watching me and Will fool around?”

Kelly laughs, takes a drink, leans over the table, reaches for my pack of Marlboro’s, and lights up a cigarette. Cari’s and my eyes follow Kelly’s tits as she leans over between us. Kelly rarely smokes, but with all that has happened, it’s surprising this is the first one lit up tonight. I also light one up.

“And he’s not my boyfriend, well…, maybe…,” Kelly looks at me with a sweet smile. “We were just discussing that, I guess.” Kelly shifts her look to Cari and laughs. “Before we were so rudely interrupted!”

“I’m really, really sorry. I should’ve knocked when I first got here. I’ll comp the pizza. Just don’t tell my boss. Please. He lets me slide a lot, but this is different.”

— Who We Are —

Kelly shakes her head and smiles. I consider saying something about her putting her shirt back on or covering her clit, at least. But Kelly speaks first.

“Hmmm, well, part of me is pissed you spied on us. But another part is glad you didn’t interrupt. It’s kind of sexy being watched. You sound like you enjoy the show. Did you play with yourself and get off?”

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