The Scent

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**This story comes from a reader suggestion. Thanks for the inspiration and I hope I did your fantasy some semblance of justice!**

The Scent

“Hey, you doing anything tonight? It’s been a real bitch of a week and I wanna do something fun” I texted my friend Heather as I walked toward the parking garage.

I plodded along, dragging my feet and feeling miserable about my day. It had just been one of those weeks where nothing seemed to go right. I had made simple mistake after simple mistake and stuck my foot in my mouth a half dozen times in meetings. It was completely unlike me and it had definitely rattled my confidence. I just needed a night of fun with a friend to get my mind off of it.

As I got to my car, my phone chirped in my purse. I climbed into the driver’s seat and started digging for my phone, rooting around through the myriad of chapstick, makeup, loose change, and all the other random nonsense I’d collected over the months. I’ve got to clean this out, It’s getting to hoarder levels in here, I thought to myself as I finally saw my phone’s screen glow.

“I am so down for going out. Sorry about your shitty week. We can definitely throw down tonight to get you outa your funk!” Heather replied.

I knew I could count on her. Heather was a total party girl, despite having just turned 30; not that anyone would ever guess she was 30 with her youthful looks and petite frame; damn her and her attractiveness.

“Sounds great, where do you wanna go? I’m up for anything as long as it’s not my apartment.” I typed back quickly before sputtering to life my junky old car and heading towards home.

As I sat in the usual traffic leaving the city I daydreamed about a night on the town with Heather, drinks flowing, lots of laughs, maybe even rebuff the not so subtle advances of a few hot guys. I couldn’t wait. The week was over, that week from hell was behind me, and dammit I was gonna look cute as hell and get a little tipsy to start the weekend off right.

I pulled into my apartment complex and headed towards my unit. As I came in the door, I went through my normal routine, dropping my keys and purse on the table, kicking off my shoes by the door, pulling my frozen meal of choice from the freezer to defrost, and heading to my bedroom to throw on some sweatpants and a tank top. After getting comfortable, I fished my phone from my purse and crashed onto the couch to see if Heather had replied.

“You in the mood for beer, mixed drinks, wine? I’m kind of in a vodka sorta mood but I could totally be down for some wine too.”

“I’m game for mixed drinks and shots, let’s go nuts.” I replied.

“Haha damn girl, what happened to you this week? Shots?! Sounds good to me, let’s rewind it back to our college years! How bout we go to Eastside? They’ve got a good liquor selection and the bartenders can probably make some good shots.”

“Sounds good to me! Meet there at 8?” I asked.

“If we start at 8 you better not bail on me at 11 like usual! Put your big girl panties on, get yourself lookin hot, and let’s close it down!”

“I’ll have coffee before I come then. Maybe 2 cups.”

“Make it 3 so there’s no chance at all. And so god help me I will hit you if you fall asleep in another bar.”

“Totally fair. See ya at 8!”

I glanced at the clock on my phone, 5:45, plenty of time to get ready. I rolled lazily off the couch and walked into my bedroom to figure out what I was going to wear. It was that tricky time of year where it was warm at 6 but after the sun went down it was chilly out. Do I go for a dress and end up with my legs freezing at the end of the night or do I plan for the cold and not look as cute? By the time my legs get cold I’ll have a good booze blanket to keep me warm. I thought as I grabbed a bunch of dresses from my closet and tossed them on my bed.

I don’t know why I went through the exercise of looking at every dress I own to figure out my cutest look, every girl has their go to dress when they want to feel and look good, and I was no different. Finally, I pulled from the stack the baby blue dress and set it aside while I put the rest back into my closet. I grabbed my white strappy heels and set them by the bed, then started rummaging through my dresser for a bra and underwear. I finally found what I was after, shoved into the back of the drawer, untouched for months, I pulled out a lacey light blue push-up bra, and a matching thong. The whole ensemble of light blue and white was my favorite outfit; it could look cute and innocent if I paired it right, or it could look sexy and sleek with the right hair and accessories.

I stared at the whole thing trying to figure out what was missing, it had everything I needed to feel great going out, but there was something about it that felt like it needed something else. I shrugged and went to shower, figuring if it was important it would hit me later on when I was getting dressed.

I showered, taking my time enjoying the hot water cascading over my body, shaved my legs, even above the knee escort bayan which had been a while, shaved my underarms, and then on a whim, decided I’d shave my pussy too. I stepped out of the shower and started putting lotion all over myself, taking in how nice it felt to be clean shaven and making a note that I should do it more often. I felt great and was ready for the night out.

I dried my long brunette hair and put a slight curl in it so it had a sexy little wave going. I picked through my jewelry and settled on a long necklace that hung low between my cleavage, and a pair of small white earrings. I set the jewelry aside to put on after getting dressed. I tossed my towel over the towel bar and walked back into the bedroom.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, shit, I still had an hour and 15 minutes until I had to leave. I was going to be ready way early. I stood there naked staring at my outfit laid out on the bed trying to decide whether I should get ready yet or not. I thought about masturbating, that would be a good way to kill some time, but I decided I’d wait until I got home later that night. I always went a little crazy when I masturbated drunk and I looked forward to getting out all of my toys and ravaging both of my holes.

To kill a little time, I decided I’d get everything set up for later so it was ready when I got home. I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out the plastic bag tucked towards the back. I dumped the contents on my bed and proceeded to set on my nightstand, my vibrator, a bottle of lube, 2 different sized butt plugs, and a skinny flesh colored dildo.

I stood staring at the array, this was a part of me I hadn’t completely come to grips with yet, and I certainly hadn’t shared with anyone. I loved anal play, there was no getting around it, but it still felt wrong to a part of me. Either way, I knew what got me going and in the privacy of my own bedroom, I was willing to experiment by myself.

Satisfied that everything was ready for later that night, I decided to get ready and arrive at the bar early. One drink by myself might actually be nice before the onslaught of nonstop energy that was Heather arrived. I put on my bra and thong, taking myself in in the full length mirror on the back of my bedroom door. I wasn’t half bad, I was no Heather, but hey, who was? My B cup breasts looked great in the push-up bra, all the working out I’d been doing had paid off and my flat stomach looked great, Hell, even my hips seemed sexy and feminine tonight. I posed a few times in the mirror smiling and feeling proud that I hadn’t let myself go like many people had once leaving college. I finally put my dress on, wriggling my body into the form fitting top while the bottom danced and flowed around my legs just above my knee.

I threw on my heels, went and put on the jewelry I had laid out, and came back to give myself a once over in the mirror before I called an Uber. I looked good, damn good, but it felt…off. Even though I looked sexy, it just didn’t quite have the edge I wanted tonight. Finally I figured out what it was, the jewelry made it all look too classy. I didn’t want classy, that’s not how I felt, hell, I was going to come home and fuck myself until the early morning, that’s not exactly the epitome of “classy.” I smiled a devilish smile in the mirror, tossed both the necklace and earrings back into my jewelry box and pulled out a thin white ribbon choker that I’d only worn a few times. I put it on and then went back to the mirror. That’s much better, I thought, looking myself up and down, just a little edgy, not so innocent now.

I called my Uber and headed towards the front door to wait. Shit! I knew I was ready way too early! I thought as I noticed my frozen dinner sitting on the counter. Fuck, and I forgot coffee! I glanced at my phone, my ride was only 2 minutes away. I reluctantly tossed the box back in the freezer and resigned myself to paying for food at the bar. I would just have to suck it up without the coffee.

The ride to the bar was thankfully quiet, I wasn’t really in the mood to make small talk with a stranger for 15 minutes. When he finally pulled up to the bar, I thanked him and gave him a few extra bucks, basically for keeping quiet, and headed into the bar. The guy working the door asked for my ID and I gladly showed him with a smile on my face that said “betcha didn’t think I was 30 huh?” He nonchalantly waved me in, not batting an eye at my age. I found a couple seats at the bar and glanced at my phone to see how long I had until Heather arrived.

“Hey, hows it going? Are you eating or just doing drinks?” The bartender asked as he tossed a napkin in front of me and set a water on it.

“I’m going to be doing food but my friend probably won’t be. She won’t be here for another half hour though so you can wait on the water for her.” I said, admiring the bartender’s fit body and chiseled jawline.

“Sounds good. I’ll give you a minute to look over the menu.” He replied, sliding a menu across the bar to me. I admired his tight fitting jeans from nilüfer escort the corner of my eye as he walked away before opening the menu.

I settled on a burger and fries in an attempt to get something heavy enough to ward off the alcohol for at least a short time. The bartender finally wandered back my way and I placed my order along with a gin and tonic.

I sipped on my drink, quietly watching people having conversations and milling about around the bar; I watched the bartender work, filing away some key attributes that caught my fancy for my session later that night; but mostly I just enjoyed the noise around me drowning out my thoughts and letting me just unwind for a short while.

Before I knew it, I had finished my first drink and was on to my second. My food arrived shortly after and I dove in, hoping it wasn’t too late now that I’d pounded my first drink on an empty stomach.

I was finishing my fries when I heard the familiar voice of Heather calling, “Hey, hey, hey! Look at my hot ass date tonight! Never thought I’d see you sporting the choker look! Makes you look a little scandalous!” Heather laughed.

“Well, I guess that’s not completely off from what I was shooting for.” I replied somewhat sheepishly, realizing my look did not at all match my typically quiet and reserved demeanor.

“So we’re looking to get into some scandalous shit tonight huh?” she asked.

“No, not really, I just felt a little frisky I guess when I was getting dressed.” I confessed.

“Well you look damn good either way. Don’t get all bashful on me, you gotta own that look!”

“You look good too by the way. Not that there’s anything new about that.”

“Wadaya think? Like the new dress?” Heather asked, stepping back and striking a pose.

She was sickeningly beautiful. She could wear anything and it would look fantastic, but tonight she had a bright floral dress that hugged her every curve, a plunging back that told me she probably wasn’t wearing a bra, not that she needed one, the perky titted bitch, and single strap that hugged her shoulder. Even as a straight woman I had to admit she looked mouth wateringly hot, and I hated her for it.

“I love it! Certainly hugs all the right places!” I commented.

“You bet it does! Let’s just hope I can find some guy willing to hug all the right places.” She giggled.

“Don’t you go ditching me for some guy tonight. I said I’d stay out til 2 but that doesn’t mean I won’t leave at 10 if you’re off shmoozing with some guy.” I protested.

“I won’t, don’t worry. Only way I’m talking to a guy tonight is if there are 2 of them and one of them is all over you.” She reassured.

Heather ordered a drink and gave me wide eyes as the bartender walked away, “Well isn’t he just a big hunk of eye candy for the night.”

“Yup, not too bad.” I admitted.

“So tell me about this bitch of a week. What happened to get you to the point of doing shots? Speaking of which…” Heather said as the bartender returned with her drink, “Can we get 2 shots? Dealer’s choice, whatever tastes good and is easy for you to make.” she said smiling at him.

“Simple enough.” He said as he darted off to make us two shots.

“Little early to start on the shots don’t ya think?” I mentioned.

“Nah, we’ll just pace ourselves. So, your shitty week…”

I proceeded to tell Heather about all the mishaps I’d had throughout the week and how horrible I’d felt about it all. Heather, while being overwhelming at times, was my best friend because when it came down to it, she was always there for me. She listened intently, asking small questions along the way that told me she really cared about everything I was saying, and then, when I got it all out, comforted me and told me I was going to be fine. She always knew when to bitch with me, when to tell me it’d be fine, and when to tell me to suck it up. She had helped me get through some tough times in college and I always hoped I had helped her as much as she had helped me.

Once we got through my bitching session, the rest of the night became more lighthearted. We told old stories from college and daydreamed about what we would be doing if we’d made a few decisions differently.

“Do you remember Kevin that I dated just after senior year?” Heather asked.

“Why would I forget Kevin? He was the 10 of all 10’s and I’m still certain you need an IQ below 50 to have any sort of conversation with him. How you were with him as long as you were is still baffling to me.”

Heather laughed, “Oh c’mon! He wasn’t THAT dumb!”

I gave her a pleading look as I took a sip from my drink.

“Ok fine, he was dumb as a box of rocks. But if I ever find a guy as good in bed as him with even 10 more IQ points, I’ll be happy for life. I told you he pseudo proposed at one point didn’t I?”

“What?! No! You definitely didn’t. When was this?”

“Don’t call me a bitch ok? It was the day I dumped him.”

I laughed hysterically, “Woooow, was it all part of the same altıparmak escort conversation?” I managed to ask.

“Ehhhhh…kind of? He asked if I thought I could marry him, yes that’s how he phrased it, ‘do you think you could marry me’ not ‘will you,’ ‘could you.’ So we were discussing it -”

“Wait you actually thought about saying yes?!”

“Regretfully, yeah I kind of did. I was dumb ok! Anyway the more we talked the longer it had been since we’d had sex so his spell over me slowly wore off and I realized I was talking like I was speaking to a five year old and just had to end it.”

“Holy crap that’s amazing. I mean, sucks for him, but to be honest I doubt he was that broken up about it. He never seemed too attached to anyone in particular.”

“Oh he wasn’t at all, he was with someone new like a week later. Damn do I still miss him when I’m horny though.”

“Yeah yeah, well we all don’t get laid as much as you do so some of us have to suffer along alone without even the memories of a Kevin.”

“Haha I don’t know how you do it. If I didn’t get laid at least a few times a month I’d be squirming like crazy. Guess that’s what your toy bag is for huh?” Heather said flippantly.

I started, “Wha- excuse me?”

“Oh cmon it’s not a big deal. I found it the other day when I was over and you let me go grab a sweatshirt to wear.”

“It’s in a bag! You didn’t have to open it!” I protested, completely embarrassed.

“Sorry, I was curious! And I have to say, I’m more curious after looking than I was before!”

I was mortified. I buried my head in my hands, “Oh my god. Can we never talk about this again?”

“Oh honey, if you don’t think a guy would be on cloud nine to find out what you’re into then you’re 100% kidding yourself.”

“Please stop talking. Please?” I pleaded.

“Ok fine, we don’t have to talk about it, but you’re not the only one that’s into that stuff.” Heather said turning back to her drink casually.

“Wait…what?” I said, pulling my head from my hands, “You mean you…”

“Nope not talking about it anymore remember?”

“Oh cmon you can’t do that!”

“Just did. So, next round of shots?” She asked innocently

“I’m ganna need a shot and something stronger than this gin and tonic.” I said as my stomach turned itself into a knot.

After the next round of shots and my drink I was feeling pretty good and the thought of my best friend finding all of my sex toys slowly faded from mind. We babbled back and forth about a myriad of topics, having an overall good time as the alcohol took effect on us both.

Heather and I were very different kinds of drunks; the more I drank, the more talkative I became, which was paired, oh so nicely, with another side effect, my lack of volume control. I would loosen up considerably, start talking about any number of subjects that would normally embarrass me, and then as an added bonus, be screaming them at the person just a few feet away. Heather, by comparison, still talked her normal amount, but would become extremely handsy. She would constantly be reaching out and touching the people she talked to, and her conversations would become more and more disjointed as her attention span flitted from topic to topic without warning.

Past friends had told us that when we both drank together we were a genre of entertainment unto ourselves. Watching me yell inappropriate things at Heather while she changed topics as quickly as a moth changes directions was apparently very entertaining.

Thankfully we hadn’t gotten quite to that point when the night took a turn I hadn’t been expecting.

“So, so there’s this guy ok, he’s pretty cute, and I think he likes me, but *hiccup* but I work with him. So, do I…what’s that saying? Dip it in ink or something?” Heather asked.

“Dip your pen in company ink?” I laughed, “But you don’t have a pen to dip! You ganna borrow his pen and dip it in your ink?”

“I don’t know! That’s what I’m *hiccup* I’m asking! Is that a bad idea? I mean, it could be good cuz we’d see each other all the time at work and we wouldn’t have to go out of our way to see one another all the time. Ooo Ooo! And we could carpool to work too! That’d be cute. He’d pick me up, I’d come out to the car carrying two cups of coffee, awwww that’d be so adorable! And *hiccup* and when I talk about work stuff he’d – What’s wrong?”

While Heather had been daydreaming about her life with a guy she wasn’t even sure liked her, someone had sat down in the barstool next to me. Normally that wouldn’t have been worth mentioning, hell, I hadn’t even seen him sit down since I was turned facing Heather, but before I even noticed him sitting there, I smelled him. A wave of the most intoxicating smell I’d ever come across washed over me. It wasn’t pungent by any means, but the slightest bit that caught my nose became more than just a smell. My heart clenched, my body flushed, and my kegel muscles tightened as I felt my pussy dampen. I couldn’t describe the smell even if I wanted to, it was simply masculine in a way that overtook all of my senses. Everything Heather was saying became garbled as I could focus on nothing but the smell. I stared at her, my eyes widening, hoping she smelled it too and it wasn’t just me that was being totally overwhelmed with every breath I took.

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