They Just Call Him Rain Ch. 02

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(If you haven’t read “Rain Ch 1” please do, this chapter will be so much better if you read it first!)

I also want to thank Demon for all the hard work, helping me to get this piece up to snuff! He deserves all of credit!


“The car is dealt with boss.”

“Very good, Stick, any issues with the boys at the yard?”

“No Boss, same as last time. I just left the cash in the glove box. I stuck around till they cashed it, just like you told me too.”

Stick was a tall man, thin, with greasy hair. His face was covered with deep pock scars and his eyes had the telltale yellow hew of a man with stage 4 kidney failure, the result of too many bad choices and years of drug and alcohol abuse. He was also a leading lieutenant in the Boss’s organization, the powerful man’s right-hand when it came to certain unpleasant things that needed to be done.

“What the fuck happened here Stick! My brother is laying here with his brains splattered all over the back of the bar! Jesus! Half his skulls missing! Last time we spoke was around 8pm. Said some hot little number had came in here with car trouble, was alone, with no money to speak of. Said her cell had no signal and was asking to use the phone. My brother Butch here behind the bar and my stupid cousin Leroy over there on the floor, decided to grab the bitch and have some fun with her down in the hole! I told these two idiots, if she was that fucking hot, to strip her down, hang her on a hook, but don’t touch! I can’t make any money off her if she’s all used up! Can’t charge premium coin unless that cunt was fresh!”

“I told Butch I’d line up some boys who’d pay damn good money for a few minutes with a bitch like that! Hell, I could have pimped her out for days before we’d had to kill her! But now, Butch and Leroy here are both dead, this mystery piece of ass is in the wind and we don’t know shit! Bob over at the gas station remembered some biker pulling in here around 10. Still don’t know if that’s important. He said he never saw anything and never heard a shot. Leroy may have been stupid, but he was tough as fuck! Whoever it was, took him out with their bare hands! His fucking skull is caved in and his arm’s broke!”

“This had to have been done by a pro!!! Bob had told him he was out back in his shop with the radio on, so he wasn’t even sure when this all went down. When he came back up front to get a soda, he noticed the bike was already gone from our lot, never hearing it leave. Bob said it was probably 11:00 because he was fixing to lock up and go home. Find those two fucks I had lined up to buy some time with that cunt! Find out what they know, even if you have to beat it out of them! If they had anything to do with this, kill them both! Castrate the fuckers first! Then kill them and feed them to the hogs!!”

“Ok, Boss,” Stick said

“But let’s be smart Stick and cover both ends of this. Send a few boys after this fucking mystery biker, he won’t be hard to find. Bob said he was a big fucker, rolling on a sweet knuckle head. A dude that tall sticks out and a bike that sweet won’t be hard to track down either! Bob said the guy probably headed west, so start there!

“Whatever you say Boss but what about the cops? Do we call them about this?”

“Not yet, we need to move the cash and don’t forget the ten kilos of coke we still have stashed out back. Take it to my place along with the cash and then we’ll torch this shit hole. I’ve been wanting to do it for years and the only reason I haven’t yet, is ’cause I needed somewhere for my stupid brother to work where he wasn’t in my way. Cops will find the body’s in the rubble sure, but not much else. The investigation won’t go far. Butch was a dumb son of a bitch, but he was still my brother! Nobody can come in my place and do something like this and get away with it!! If word gets out that I can’t handle things in my own house, the competition will start getting ideas!!”

“Who’s to say this wasn’t a hit, Boss?”

“Hell, I don’t know Stick. Nobody around here is stupid enough to pull this kind of shit. Something just doesn’t feel right about all this. Sure, that biker that Bob talked about has me puzzled. He could be part of this, the bitch too for that matter. Yea it could have been a setup, a distraction maybe, so they could kill Butch and Leroy and steal my coke! Problem is Stick, the coke is still here! Right where I stashed it, so is the cash! No one knows what the hell happened here but I intend to find out, so get moving!”

“Yes Boss! I’m on it!”

The tall powerful man walked out on the porch of the bar and lit a cigarette. As the match flashed, it cast a glow on the stern expression and cold eyes of the evil man. Shamus Carter, drug dealer, murderer, pimp and the big brother of the man who had his brains splattered all over the bar. Even Shamus had had to swallow hard to keep from retching when he first saw his baby brother. Whoever did this was going to pay. They would pay dearly. He would see to it personally.


Rain had been running the old knucklehead hard for hours. He was more ByCasino than just tired. Hell, he was exhausted. He had a good 500 miles behind him before he had even stopped in at that damn bar. Then there was the shitstorm afterwards. Not to mention Belle. Good God! The woman was a Titan. Three earth shattering fucks that almost drained the life out of him. That was several hours and many miles ago. The sweet woman was now asleep behind him. She had figured out that if he could scoot back and press her into the sissy bar, she could warp her legs around his waist, fall asleep and not worry about falling off.

Rain knew she was sleeping, she’d been stroking and discovering his flesh under his heavy jacket for miles till she had finally, slowly stopped. He had to laugh. The petite woman had fallen asleep with her delicate hands stuck down the front of his Levi’s. Her fingers firmly wrapped around his cock. It was torture! But Rain knew it was just her sweet hunger for him, spinning lustful thoughts in her dreams as she slept. She was delightful.

He had to find them somewhere safe to rest, get some fuel and eat. They had put a reasonable distance by now and he figured it was finally safe to stop. He saw an exit coming up and steered towards it. They were just outside Oklahoma City on HWY 40. The sun was up and warming his bones. There was a Walmart, a Denney’s and a good clean hotel.

“Just what the doctor ordered.” he thought.

As he slowed, he felt Belle stir.

“Good morning Lover.” She purred in his ear, as she gave his semi stiff cock one playful squeeze, before pulling her hands out of his jeans. She kept her legs and arms warped around him tightly as he hit the exit and slowed for the stop sign.

“What first Belle? Walmart or something to eat?”

“Oh, Walmart? Please, I need some clothes and some toiletries. God! I also need a new comb and I’m begging for a tooth brush!” She laughed.

“No problem, I got you covered Belle.”

“Rain,” she sighed. “I have a little money. You don’t have to do this.”

“Aw, hell Babe, I’m glad to do it. Money won’t be no problem. I got plenty.”

“Well if you say so. I’ll pay you back Lover, promise!” She said, as she snuggled and gave a gentle squeeze to his crotch.

“Oh! Now you hold on girl. That’s only if you want me. No trading flesh with me girl. You take me only if you want me!”

“Rain, I know babe!! I was just teasing.”

“Ok Belle, just remember, you never owe me for anything.”

“Ok lover. But truth is, I’m tempted to stick around as long as you’ll let me.”

As she said that, Rain found a spot to park and shut down the bike and stepped off. Stretching, he turned to the woman.

“Belle, you don’t know me, you don’t have a clue where I’m headed. Hell, I’m not sure where I’m headed at this point!”

“Well, I know enough Rian. You’re the bravest, kindest, sweetest, sexiest man EVER! You heard me scream, you knew someone was in trouble and you could have handled that business back at the bar a whole lot differently. But you chose to get involved when other men would have had their way with me, then left me. But you didn’t. Then the love you made to me on the bike! Oh My God Rain! That was something an evil man would be incapable of!! Only a man with love in his heart can take a woman like that. As to where you’re going, I don’t care!”

“I lost everything when I lost my job a month ago, I lost it because I wouldn’t fuck my boss to keep it! Then I got evicted from my apartment a few days ago. I used what little money I had left to rent that stupid car to try and make it to my aunt’s house before I was totally broke. She didn’t want me! But I’m family and she really had no choice but to take me in. My folks kicked me out years ago, back when I was only sixteen! For something I didn’t even fucking do! They found drugs stashed in my room! They weren’t even mine! They belonged to my slut of a big sister. I told them they weren’t mine, but they didn’t want to believe their oldest, the popular cheerleader, head of the glee club daughter, was really a drug dealing skank! So, they kicked me out! Hell, I’ve never touched the stuff in my life Rain! I swear, I still haven’t! I’ve never hooked, dealt drugs, or stole anything to get by. I’ve worked my ass off for everything I got! I’ve been on my own ever since! I haven’t spoken to my parents in years. So, you see Rain, I just ran into an angel when you saved me.” She smiled.

“Nobody has ever put their ass on the line for me. You didn’t even know who I was or what I looked like when you decided to help. You just knew some poor woman was in trouble.”

“Well Belle, that feeling goes both ways.” He smiled, putting his arm around her as they headed into the store.

Rain bought a good solid duffle bag that he could tie to the back of the sissy bar for Belle’s new stuff and told her to buy whatever she needed, till the bag was full. That’s all the room they had. She giggled like a school girl, trying on panties and cute little numbers that drove him nuts when she would sneak out of the dressing room and By Casino let him have a peek. She was an absolute joy. He could love this woman one day, oh how he knew he could. But could a precious creature like Belle, ever love him?

After loading Belle’s new gear on the bike, they took off again. Rain was pleased at how Belle filled out her new jeans and pretty top. He made sure she bought plenty of outfits, even though she protested at the cost, but she finally gave in. Rain was ecstatic to learn of a Harley shop nearby, so after they got done eating, he figured he’d surprise her with some solid leather to go with her new wardrobe.

Belle was in tears when he had her fitted out with new boots, chaps and a nice heavy leather Jacket. All with a flattering feminine cut to them. She was stunning! She spun around for his inspection, her long hair flowing, her eyes bright and smiling. He was stunned at how beautiful she truly was.

“Baby Belle, you are totally rocking your new look sweetie.” Rain said.

“You think so?” She asked, looking at the sales girl for approval.

“Oh honey, you’re making me so jealous of that figure. I’m hating you right now.” She said laughing, warmly hugging Belle.

The two women chatted away happily at the new choices she had made, two instant Bff’s.

Rain reached the hotel, they were both exhausted. They showered together, enjoying the soothing hot water. Washing the stress and the miles from their bodies. Both so satisfied from earlier, they just gently washed each other and blissfully went to bed. Rain slept like a log and it was hours before he woke. Upon waking up, he noticed it was starting to get dark outside and Belle wasn’t there but there was a note on the pillow that said she had gone to get food and would return shortly. Rain took the time to pull the new barrel for his sig out of his bag sitting next to the bed on the floor. Grabbing the sig off the night stand, breaking it down in seconds and switching the barrels out. Reloading the fine weapon, then placing it back down within easy reach. His practiced movements taking no time to complete the process.

He decided to take a quick shower to freshen up and clear the cobwebs before Belle returned. He was hungry and was looking forward to whatever she showed up with. He was out of the shower and laying on the bed in a towel when Belle got back. She walked in, placing the bags of food on the table and dropping her jacket across a chair.

“Hey you, thanks for going out for some grub.” Rain said.

“Oh, look at you! All sexy in your skimpy towel and ripped abs. Man alive, you sure are a yummy bastard.” She smiled as she slowly climbed up onto the foot of the bed, all cat like, sexy and oh how hungry.

“The food will get cold baby.” Rain said, as he watched the sexy woman climb into the bed.

“Nope, this won’t take long.” She said, with a sly smile, as she slowly pulled his towel away.

His thick cock twitching as she lightly stroked it, staring into his eyes. A burning fire inside her as she spoke,

“I want this Rain, I want to taste you, and I don’t feel like I owe you shit. I want you, oh how I want you.” She said, as she slowly placed her mouth over his growing cock. Feeling it stiffen and then grow in her mouth. She rolled her tongue along its base. Gently rubbing the swollen head of it on the roof of her mouth, as she slid it deeper in and then back out of her warm mouth.

Rain felt her tighten her throat as she took all of him, swallowing him whole. Taking him down to the root, as he felt the head of his cock stimulated by the soft texture of the back of her throat. It was mesmerizing to watch as she took him completely on every blissful stroke.

She started flicking her tongue out onto his balls each time she was near them.

“OH God, Belle! That feels fantastic.” She pulled him out, slurping up the small drop of precum off his now swollen head, as she took a moment to breathe.

“Oh Rain, I love your cock! It’s so velvety smooth and hard. I love it!” She said, as she devoured him once more. Driving him deep and sucking him, milking him. Begging for his seed. She went faster and faster as his hips began to thrust. Sucking harder down on his cock to take all of him. She began a low humming noise, she was purring. Oh God it was insane what the gentle vibrations in her throat were doing to him, as he fought to hold his release.

“Oh Belle, you’re driving me crazy!” She popped him out of her lovely mouth ever so briefly to grab a breath. Smiled at him with her sexy eyes, looking straight into his, as she drove down on him like a wild woman. Rolling her tongue faster as her strokes quickened and traveled deeper down on him as she purred.

“Oh Belle, baby I’m going to cum!!!” She looked up at him with fire in her eyes as she drove down on his cock, never slowing as his balls tightened, warning him he was close.

Then with one final thrust of his hips he came!

“AAAAH! OH Belle!!”

His release of hot cum splashing on the back of her throat as she hungrily devoured him, swallowing By Casino Giriş every drop, licking him clean. Cooing and purring with satisfaction as she slowly withdrew him from her mouth. Sucking and slowly running her tongue down his shaft. Releasing him from her mouth with a satisfied smile as she climbed up on top of him, kissing him deeply.

“Oh lover, you taste divine.” she said as she smiled.

“Belle, that was incredible!” Rain said.

“You’re welcome Babe. I got my appetizer!” She smiled. “After dinner, you can have me for dessert!”

“Oh Belle, you’re so damn lovely.” Rain said, as he took her in his arms kissing her.

As Belle and Rain happily ate their dinner while checking the weather for the following day, a large black ford F250 with Tennessee plates, pulled in the motel parking lot. The driver stopping for several minutes to scope out the fine old Knucklehead parked under the large awning near the main entrance to the lobby.

“Well, you think that’s it?” a man named Jack asked, sitting in the passenger’s seat.

“How many tricked out 1940 Harley EL’s you think there are Jack?” said the driver. “It has to be! Look at the modified forward controls and the huge ape hanger handle bars. You’d have to be at least six foot five or better just to be able to drive that monster. Oh, we’ve found him all right!”

“Do we call Shamus?” Jack asked the driver.

“Hell no! If we spook this guy, we’ll lose him. I want that bike. If that bitch is with him. I’ll have her too before we even think about giving her back to Shamus.”

“Wait one damn minute! If this guy is the one who took out Butch and Leroy, this man is not somebody you want to fuck with!” Jack said, clearly not onboard with the new plan.

“No worries Jack, we’ll wait and take them after they leave the hotel, once they’re alone, out on a lonely piece of road. We’ll kill this fucker, jack his sweet ride and fuck his girl. Sound good?” Said the tough looking man in the driver’s seat. The man’s name was “Big D” One of Shamus’s top enforcers.

“Look D, if this is your play, you’re on your own. I’m cool with killing this fucker, but not until we find out what he knows. Shamus wants some fucking answers and as for that hot little cunt he’s with, she is strictly hands off D. Shamus has plans for her, you know that!! You piss Shamus off and I’m not going to cover for you! You pull a stunt like this; I’m staying in the truck!”

“Fuck you, Jack! Fucking Pussy!”

“Yea, maybe I am D! But I’ll be a live Pussy. The last motherfucker who didn’t follow orders ended up in a wood chipper!! Don’t forget that!”


Belle ate her fill of all the wonderful food she had brought, then told Rain she wanted to take a shower before bed. Rain decided to go down and check his bike over before the long ride the following day, just in case. He stepped off the elevator and headed for the lobby. He reached the front desk and looked out the big picture windows just as a black ford F250 sitting next to his bike, slowly pulled off. Rain taking note of the Tennessee tag as he saw the truck turn and head to the back of the lot.

Then watched as the driver picked a secluded parking spot, one that was away from under the lights and backed in, giving whoever was in the cab, a good view of the front door as well as Rain’s bike. Then there was a flash, as someone in the passenger seat lit a smoke.

‘Well there are at least two of them.’ he thought. Rain was always the careful one, always watchful. When he had come down, he had seen the truck and didn’t walk outside.

Instead, he had turned and headed to the snack bar. Acting like any other guest might have, on the off chance either occupant of the truck had been watching. The lobby was low lit and the smoked glass windows on the front of the building would have helped out too, so there was more than a good chance the two in the pickup hadn’t seen him. He would let them settle down and get sleepy, then he’d slip out the back and get behind them, so he could deal with them a bit later. For now, Belle was waiting and he knew these two pud knockers wouldn’t be going anywhere for a while. When he got back to the room, Belle was just getting out of the shower wearing a cute little lacey number that just made him smile.

“Babe you look amazing.” Rain said smiling at the lovely woman.

“Oh lover, you like?” She asked as she slowly turned, letting him drink in the lovely view.

“Oh yes. You’re breathtaking” he said as he stepped into her, kissing her deeply and open. Their tongues exploring and tasting each other. A deep lovers kiss, gentle but with urgent passion and meaning. The type of kiss only shared between two who are truly meant to be so close.

They parted as Rain gently held her at arm’s length, drinking in the beauty of her. The lacey outfit soft and inviting as its silky-smooth lines hugged her curves and complemented all her delightful features. The silky white panties hugging her hips as the short belly length top slid just off the shoulder to expose her erect nipples. She was absolutely irresistible and ever so lovely. The shear lacey material soft and slick under his touch as he held her, taking his thumb and brushing it over her nipple as he felt, as much as heard her shudder then sigh with pleasure at his touch.

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