Under the Panties

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Chapter 1

I used to explain everything to them.

It sounds ridiculous, when I put it like that. But it’s true – before I made any changes, before I even started exploring their minds, I’d freeze everything, walk up to them, and explain exactly what I was going to do with them.

Using…well, words. Ridiculous, right?

Nowadays, it’s much simpler. I walk up to them, and with a single touch, they *know*. They know exactly who I am, what I can do, what I’m capable of changing, and exactly what I’m going to do to them.

It takes far less time, but it sometimes feels like I’ve lost something in the process.

When I first saw Sophie, I knew precisely what her path was going to be. And so when I walked up and touched her forehead, I showed her. What she was going to do, what her life was going to become…and then I offered the wish.

One wish before, one wish after. That’s how I’ve always done it, and that’s how I’ll always do it. It just feels fair to me – like they have a fighting chance. And I stay true to my word, too. Some day, maybe I’ll find someone who words the wish perfectly, who makes a request so watertight that there’s nothing I can do, forcing me to move on, find someone else’s life to ruin.

Not Sophie, however.


I first saw Sophie outside the school. By chance, hard as it is to believe. I don’t really spend a lot of time outside schools – I prefer my women fuller, older, more experienced. But I was walking past when I noticed her. Long red hair, full breasts – if it wasn’t for the uniform, I would have thought she was a teacher.

And so I walked right up to her – no one around me noticed, but I didn’t change Sophie. Not yet. She didn’t look panicked, which was good – I suppose she thought a man of my age couldn’t pose a threat. I touched her on the forehead, and she *knew*.

“So what is it?” I asked, unable to stop myself from being aroused by the look of panic in her eyes. “What’s the wish?”

“Nothing under the panties,” she mumbled. “I don’t take them off, and we never go under.”

That was a new one. Clever, too – if she’d said “no sex”, “no penetration,” or “no touching”…well, those are all common wishes, and I’d worked out the loopholes a long time ago. The panties?

I had to give her credit for being interesting.

“Of course,” I said, and in the time it took Sophie to blink, I was gone. At least, as far as Sophie was concerned I was.

At this point, I could go on my way and just meet up with her again in a few days, weeks, months…whenever I liked. There’s something undeniably erotic about hearing what happened from their point of view, but nothing beats experiencing it for myself. And so I followed her home that day – no one would be able to see me, of course, but I would have the best possible vantage point to see the havoc I’d wreaked in the young woman’s life.


It began as soon as her step-brother Eli got home. The two of them were there alone, and Sophie immediately began to follow the instructions I’d so firmly implanted into her mind.

“Hey bro,” she said with a smile. “How’s life?”

“Not bad,” he replied, eyeing her slightly suspiciously. A quick trip into his mind told me that they had been close up until a few years ago, when Sophie had decided it was ‘uncool’ to spend much time with her kid brother, and since then she’d started to keep some distance.

*Not any more,* I thought with a wicked chuckle.

“Come here,” she said suddenly, gesturing to herself.


“Come here! I want to give my little brother a hug.”

“Sure thing,” he said sarcastically, picking up his game controller again. “Go and hug yourself, weirdo.”

“I mean it,” she said. “I want a hug.”

“Well I want a million bucks.”

“Eli,” she said, her tone suddenly deadly serious. “Come and give me a hug, okay?”

Surprised by Sophie’s insistence, Eli turned to face her.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m *fine*,” she said earnestly. “I just need a hug. Please?”

Clearly worried for his sister, Eli put his controller down and crossed the room. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around his sister, and when she pulled his body against hers, reciprocated by tightening the hug.

They stood there for an uncomfortably long time. I was loving every second of it – the look of total fear on Sophie’s face, as she knew what she had to do next…the obvious confusion at the top of Eli’s mind. Finally, he broke the silence.

“What happened, Sophie?”

“Happened?” she said, pulling back and looking him straight in the eyes. “Nothing happened.”

Her arms were still on his shoulders, and his on her waist. I hadn’t made any changes to Eli, and I didn’t intend to – whatever happened next, I wanted to be entirely of his own volition. It’s just the way I do things – I try not to change people with offering them the wish.

It’s always so interesting seeing what people will do without my direct influence. Of course, I’ve been doing this for a while: I had zara escort a pretty good idea of how things were going to go, and Eli didn’t disappoint.

His eyes widened in shock when Sophie started leaning in, but he didn’t pull away. Her lips met his, and after a few stunned seconds, he began to kiss her back.

“Eli…” Sophie said in a soft moan, when she finally drew back. “Oh, god…”

“Oh, god!” Eli echoed. “What the hell, sis?”

I could read exactly what he was going through – his confusion had mixed with arousal and turned to panic. He slapped Sophie’s arms away from his body, and took a step back, staring at her in total shock.

“What the fuck was that??”

“Please,” his sister implored, “I just…I just want to please you.”

She couldn’t have chosen a more perplexing set of words if she’d been trying, and her follow-up only served to baffle Eli further.

“I won’t be happy unless I please you.”

“Sophie, you’re my sister!”

A sultry smile came across her face, as she calculated the most effective way to obey the orders I’d implanted. Reaching down, she began unbuttoning her school blouse, starting from the top.

“Don’t pretend you’ve never thought about it,” she said, her eyes flashing with wicked excitement. “I’m just one room away…don’t pretend you’ve never thought about me undressing…getting changed…showering.”

She was past her bra now, and Eli’s boggling eyes were unable to look away at the glimpse of her bust that had just become visible.

“Surely you know that I masturbate. Are you honestly saying that you’ve never thought about me, just feet away, playing with my self, running my hands all over my body, getting off…”

As she spoke, she continued to undo buttons, until the entire blouse was undone. Shrugging it off, she continued.

“I love you, Eli,” she said, and even without probing into her mind I could tell that she was being sincere. She really did love her brother, and that was what made everything so delicious to watch. “And I just want to please you. Please?”

Eli’s confusion hadn’t abated in the slightest, but as Sophie reached behind her and undid her bra, it was overtaken by lust. He knew what was happening was wrong, but he’d never so much as seen a naked woman before, and here was one stripping for him, begging to please him.

“Soph…” he said, in one final attempt to stop the inevitable.

“Mmmm?” she said, stepping towards him and putting her arms around his neck. Her face was just a few inches from his, but he wasn’t looking at it – all his attention were on Sophie’s exposed breasts, full and plump and topped by hard pink nipples.

“I can’t…” he said, but as Sophie moved one of his unresisting hands to her breast, it was obvious that even he didn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.

“Shhhh,” she said, and as he clumsily groped at her left tit, lifted his face up and slipped her tongue into his mouth.


That afternoon, they stopped at making out. Eli was far too shy to even consider making a move, and my orders put Sophie under no obligation to push things any further.

Not yet, anyway.

They made out for ten minutes, awkwardly standing in the middle of the living room, until finally Sophie pushed her brother onto the couch and jumped after him, unwillingly enjoying the feeling of his hands on her bare skin.

I hadn’t given her any orders to enjoy it, I should mention. Her instructions were simply to start stripping and offer her body up to her brother. Even the kiss wasn’t my idea – that came entirely from her.

But in my experience, once you start making out with a member of the opposite sex, it doesn’t matter who it’s with – your natural impulses kick in. And so Sophie, much to her horror, was actually enjoying making out with her brother.

They made out for close to an hour, the session broken up only to let Eli suck on the first pair of tits that he’d ever seen. I could see the struggle within him, but you don’t need to have been around as long as I have to know how easily boys can justify anything once sex is involved.

That night, Sophie slipped into her brother’s bed, shushing his surprised reaction.

“I thought this might be nice,” she said with a smile, and I could see a new struggle appear within Eli. On one hand, this was his first chance to jerk off since their encounter earlier that day. On the other hand, there was a smiling topless girl in his bed.

The correct choice soon became clear, and I could sense the young couple spooning as I slipped into Sophie’s abandoned bed to catch some shut-eye myself.

She was a smart lass, and so she’d set an alarm for early the next morning – as soon as she awoke, I did too, admiring the topless girl as she sneaked back into her own room and got dressed once more for school.

That afternoon, Eli was waiting for her when she got home.

“Soph, we need to talk…”

“Sure thing,” she said cheerfully, even as she began zeytinburnu escort to lower her skirt.

“No, no!” Eli said, holding out a hand in protest. “Please – leave that on. We need to talk about…yesterday.”

“Of course,” she said, sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to her. “What’s up?”

“I love you,” he started after taking a seat and letting out a huge sigh.

“I love you too,” Sophie beamed in response.

“…but we can’t make out. That’s incest, sis. It’s wrong!”

Sophie nodded thoughtfully, and Eli continued.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m super grateful, but…it’s got to stop. Okay?”

“For sure,” Sophie said, the edges of her mouth dropping slightly, and a panic rising in her brain that only I could see. “Can I just ask one question?”



Eli’s brow furrowed.


“Why is it wrong, and why do we have to stop?”

“Well…I mean…it’s…”

“After all,” Sophie said, with a smile that would warm the heart of any man, “it’s not like we’re having *sex*. That would be incest, and I agree – that’s something we can never do.”

*True,* I thought to myself. *Clever girl.*

“But I mean…making out? That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Me and my girlfriends make out all the time.”

Eli’s cock immediately began to grow, as I’m sure Sophie knew it would.

“And besides…didn’t you like it?”

“Of course I did,” Eli said immediately, the hint of sadness in Sophie’s voice hitting all the right buttons. “Believe me – I really, really did.”

“Then we agree,” Sophie grinned. “We won’t go any further than making out.”

Under the Panties

by Pan

Chapter 2

Sophie kept her top on that afternoon, through the whole hour of making out. Very strategic of her, I thought. She’d planted the seeds, now she just needed to avoid scaring her brother off. Keep things moving, but without going too fast.

To Eli’s credit, he didn’t even attempt to grab her tits through her shirt.

That night, when she sneaked into his bedroom again, she was wearing nothing but a pair of light blue panties, but she’d read her brother almost as well as I could. “It’s under the covers,” he told himself. “It doesn’t really count.”

The next morning, I was annoyed to be woken up half an hour earlier than I had been the previous day. But when I reached out to detect what was happening next door, I could immediately sense the reason for the early alarm.

Eli slept in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, and Sophie had decided to wake him up by simply running the tips of her fingers along his bare skin. When she joined him at night, there was no making out, no hanky-panky at all – it was just a brother and a sister spooning, and it was almost incidental that they were both mostly naked.

But as soon as Eli’s eyes opened that morning, they were met by the sight of his topless sister smiling at him.

“Morning bro,” she said with a grin. “Sleep well?”

Before he could reply at all, his mouth was covered by hers. As a kindness, I reached through the wall and prevented either of them from noticing each other’s morning breath – one could argue that it’s technically against the rules, but: a) there have been innumerable times that I wish my powers could affect myself for that exact reason, and b) I do, after all, *make* the rules.

Sophie’s hands resumed running all over her brother’s upper half, and after a few seconds of hesitation, Eli mirrored her actions. After a few minutes, she grabbed his hand and moved it to her breast.

“Yes,” she moaned, pulling away from the kiss. “Oh god, Eli, please…that feels so good…”

The resistance sparked up in Eli’s mind again, but this time for only the briefest of moments. Soon, he was enthusiastically tugging at his sister’s breasts. I almost winced at the unsubtle way that he was handling them, but Sophie was that delightful breed of woman who liked it rough, and I could sense her unwilling arousal returning.

The mostly-naked pair continued to make out until Sophie’s second alarm went off, and she again came running into her room before her parents could catch them in their incestous activities. She leaned against the wall, panting (she would normally have thrown herself onto her bed, I’d instructed her to avoid it as long as I was laying there) and shut her eyes, trying to clear her mind.

She may have been forced into a situation she wasn’t happy with, but Sophie was still human, and her hormones wouldn’t let her calm down. After a minute or two, an angry look came across her face, and she moved one hand down her panties (her wish only applied when her brother and her were physically together) and started playing with herself until she came.

Across the wall, I could tell that Eli was masturbating as well. I didn’t look into either of their minds to see what they was thinking. Everyone deserves *some* privacy, after all.

That, and nothing adds ereğli escort spice like a little bit of mystery.


That afternoon, as soon as she got home, Eli was all over Sophie. The stunned redhead didn’t even have to make a single move – no sooner had she walked through the door than she found her brother’s lips on hers. Ten minutes later, she was topless, and not long after that, her skirt had been removed as well.

He was kicking his pants off when, to my surprise, Sophie stopped him.

“Eli,” she said softly, looking into his eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

This almost directly opposed my orders, but a quick peek into Sophie’s thoughts and I was once more impressed by the young woman – she was playing the long game. Sophie knew that if he did something he regretted now, she was unlikely to progress any further with him (and just thinking about the ramifications of that chilled her to the bone). By asking the question, she knew one of two things would happen:

Either he’d say no, and things would slow down to a point that he was comfortable with, or he’d say yes, and gain ownership over what happened next. It was a genuinely brilliant move – I’ve altered many hundreds of people in my time, but few have been as interesting to watch as this young pair of siblings.

He hummed and haw’d for a few seconds, but finally nodded.

“I’m sure,” he said, and kicked off his pants.

Eli thought they were going to have sex that day. Even if I couldn’t read minds, I’d still have been sure of it. But for obvious reasons, Sophie had something else in mind – reaching down his pants, she grabbed her younger brother’s erection and smiled.

“Do you like that?” she asked, and he nodded earnestly.

“Good,” she said, and slowly began stroking it.

Although he’d already cum once that day, it was barely a minute before Eli found himself tensing up. Sophie pulled away from the kiss and began to whisper in her brother’s ear.

“Cum for me,” she said. “Please…that’s so hot…”

With a whimper, Eli fulfilled his sister’s request. Perhaps predicting the guilt that was likely to immediately follow, Sophie withdrew her hand immediately and began slowly licking Eli’s juices off it.

“Wow,” he said, too stunned to even feel bad. “Jesus, sis, you’re…”

“What?” she said with a grin, suddenly playful. “Last week you said I was a pest.”

“You are,” he said, returning her smile. “But sometimes you’re all right.”

Sophie leaned in to give him a kiss on the lips, before skipping away to the shower.

He lasted much longer that night, when she jerked him off into his boxers once again, immediately before the two of them snuggled up and went to sleep.



Eli woke up to an unusual sensation. His sister was under the covers, his boxers were nowhere to be found, and her mouth was wrapped around her cock.

The previous day’s activities had left Sophie aroused, confused and frustrated – frustrated because she couldn’t get off, not as long as Eli was in the room. She’d spent all night grinding up against him, and awoken even before her alarm. She’d considered slipping back into her room to masturbate again, but decided to instead fulfill a fantasy she’d long had – waking someone up with head.

The act was in line with my instructions, but that was almost irrelevant – she wasn’t used to being this turned on, and it was starting to affect her actions almost as much as my directions.

“Sophie!” Eli said in a frantic whisper, not sure quite how he was supposed to react. His sister showed no sign of slowing down, however, and so after the shortest struggle so far, he lay back and allowed her talented mouth to go to work.

Before long, her brother was pumping his seed into her mouth. She swallowed it down, and emerged from the bedsheets.

“Hi,” she said with a shy smile. I would have assumed that was another ploy to avoid scaring her brother off, but the shyness was genuine – I think taking her brother’s member into her mouth had finally confirmed that this was *real*, not just something she could wait out until her second wish.

“Hi,” he said back. There was an awkward pause between them. Sophie considered leaning in for a kiss, but after remembering where her mouth had just been, decided against it.

“You taste good,” she finally said, but without the confidence of the previous day, it didn’t come across as nearly as sexy.

“Thanks,” he replied, still smiling. Before either of them could say another word, Sophie left the room.

I decided to let her have the bed. Sitting at her desk, I watched as the girl ran into her room, threw herself onto the bed, and got off. Then she cried. And then she got off again.

That afternoon, she was clearly feeling a lot better. She’d spent most of the day deciding out what to do – firstly, whether to slow things down after the weirdness of that morning, and secondly…how to deal with how much she was enjoying making her brother cum.

By the time Eli got home, she still hadn’t made a decision. Fortunately, she didn’t have to – Eli had made the decision for her.

Her brother didn’t say a word as he came home. Just as he had the day before, he marched right up to her. Unlike the previous day, however, he didn’t start with a kiss.

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